Chapter 773: She did this all because of Huangfu Qiye

"How much does it cost to open the door?" Huangfu Qiye saw that the manager didn't open the door, so he planned to pay for the presidential suite.

After all, the hotel opened the door for business in order to make money.

"This..." The hotel manager was still in a difficult position.

He also knew that the person in front of him was Huangfu Qiye, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

However, the person in the presidential suite didn't look simple. Moreover, he and a few waiters heard the people around the gentleman call him 'His Highness'. The more terrifying thing was that the hotel manager had secretly checked on the internet. Only then did they learn that the gentleman who was staying in their hotel's presidential suite was a real prince. Therefore, the hotel did not dare to offend the people inside.

"Get out of the way. If anything happens, we will be in charge." Mu Yisen saw that the hotel manager was in a difficult position, so he pushed him away and asked his men to keep an eye on the hotel from a distance.

Then, Mu Yisen walked forward, took the key and key card from the hotel manager's hand, and started to open the door.

At this moment, Mu Yisen had just reached the door when the door was opened from the inside.

Then, two tall bodyguards stood at the door, staring at the group of people outside with no expression, and said coldly, "My highness doesn't like strangers to come near, so the person you are looking for will definitely not be here. Everyone, please leave."

Hearing this, Mu Yisen hurriedly turned back to look at Huangfu Qiye, thinking to himself, who exactly is staying here, and how did they know that they were looking for someone?

And, Your Highness?

Upon seeing the familiar clothes the bodyguards were wearing, and the words they said immediately reminded Huangfu Qiye. Huangfu Qiye's gaze penetrated through the two bodyguards and looked inside. He did not see anyone else.

However, he could already guess that the person staying in this hotel at the moment must be Su Jin.

He did not expect that a few years later, Su Jin would actually appear by his and Xiaowei's side again.

Alarm bells rang in Huangfu Qiye's heart.

Moreover, he knew very well that Su Jin liked Xiaowei. Therefore, Su Jin probably would not hide Mu Sitian who wanted to harm Xiaowei. Although he was very displeased by this thought, it was the truth. Huangfu Qiye gritted his teeth. Then, he said to Mu Yisen, "Yisen, let's go. We'll go to another place to take a look."

Hearing Huangfu Qiye's words, the two bodyguards closed the door.

Mu Yisen threw the key and key card to the hotel manager. Then, he followed Huangfu Qiye and asked, "Brother, do you know the people inside? Can you believe what they say?''

"He's just a former love rival. He likes Xiaowei, so he definitely won't hide people who want to harm Xiaowei. Let's go. We'll continue searching in other places," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly before continuing on his way.

Mu Yisen, who was behind Huangfu Qiye, was a little surprised when he heard what Huangfu Qiye said just now.

The person living in the presidential suite actually liked sister-in-law. He did not expect that there would be someone like brother who liked sister-in-law. There was actually someone who was not afraid of death who dared to like sister-in-law.

However, Mu Yisen did not have the time to think too much about it. He hurriedly followed behind and began to look for Mu Sitian.

On the other side.

In the presidential suite.

"After they leave, immediately send Mu Sitian to the police station. Have Mu Sitian report everything she has done to the police. At the same time, have her tell them that she did it all because of Huangfu Qiye," Su Jin instructed indifferently. He sipped his fragrant tea calmly.

"Yes, Your Highness." The bodyguard beside him nodded obediently.

Su Jin revealed a faint smile.

As long as Mu Sitian told the police that she did it all because she had a one-night stand with Huangfu Qiye and was abandoned by him, she would think of taking revenge.

At that time, Xiaowei would definitely not forgive Huangfu Qiye.

That way, he would have a chance.

This time, he would not force Xiaowei.

This would scare Xiaowei away and attract his parents' attention so that they could control his whereabouts again.

This time, he would use softness to overcome hardness.

If Xiaowei still did not like him, he could choose not to force her or even not see her. All he needed to do was to stand by her side and watch her from afar.

However, if there were other men who dared to like Xiaowei, he would make this man stink, kill him, and make him disappear from this world.

Even if he could not kill her, Xiaowei had to give up on him.

"Ha." Su Jin was in an extremely good mood when he thought of this wonderful scene. He felt that the tea in the cup was even more delicious.

However, his good mood did not last long.

When Huangfu Qiye and Mu Yisen did not manage to find Mu Sitian in the hotel and were about to leave the hotel to look for Mu Sitian elsewhere, Su Jin's bodyguards went to the room next door and wanted to send Mu Sitian to the police station.

However, when they opened the door to the room, they found that there was no one inside.

The door was not broken, the windows were not broken, and everything was not damaged. This was a completely secret room. Mu Sitian, who was tied up, had disappeared just like that.

Su Jin's bodyguards could not believe their eyes. They rushed over to report the incident to Su Jin.

Upon hearing this, Su Jin immediately frowned. The teacup in his hand immediately fell to the ground, and the porcelain cup shattered into pieces.

He stood up and hurriedly walked into the room where Mu Sitian had been imprisoned.

It was exactly as his subordinates had reported. There was indeed no one inside, and the rope used to tie her up was gone. The door and windows were not broken.

They had investigated and found that although Mu Sitian knew some judo, it was impossible for her to disappear into thin air like that.

Su Jin was puzzled. At the same time, he also wanted to find out what was going on.

Then, he ordered in a low voice, "Get a few more people here. We must find out how she disappeared."

Su Jin even suspected that Huangfu Qiye had just found Mu Sitian here and used some method to get her away.

Soon, the door to the room was closed, and there were a few people inside. Except for Su Jin who was sitting in the courtyard at the door, frowning and deep in thought, the others were all carefully observing the details in the room.

Soon, a bodyguard shouted happily, "Your Highness, we've found something. There are footprints here, and they came from the window. The footprints look like they belong to a man."

Hearing the bodyguard's voice, the rest of the people hurried over, and Su Jin also walked over.

After Su Jin walked over, he squatted down and checked for a while.

Indeed, he found footprints on the carpet, but they were very faint. Moreover, because the carpet was gray, he didn't see them before because he didn't look carefully.

Now that they had been discovered, as long as they stared, there was indeed a series of footprints around here, and at a glance, it was obviously the footprints of a man.