Chapter 777: "I've been a monk for almost two months. "

Huangfu Qiye lowered his voice. "However, you must always be by my side that day. You can't leave my side unless it's absolutely necessary."

Tang Xiaowei felt the hand on her waist tighten. When she heard that he had finally agreed, she immediately hugged his neck excitedly. Then, she kissed his lips. "That's great. You've finally agreed. I was worried that you wouldn't agree. Don't worry, I'll definitely obediently stay by your side."

"If I agree to you, will you just send me away with a kiss?" Huangfu Qiye touched his lips and raised his eyebrows as he looked at her wickedly.

"Then what do you want?" Tang Xiaowei was still happy and didn't notice the change in his expression.

"I can't take what I want now." Huangfu Qiye hugged her a little tighter and bit her on her shoulder.

"It hurts..." Tang Xiaowei was shocked. She was wearing a one-piece dress that revealed her shoulders today. When she turned her head, she saw that there was already a bite mark where he had bitten her.

"Your skin is too delicate." Huangfu Qiye frowned as he looked at the bite mark. He had clearly bitten her very lightly, but why was there still a bite mark? After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed the bite mark.

In fact, Tang Xiaowei only felt a bit of pain when she was bitten by him at the beginning. Now, it didn't hurt anymore. However, after being kissed by him like this, she felt that her entire body's skin was starting to heat up.

"I don't feel pain anymore. Let's go out for a walk. I seem to have eaten a little too much just now." Tang Xiaowei was afraid that he would go crazy in the restaurant, so she quickly thought of a reason to distract him.

After all, he had been a monk for almost two months because of her pregnancy. She was actually quite worried about his health.

"That's good, too." Huangfu Qiye put her down and held her hand instead. He walked out of the restaurant and was ready to go out for a walk on the lawn.

The lawn outside was very wide. They could walk for more than an hour.

Tang Xiaowei nodded and then walked beside him. She even deliberately raised her head to look at his face a few times. Seeing that his face was very normal and didn't seem to be holding back, she was relieved.

However, her little move was still discovered by Huangfu Qiye.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Huangfu Qiye suddenly lowered his head to look at her with a somewhat ambiguous gaze.

"Nothing." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly averted her gaze.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't say that he didn't know what she was thinking, but he was too lazy to say it clearly, so he didn't say anything more. He just held her hand and the two of them slowly walked on the lawn.

From afar, the two of them looked quiet and beautiful. Occasionally, they would look at each other. The gaze he looked at her with was filled with a gentle and doting light.


In the dimly lit room.

The bodyguard's voice was anxious and fearful. "Your Highness, His Majesty just called again. He said that he wants you to go back today. Otherwise, His Majesty will send someone over."

"Has the person who kidnapped Mu Sitian still not been found? " Su Jin had been staying in this hotel for a long time. His mother had begun to suspect his intentions here and had begun to call to urge him to go back.

However, he had yet to capture the person who kidnapped Mu Sitian. Moreover, the police had not caught Mu Sitian during this period of time, so Su Jin did not want to leave this place.

Although he knew that Tang Xiaowei did not know what he had done, and she would not treat him any better, it was impossible for her to fall in love with him.

However, he was still worried that after he left, if Mu Sitian appeared and did anything to hurt Xiaowei in the future, he would not be able to immediately appear by her side and protect her.

"Your Highness, we still haven't found her. The other party is very vigilant and knows how to turn invisible. So far, there's no progress or clues." The bodyguard lowered his head even lower.

"Damn it!" Su Jin cursed under his breath.

At this moment, his phone rang.

He thought that it might be his mother, so he did not want to answer it. Then, he winked at the bodyguard.

The bodyguard next to him had no choice but to do it for him. Then, he picked up his phone. However, when he saw that the caller was not the queen but the princess, the bodyguard immediately handed the phone to Su Jin and said, "Your Highness, it's the princess."

It's Xiao Qi?

What was this girl trying to say?

Su Jin did not want to be lectured by his mother, but he still loved his sister very much. When he thought of how he did not want to answer his sister's calls previously, and how his sister had called him again after such a long time, he thought about it and decided to pass the phone to the bodyguard. Then, he picked up the phone.

"Xiaoqi, what's the matter?" His voice was cold.

Su Xiaoqi's voice was extremely aggrieved. "Brother, I really don't want to stay here anymore. I just don't like that Li Yuncheng. Why does mother insist that I marry him? I want to go home. Come and pick me up now. Otherwise, I'll jump into the sea and commit suicide."

At the end of her sentence, Su Xiaoqi began to threaten people.

Hearing this, Su Jin became anxious. "Xiaoqi, don't be impulsive. Okay, I'll come and pick you up immediately."

"Okay, then you have to come quickly. Now that Li Yuncheng is out, you can take the plane to pick me up directly." Hearing that her brother was willing to come and take her away, Su Xiaoqi immediately became excited.

"Okay, I got it. That's all for now." Su Jin had no choice but to agree and end the call.

Last year, his mother, Her Majesty the Queen of K, suddenly announced some news to everyone in the family.

It was intended for the 19-year-old Su Xiaoqi, who was already 20 years old this year, to go on a blind date with a marquis from a neighboring country.

Of course, Su Xiaoqi was unwilling, but she was still taken to the blind date. After that, the marquis liked Su Xiaoqi very much. Although Su Xiaoqi did not like him, the Queen thought that the marquis was not bad. Then, she threw Su Xiaoqi into the marquis' territory and at the same time, engaged the marquis and Su Xiaoqi.

During this period of time, Su Xiaoqi had been thinking about how to escape.

Su Jin had met the marquis before and thought that he was not bad. At the same time, he thought that he was a good match for Xiaoqi. Most importantly, the marquis gave him the feeling that he liked Xiaoqi very much. Therefore, even though Su Jin loved his younger sister, he still felt that his mother's decision was right.

For an innocent child like Xiaoqi, it was better to find a mature, steady, and good person to protect her. He was determined not to let Xiaoqi go out alone and be cheated by a man outside.

However, that was just wishful thinking. Now that he received a call from his younger sister and her sister had started to threaten him with suicide, Su Jin could no longer remain calm.

During this period of time, he had been staying in the hotel. He realized that the coffee shop across the street had long been closed, as if it was not going to open again. This way, Xiaowei would not be able to appear again, and he would never see her again.