Chapter 776: "It's very dangerous, I definitely won't agree to it. "

However, she seemed to be continuing to say something. He could only carry her over and then lower his head to listen carefully.

"Qiye, when are we getting married...?"

"Yuyan is getting married..."

"Getting married... Hmm..."

She repeated these few sentences in a loop, and she spoke very indistinctly. It was only after he listened very carefully that he could tell.

However, after he clearly heard what she was saying, Huangfu Qiye hugged her even tighter.

He didn't know that Tao Yuyan was getting married, but hearing Xiaowei say that, it must be her good friend Tao Yuyan who was getting married.

And Xiaowei was obviously very envious. Otherwise, she wouldn't have mentioned this matter in her dreams.

He suddenly felt that he wasn't good enough to her.

At the beginning, he had approached her with the intention of marrying her, and at that time, he had also decided to get married very soon.

But he didn't expect that so many things would happen later, resulting in that now, they only held an engagement ceremony and hadn't officially gotten married yet.

After this matter was settled with the Xiu family, he would definitely give Xiaowei a grand wedding.


When she woke up the next day, Tang Xiaowei had no idea that she had already given Huangfu Qiye the idea of her wanting to get married in her dream. Huangfu Qiye also didn't tell her.

He still went to work.

However, at noon, the family doctor came and brought a lot of equipment for Tang Xiaowei to use for another prenatal checkup.

After eating lunch, Huangfu Qiye stopped what he was doing and went to the room that had been specially arranged to give Tang Xiaowei a prenatal checkup and a temporary physical checkup. This room was very spacious. In addition, there were many pieces of the most advanced medical equipment in the world. Huangfu Qiye wanted to give Tang Xiaowei the best, so he started by taking care of her health.

With Huangfu Qiye by her side, Tang Xiaowei was not afraid at all.

During the prenatal examination, everything went smoothly. In the end, the doctor smiled and told the two of them that the child was very healthy, and the adults were also very healthy.

After listening to the doctor's words, Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei felt much more at ease.

Tang Xiaowei was actually quite worried about the baby. After all, she had encountered so many terrible things during her pregnancy and her emotions were often disturbed.

Fortunately, the doctor said that the baby was very healthy, so she was relieved.

Therefore, she did not ask Huangfu Qiye to accompany her in the afternoon. Instead, she asked him to go to work. She did not go out anymore, so she took a book and lay on the rattan chair in the bedroom to slowly kill time.

After that, Tang Xiaowei lived a very leisurely life every day. Occasionally, she would talk to an an on the phone, and occasionally, she would talk to Yuyan on the phone.

An An was very well-behaved at the moment.

Every word from Yuyan could be heard. Yuyan was very happy now. Moreover, according to Yuyan, Tao Xian's was very too good, and it would only take a month.

Therefore, Xian Yuyan and Tao Xian had already returned home. Tao Xian was currently personally preparing for their wedding.

Tang Xiaowei was also looking forward to Yuyan's wedding. She would be Yuyan's bridesmaid, and she had also made an agreement with Yuyan.

The two of them chatted very happily.

In a week, Yuyan would be the bride. Tang Xiaowei looked forward to this week as soon as possible.

Therefore, when she had dinner with Yuyan that night, after Tang Xiaowei had finished eating, she stared at Huangfu Qiye very seriously.

Huangfu Qiye had been very tired these past few days and had a lot of things he needed to do. Moreover, he chose not to go to the company and chose to work at home, which affected his work. However, in order to protect Tang Xiaowei all day long, he had to stay by her side. He didn't care about all this in case Su Jin took advantage of it.

He was tired and a man. Therefore, his meal time was naturally longer than Tang Xiaowei's, who didn't have a good appetite.

Therefore, Huangfu Qiye stopped when she stared at him so seriously. He coughed lightly and asked her in surprise, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, I have something to discuss with you, so I wanted to tell you after you're done eating." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly shook her head and continued to stare at him with a smile. She wanted to tell him after he was done eating. She wanted to be Yuyan's maid of honor.

"Tell me, I'm done." Huangfu Qiye didn't want her to wait. Besides, he wasn't hungry anymore, so he stopped eating and wiped his mouth and fingers. He looked at her with a loving and gentle gaze.

"The thing is, Yuyan is getting married next week. I'm her best friend, so I've discussed it with Yuyan. I'll be Yuyan's maid of honor. Anyway, I'm not married yet, so I can be her maid of honor. What do you think?" Tang Xiaowei saw that he wasn't eating. She couldn't wait any longer, so she hurriedly told him the general story with a smile.

"Be a maid of honor? Wearing a gown and high heels, walking around in the crowd?" When Huangfu Qiye heard her say this, he immediately frowned and rejected her without hesitation. "No, I won't allow it with you being pregnant now. I won't allow it."

"Aiya, why are you being like this? Yuyan said that they don't invite many guests and I can wear flats, so don't worry about that. Just promise me," Tang Xiaowei said after hearing his rejection. Unwilling to give up, she grabbed his sleeve and began to act coquettishly.

However, if it were a normal matter, Huangfu Qiye would naturally agree to her acting coquettishly. However, he was going to attend a wedding after all. In fact, in order to guard against Su Jin, he almost forbade her from attending the wedding. Now that he allowed her to attend the wedding, she actually wanted to be a bridesmaid. Was she trying to piss him off?

He wrapped his arms around her waist and in the next second, he carried her to his lap and sat her down.

He held her hand and gently rubbed her palm. His voice was deep and solemn. "Xiaowei, you're not young anymore. You should know what I'm thinking. I can promise you anything and spoil you. However, if you want me to promise you to do something that might hurt you, I definitely won't agree to it. So, stop talking, okay?"

"It's true. There weren't many guests that day. They only invited close friends and relatives. My good friend is getting married this time, and I'm wearing flats. Nothing will happen to me. Just promise me, okay?" Tang Xiaowei bit her lip. She was still unwilling to give up.

Huangfu Qiye sighed helplessly. She was still as stubborn as ever.

However, this matter was understandable. After all, Tao Yuyan was her good friend.

He was silent for a few seconds. He could only hold her waist tightly and said somewhat angrily, "Okay, I promise you."