Chapter 772: If you don't want to fall and die, then shut up!

Although Tang Xiaowei was still worried and afraid, he was still busy at the moment, so she didn't want to waste his time. So she could only say, "Alright then, you go ahead and do your work. I won't disturb you anymore."

She pressed the screen and the call ended.

After that, she didn't go upstairs. Instead, she sat in the living room downstairs, looking rather sickly.


Huangfu Qiye looked at the phone that had been hung up. Although he was a little reluctant, he still had things to do, so he put his phone away.

Then he looked at Mu Yisen opposite him and asked, "How is it? Have you contacted the two bodyguards and maids abroad?"

Mu Yisen shook his head and frowned. "I can't contact them. Something must have happened to them. I've told them before that no matter what time it is, their phones can not be turned off. They have to turn their phones on 24 hours a day to make it easier for me to contact them."

"So, your cousin did something to these two people. Then, she might have sneaked back to the country. I think she has something to do with this matter." Huangfu Qiye had just talked to Mu Yisen a lot. Therefore, he was now even more suspicious that this matter was done by Mu Sitian.

"Brother, wait a moment. I'll make another call and ask around." Mu Yisen made another call and quickly spoke a few words with the other party in English.

After that, there was silence for two minutes. Very quickly, he put down his phone in shock. He looked at Huangfu Qiye. "Brother, it seems that this matter is related to Mu Sitian. The bodyguards and maids that I sent to monitor her were beaten unconscious by her. They have been tied up for a few days and are now unconscious from hunger."

"Alright, Yisen. Thank you for your help this time. Now we can roughly know who the murderer is. I'll go back to work." Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was even more convinced that this matter was definitely done by Mu Sitian. Then, he patted Mu Yisen's shoulder. He prepared to walk out of the bar.

Mu Yisen thought that since Mu Sitian was a member of the Mu family, he had to follow her to take a look. If it really was Mu Sitian's doing, he would not let Mu Sitian off so easily.

"Brother, I'll go with you," Mu Yisen hurriedly said and followed.


At this moment.

At the hotel where Mu Sitian was staying.

After Mu Sitian was tied up, no one came to pay attention to her even though she was shouting.

She thought of many ways, but she couldn't think of any way to leave this place easily.

At this moment, she heard something from the window.

She stopped shouting and turned her gaze over.

At this moment, she saw that the window was opened silently. A person wearing black clothes was entering the room through the window. Mu Sitian could clearly see that the man's body seemed to be hanging in mid-air outside.

She was so scared that her jaw was almost stiff. She could not speak at all.

As for the man at the window, he easily jumped into the room. Then, she realized that he was not only wearing black clothes and pants, but also black shoes. His hair was very short, and he looked like he had a crew cut.

He wore a mask and slowly approached Mu Sitian.

When Mu Sitian saw him appear out of nowhere and dressed like this, she was so scared that she trembled. "You... who are you?"

"I'm here to save you. Don't you want to be saved? If you don't, I'll leave through the window just now. You can also pretend that I haven't appeared," the man said with a cheeky smile.

When Mu Sitian heard that the man was here to save her, she was even more confused. "I don't think we know each other. Why do you want to save me? Do you have some ulterior motive?"

"Before I came, I saw Huangfu Qiye and your cousin gathered at the Imperial Court bar. What do you think they will talk about?" The man still had a cheeky look on his face.

However, when Mu Sitian heard these words, she could not laugh at all. She was even more worried and afraid.

Then, she thought about how she was tied up here by a man who suddenly appeared. Moreover, that man even said that she was Tang Xiaowei's guardian angel. This meant that that man was in cahoots with Tang Xiaowei, and what she did yesterday and today... After her cousin and Huangfu Qiye were done investigating, she would not be able to escape their punishment.

Therefore, although she did not know this person who suddenly appeared, Mu Sitian was very clear that she needed this person's help very much.

Therefore, she raised her head and looked at this man. She made a request. "Although I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you came to save me, and you also know so many things. However, I agree to go with you, but you have to promise that my life will not be in danger in the future."

"Okay, no problem." Seeing that Mu Sitian agreed, the man lightly spoke and went forward to grab her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mu Sitian was frightened and began to struggle.

"Of course I'm taking you out with me." The man carried Mu Sitian on his shoulder and walked to the window where he had just entered. He tied Mu Sitian to his body with a rope, then turned around and flipped outside.

"Ah!" Because he flipped over too quickly, Mu Sitian did not have time to react before she and the man flipped into the air outside. Mu Sitian was so frightened that she cried out loud.

The man who tied her quickly closed the window and then berated Mu Sitian loudly, "If you don't want to fall and die, you're not allowed to scream."

Mu Sitian had no choice but to shut her mouth.

Thus, the man quickly left the scene with Mu Sitian.


More than half an hour later.

After an investigation, Huangfu Qiye and Mu Yisen led the people to the hotel.

However, after checking all the ordinary rooms, they couldn't find any sign of Mu Sitian.

Finally, Huangfu Qiye's gaze landed on the door of the presidential suite.

"We haven't checked this place yet. Go and open the door," Huangfu Qiye looked at the hotel manager and said faintly.

The manager was very troubled. "Mr. Huangfu, there are very honorable guests in the presidential suite. We can't open the door and disturb the guests. I think the person you're looking for shouldn't be in there because the guest is a man."

Huangfu Qiye was unwilling to give up and leave just like that.

Because he had just found out that Mu Sitian had stayed in this hotel after she returned to the country. Although the room she stayed in had been searched and they didn't find her, the hotel's surveillance cameras didn't see Mu Sitian leaving this hotel. Therefore, Mu Sitian must still be in the hotel.

They had already checked the other rooms in the hotel, but there was no sign of Mu Sitian.

Then, they had to check the last presidential suite. Only then could Huangfu Qiye be sure that Mu Sitian was indeed not in this hotel.