Chapter 774: Why does she have to like his woman?

He stood up and looked at the end of the footprints, in front of the window.

It seemed that someone came in from the outside and took Mu Sitian away.

Then, who was the one who took Mu Sitian away?

If it was Huangfu Qiye's people, then he would have lost a chance to attack Huangfu Qiye.

If it wasn't Huangfu Qiye but someone else, then it was very likely that the other party would use Mu Sitian to hurt Xiaowei again.

The more Su Jin thought about it, the more terrified he became.

"Find out who took her away immediately. The other party must have come in through the window and taken Mu Sitian away. Find the person who took Mu Sitian away immediately," Su Jin ordered coldly.

"Yes, Your Highness."


Although Mu Sitian had yet to be found, Huangfu Qiye had collected a lot of information, all of which proved that Mu Sitian was responsible for the death in the cafe.

After the police had seen the evidence and information, they treated Mu Sitian as a suspect and prepared to arrest her.

As for the employees in the coffee shop, they were all released.

Because of this incident, the employees in the coffee shop hadn't been bribed, so everyone wasn't at fault.

However, Huangfu Qiye felt that the coffee shop was very unlucky because someone had died in it. He didn't want the coffee shop to continue operating, so he had a short meeting with the employees. He decided to let them work at Huangfu Group's company starting tomorrow. If he opened a coffee shop again, they could come back to work if they wanted to.

If they wanted to work in the coffee shop again, they would be free to return in the future.

If these employees didn't want to work at Huangfu Group, they could take three months' pay now and leave.

In the end, these employees decided to work at Huangfu Group first.

So Huangfu Qiye let everyone go back to rest first. Tomorrow morning, they would report to Huangfu Group at 8 am on time. Someone would pick them up.

After that.

Huangfu Qiye separated from Mu Yisen and prepared to go home.

By then, it was almost dark.

Huangfu Qiye had been busy the whole day. He only had a little breakfast in the morning. After getting into the car, he instructed the driver to start the car. He then closed his eyes, feeling a little sleepy.

He promised Xiaowei that he would go back before dark. He should be able to make it in time.

Although the incident today was not handled perfectly, as long as Mu Sitian was caught, the case would be closed.

Right now, the thing that gave him the biggest headache was not the death in the coffee shop. After all, it was not someone in their shop who poisoned them. As long as the matter was investigated thoroughly, he would be able to let it go.

What bothered him the most was that Su Jin had appeared in this city.

He decided that he would never allow Xiaowei to go out again. Otherwise, if Su Jin had a chance encounter and intentionally came to see Xiaowei, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and rush forward to beat her up.

God knows how much he hated these men.

Can't he just like someone else?

Why did he have to like his woman?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

If it were not for the fact that Su Jin had not done anything at the moment and that he was in a hurry to find someone at the hotel, he would have already told Su Jin to scram out of this city immediately.

... ...

In the brightly lit forest manor.

Tang Xiaowei sat on the sofa with a pale face. She had not eaten anything since she came back in the morning. Furthermore, she had been anxious about what had happened in the cafe that day, so she had become much weaker.

Yuan Shan was very worried by her side. She tried to persuade her many times, but to no avail.

As for Aze, he initially felt that he was young master's bodyguard and that he only needed to protect young master. However, it was rare that he did not work by Huangfu Qiye's side. Therefore, he stayed in the forest manor to protect Tang Xiaowei with Yuan Shan. At first, he did not advise Tang Xiaowei when he saw that she did not eat.

However, towards the end, when he saw that Tang Xiaowei's expression did not look right, Aze began to feel nervous. Then, he stood beside Yuan Shan and advised Tang Xiaowei one by one.

"Young madam, you should eat something. It's not good for your body to continue starving like this," Yuan Shan said worriedly.

"Young madam, even if you don't care about yourself, you should think about the baby in your stomach. Just eat something," Aze said hurriedly.

However, Tang Xiaowei shook her head with a headache. "I can't eat anything right now. I just want to throw up."

She really couldn't eat anything. She knew that she should eat something. This was good for the baby. However, when she thought about the birthday present Huangfu Qiye gave her, which was the death of someone in the cafe, she felt uncomfortable and disgusted. She couldn't eat anything at all.

At this moment, the sound of a car suddenly came from outside.

Hearing this sound, Yuan Shan and Aze were pleasantly surprised. "Young master is back."

Tang Xiaowei also heard the voice outside, and her eyes were filled with surprise.

She stood up and hurried to the door.

As soon as she reached the door, she saw Huangfu Qiye's familiar figure on the lawn not far away. He had already gotten out of the car and was walking in her direction.

She had been afraid for an entire day and worried for an entire day. Now that she saw him, her eyes immediately became moist and red.

She walked out of the door and walked in his direction.

At the same time, Huangfu Qiye also saw her on the other side.

He immediately strode over, and when the two of them approached, they saw her open her arms and throw herself into his arms. Huangfu Qiye hugged her and gently rubbed her head. "Have you eaten dinner?"

It was already dark now. Usually, when the two of them were at home, they had already eaten dinner.

Therefore, he was worried that she had not eaten yet.

"I only ate breakfast today. I've been worried and afraid. I can't eat at all." It was not that Tang Xiaowei had never seen someone die. She had seen it a few times before, but this time, it was different.

"Silly, didn't we agree to let me take care of everything? Don't let your imagination run wild at home. Do you want to have a good rest?" Huangfu Qiye sighed, picked up his princess, and walked into the villa.

"But I can't control myself at all." Tang Xiaowei was still very worried. "What's the situation like now?"

"That person's death has nothing to do with our coffee shop. We've already found out that it's Mu Sitian's doing. Now the police are arresting Mu Sitian." Huangfu Qiye didn't intend to hide it from her. He answered when she asked.

"Who is Mu Sitian?" Tang Xiaowei knew that that person's death had nothing to do with their coffee shop, so she was no longer afraid. However, she did not know who Mu Sitian was. She felt a little strange. Why would this person frame them like this?

Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly. He had forgotten that Xiaowei had never met Mu Sitian and did not know her.

However, he still explained, "Mu Sitian is Mu Yisen's cousin. She is a lunatic."