Chapter 779: Huangpu's president is always so overbearing

"Why are you like this? It's only been three days since we last saw each other, and you actually have a bug." Tao Yuyan felt a little scared. However, he apologized so nervously. She knew that he really cared about her too much. She could not be angry at him at all. She bit her lip and said, "I'll forgive you this time."

Tao Yuyan's tone was a little serious. "But don't do it again. Otherwise, I definitely won't forgive you so easily in the future."

She didn't like her actions and private affairs being secretly watched by others. She always felt too shy.

Especially when that person was him, she felt even more embarrassed.

At the same time, this eavesdropping behavior was not very gentlemanly. She hoped that he would not do it again in the future.

"Okay, I promise you. I will never do it again in the future." Tao Xian agreed without even thinking. Anyway, after daybreak, they would have a wedding ceremony, and they would be together forever. He did not need to separate from her at all, so there would be no need for him to eavesdrop on her voice to get through the tough days.

"Then you should go back. We can meet tomorrow morning." Tao Yuyan wanted to push him away and let him go back when she saw that he had agreed.

After all, they were not married yet. It was the night before the wedding. She was still very embarrassed to be hugging him like this.

She did not even dare to imagine what she should do when they got married tomorrow and it was their wedding night.

Tao Xian could feel her nervousness.

He was actually quite nervous himself.

So even though he really wanted to be with her, he was afraid of scaring her, so he could only say in a hoarse voice beside her ear, "Let me stay with you for a while longer before I go back."

"Okay." Tao Yuyan lowered her head shyly. She could clearly feel that her face had become much hotter.

Tao Xian didn't dare to offend her. Tomorrow was their wedding day. He would respect her and love her, so he only hugged her and didn't make any small movements.

Compared to their shyness, anticipation, and nervousness...

In the guest room not far away.

Huangfu Qiye gently placed the sleeping Tang Xiaowei on the bed, then took off his shoes and lay down beside her.

He had just laid down when he saw that although she was asleep, she habitually leaned over to his side, her soft hands resting on his body.

Seeing her like this, Huangfu Qiye was no longer angry at her for abandoning him.

Anyway, she had already been carried back by him.

And even though she was asleep, she could still habitually come close to him, which made him feel great.

So, in the end, Huangfu Qiye gently pulled her into his arms and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the middle of the night.

Tao Mama suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to drink water. Then, Tao Baba hurriedly got up and prepared to go downstairs to get water for his wife.

However, when he passed by the stairs, he suddenly saw his son coming out of Yuyan's room. Tao Baba was stunned for a moment.

After Tao Xian was discovered, he smiled at Tao Baba in embarrassment and asked, "Dad, you haven't slept yet?"

"Oh, your mother is a little thirsty. I'll go get her some water." Tao Baba resisted the urge to ask his son, then walked downstairs.

Tao Baba was actually not old. He was not even 50 years old, so Tao Xian did not help to get water. His mother was always thirsty in the middle of the night. His father had been pouring water for his mother in the middle of the night for many years, so Tao Xian did not disturb his parents' way of loving each other. Then, he returned to his room.

After Tao Baba poured the water, he carried the cup back to his and his wife's room.

Then, he handed the water to his wife. "Honey, here you are."

Tao took the cup and drank it. After drinking the water, her dry throat finally felt much better. Then, she put down the cup and was about to continue sleeping when she saw her husband in a daze.

Tao Baba reached out and patted her husband's shoulder. "Old man, what are you in a daze for? Aren't you going to sleep? Yuyan and Ah Xian are getting married tomorrow. There are a lot of things to be busy with."

"Honey, when I went out to pour water for you just now, I saw Ah Xian coming out of Yuyan's room. When we were having dinner, didn't Yuyan say that she would sleep and chat with Xiaowei tonight?" When Tao Baba faced his wife, he couldn't hide anything and told her what had happened just now.

When Tao Mama heard that, his eyes widened. "Old man, did you really see it clearly? Didn't you wake up and see things? Ah Xian likes Yuyan so much that it's better if he doesn't see her these few days. It's impossible for him to see Yuyan secretly."

"But look, what time is it now? It's one o'clock in the middle of the night, so three days have already passed. This is already the fourth day, which is also the day of their wedding." Tao Baba pointed at the big clock not far away.

Tao Mama looked over. Indeed, what her old man said was right.

Then, she smiled. "Since it's already past the three-day deadline, you don't have to care about what young people want to do. I think that Huangfu Qiye will definitely not let Xiaowei accompany Yuyan all the time, so Xiaowei must have gone back long ago. Just now in Yuyan's room, there must have been only Yuyan and Ah Xian. "When the sun rises, they will soon be a real couple. I'll let them meet today. It's not a big deal. Old man, don't overthink it. Go to sleep, I'm dying of sleepiness." Tao Mama thought for a while. She didn't think there was anything to say. Then, because she was too sleepy, she went back to sleep.

Tao Baba could only say nothing more. He turned off the lights and went back to sleep.

On the other side.

After Tao Xian went back, because he had seen Yuyan, he didn't feel anxious anymore. Soon, he felt sleepy, so he took a shower and went to sleep.

Tao Yuyan, on the other hand, was very nervous. She had been unable to sleep for a long time before she slowly fell asleep.


The next day.

Very early in the morning, there was a clamor outside, and everyone got up to get ready.

Huangfu Qiye also got up early, but he closed the door and windows, not allowing anyone to come in and disturb Tang Xiaowei, who was still asleep.

Although today was Xiaowei's best friend's wedding, to him, it was the most important thing for his woman to be able to rest well.

That's right, CEO Huangfu was that overbearing.

However, he underestimated how much Tang Xiaowei cared about Tao Yuyan.

He thought that Tang Xiaowei would sleep a little longer. Since the Tao family was all dressing up Tao Yuyan, he let her sleep a little longer.

However, he never expected that before Tang Xiaowei left last night, she had set an alarm clock in his room. She also set an alarm clock in Tao Yuyan's room. So, as long as she rested in two of these rooms, the alarm clock would go off at 7 am the next day.