Chapter 775: When can we get married

Huangfu Qiye: "In the future, don't bother about her. The police will naturally look for her. Come on, let's go eat. I only had breakfast today."

Huangfu Qiye didn't want Xiaowei to mention Mu Sitian again because the more he talked about this person, the more he wanted to personally deal with Mu Sitian.

However, it was better to leave this matter to the police.

"What about our coffee shop? What about the future of the coffee shop?" Tang Xiaowei thought of the six-story coffee shop that had just opened three days ago. She really liked it, and there were a lot of customers. The coffee in the coffee shop was very delicious, and the pastries were also very delicious.

"I asked the employees in the coffee shop to temporarily go to my company to work. I've closed the current coffee shop because it's unlucky. After you give birth to the baby, if you still want to open a coffee shop, you can find another place in the future. What do you think?" Huangfu Qiye carried her and walked into the living room. Then, he continued to walk toward the restaurant.

"I... I think it's quite good. Let's do it like this for now." Tang Xiaowei felt that his way of handling things was also the best arrangement. Although she was a little reluctant, she didn't want to be willful anymore.

"Okay, then let's not talk about this anymore. Let's start enjoying dinner." Huangfu Qiye placed her on the chair and didn't want to talk about this anymore.

Tang Xiaowei was now clear about the situation of this matter, so she didn't ask any more questions.

She also began to decide to have some appetite. She didn't feel as uncomfortable and nauseous as before, so she nodded her head.

"Let the family doctor give you a prenatal checkup tomorrow. From now on, you can rest at home and take care of your body. I'll try my best to spend more time at home with you." Huangfu Qiye sat down next to her and spoke gently.

Tang Xiaowei was really scared today. She didn't dare to mention the coffee shop anymore, so she nodded.

She wouldn't always think about going out in the future.

Seeing her so obedient, Huangfu Qiye's smile became even more gentle.

The two of them had a very warm dinner together. Then, Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei up and went upstairs.

After that, Huangfu Qiye had to deal with the work that he left today. He could only kiss her. "You rest first. I may be busy until late. Don't wait for me."

"Don't go past 12 o'clock. Otherwise, what if you tire yourself out?" Tang Xiaowei held his hand reluctantly.

"Don't worry, you won't tire yourself out. Be Good, you rest first. " Huangfu Qiye held her hand and kissed her again, then turned around and went to the study.

Tang Xiaowei was alone in the room.

At this time, a sudden ringtone suddenly rang.

Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses and realized that it was her phone. She hurriedly took the phone and answered, "Hello, Yuyan."

"Xiaowei, I... I have something to tell you." Tao Yuyan's voice sounded anxious and nervous, and there was a hint of happiness in it.

"Yuyan, did something good happen to you?" Tang Xiaowei knew Tao Yuyan well, so when she heard her good friend's voice, she immediately knew that Tao Yuyan must have encountered something good. Otherwise, Yuyan wouldn't be in such a good mood.

"Xiaowei, Ah Xian proposed to me. I...agreed." Tao Yuyan took a deep breath and finally said it.

Tao Xian would be discharged from the hospital in less than a month. At that time, she and Tao Xian would be married. After Tao Yuyan confirmed the good news, of course, she would share it with her best friend.

"What?" Tang Xiaowei was extremely shocked when she heard it. She stood up in disbelief.

"Now mom and dad know. They are preparing a wedding for Ah Xian and me. When Ah Xian is discharged from the hospital, we will get married." Tao Yuyan's tone was still gentle, but it was full of shyness and happiness.

Tang Xiaowei finally stopped doubting whether she had heard wrong.

Because Yuyan had once again personally proved that Yuyan did not say anything wrong, and she did not mishear.

"Yuyan, have you really made up your mind?" Although Tang Xiaowei did not dare to believe it, she still wanted to ask her good friend's opinion.

"Yes, I have thought it through very clearly. Xiaowei, I really like Ah Xian very much. When I think of marrying him, I don't have any conflict at all. In fact, I really hope that the wedding ceremony will be completed as soon as possible. I don't want to drag it out any longer. Mom also said that you already have a baby. She really wants to have a grandchild." Although Tao Yuyan was shy, she explained very seriously.

"Yuyan, since you like Tao Xian so much, then of course I wish you all the best." Although Tang Xiaowei was a little shocked and couldn't believe it at first, but now she clearly understood that Yuyan had said so much and that it was all serious. Of course, she was supportive of Yuyan. However, when she thought about how mother Tao said that she wanted to have a grandchild, Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but tease Yuyan, "Yuyan, then remember to tell me the day that you and Tao Xian get married. I will definitely be there. Moreover, I hope you get pregnant immediately after your marriage. When that time comes, you will be able to give mother Tao a grandchild. She will definitely be very happy."

Tao Yuyan had just felt very shy when she mentioned the child to Xiaowei. Now that she heard Xiaowei say this, she was even more shy. "Xiaowei, that's all for now. When the date is confirmed, I will tell you again. I still have to take care of Ah Xian in a while, so we won't talk anymore. Moreover, you are pregnant now. You have to rest well, understand?"

Tao Yuyan had been taking care of Tao Xian these few days, so she did not know what happened in Tang Xiaowei's coffee shop today. Therefore, she only told her to take care of her body.

"Yes, I know. You go ahead." Tang Xiaowei nodded. Although Tao Yuyan couldn't see it, she was happy for her, so she didn't tell her about the bad things that happened today.

After the phone call ended.

Tang Xiaowei was happy that her good friend was about to get married. At the same time, she began to frown and think about her marriage with Huangfu Qiye.

They were only engaged now.

Now, even Yuyan and Tao Xian suddenly decided to get married, and Tao Baba and Tao Xian's mother were still preparing for the wedding.

As for her and Qiye, they didn't know when they would be able to get married and hold a wedding.


When Huangfu Qiye returned, it was already 11:30 pm.

The light in the room was dim, and there was only a dim yellow wall lamp.

On the bed, her body was wrapped in the blanket, and she seemed to have fallen asleep.

His gaze was gentle, and he glanced at her a few times before walking into the bathroom to wash up.

After more than half an hour, he came out, already fully refreshed.

Huangfu Qiye got onto the bed and laid down beside her. He reached out his hand to carry her into his embrace. At this moment, Tang Xiaowei seemed to know that he had come. In a daze, she crawled into his embrace, grabbed his bathrobe, and whispered something.

Huangfu Qiye thought that she was awake. He looked down and saw that she was still sleeping with her eyes closed.