Chapter 780: "Then I'll leave Yuyan to you. "

Therefore, at seven o'clock, while Huangfu Qiye was on guard, the alarm clock rang. Tang Xiaowei rolled over on the bed, then opened her eyes and yawned.

Seeing him, she immediately smiled brightly. "Qiye, why did you wake up so early?"

She propped herself up on the bed and immediately threw herself into his arms. "You're all dressed. When did you wake up? Did you rest well?"

"I'm resting very well." Huangfu Qiye hugged her. He couldn't help but want to kiss her because she was so concerned about him the moment she woke up. Then, he really kissed her.

After a long while, he finally let go of her.

At this moment, Tang Xiaowei was also panting as she said, "That's not right. I seemed to have slept in the same room as Yuyan yesterday. Why did I wake up in this room?"

"I carried you back," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly. "Your good friend is already starting to put on makeup."

Hearing his explanation, Tang Xiaowei thought that she had still slept in Yuyan's room for the whole night. It was only because Yuyan had met and put on makeup that Huangfu Qiye carried her back.

Therefore, when Huangfu Qiye spoke in a very calm voice, it was impossible to guess whether he was speaking the truth or not.

"Then I'll go change, too. I tried on the bridesmaid dress yesterday and it was really beautiful. You didn't see it yesterday, so I'll wear it later." Tang Xiaowei got off the bed excitedly and prepared to go find the bridesmaid dress to wear.

Huangfu Qiye saw that she was so happy, so he let her be. Then, he got up and followed her.


Two hours later.

Inside the Peach Blossom House, which was decorated warmly and beautifully.

There were only two tables of guests. Other than Tang Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye, and Tang Xiaowei's adoptive parents, the rest were the closest relatives of the Tao family.

There were indeed very few people invited to Tao Xian and Yuyan's wedding.

However, even though only two tables of people came to attend the wedding, when the wedding music sounded and Tao Baba appeared with Yuyan in her wedding dress on his arm, Tao Xian was already impatiently staring at Yuyan and his father who were slowly walking over.

The other people who were watching the ceremony at the dining table were also very pleased.

"Ah Xian, although the four of us will still live together in the future, Yuyan will be your wife in the future. You have to forget about your little Yuyan for two months. In the future, you will be Yuyan's husband and she will rely on you. Don't throw a tantrum anymore. You have to take good care of Yuyan. You are not allowed to bully her, and you are also not allowed to make her sad." Tao Mama looked at his son. It was as if she was looking at her son-in-law, and she reminded him seriously.

Tao Yuyan's eyes turned red when she heard that. Her father and mother were really too good to her.

Tao Xian naturally nodded his head vigorously. "Father, don't worry. I will definitely treat Yuyan well in the future."

"Okay, then I will leave Yuyan to you." Only then did Tao Baba place Tao Yuyan's hand in Tao Xian's hand and retreat to the side.

Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan looked at each other. In their eyes, there was only the shadow of each other.

Because today's wedding was more Chinese and simpler, there was no priest and only a host.

At this moment, the host smiled and said, "Welcome to Mr. Tao Xian and Miss Tao Yuyan's wedding. Now, the wedding begins. Mr. Tao, may I ask if you are willing to take Miss Tao Yuyan as your wife and love her, dote on her, take care of her, and not betray her for the rest of your life? Regardless of your health or illness, will you always be by her side?"

Tao Xian looked at Tao Yuyan and replied excitedly, "I am willing!"

He shouted so loudly that the audience started laughing. Tao Yuyan could not help but laugh out loud as well. The emcee continued to ask with a smile, "Miss Tao Yuyan, may I ask if you are willing to marry Mr. Tao Xian and be his wife for the rest of your life. Love him, take care of him, and never betray him. Will you always be by his side no matter if you are sick or in good health?"

The emcee's recitation of this part for Tao Yuyan lacked a word of love. This was what Tao Xian had requested because he hoped that he would be the one to dote on Tao Yuyan in the future and not Yuyan to dote on him.

Tao Yuyan blushed and nodded. "I'm willing."

Although her voice was not as loud as Tao Xian's and she was not as excited, looking at her shy appearance, one could tell how happy and blissful she was at the moment.

"Alright, the ceremony is complete. The groom can put a ring on the bride," the host hurriedly said with a smile.

Tao Xian impatiently put the ring on Yuyan. It was even more beautiful and exquisite than the ring from the previous proposal. However, it was also not as full of stars as the one that little Yuyan liked. The stars in the sky were surrounded by the dazzling light of diamonds, clear and beautiful.

Tao Xian gently put the ring on Tao Yuyan's finger and then asked the host beside him, "Sir, can I kiss the bride?"

"Yes, yes." The host hurriedly nodded.

The other people watching the ceremony also jeered, "Yes, yes, yes, quick, kiss her."

Tao Xian's face finally turned a little red. He carefully and excitedly looked at the beautiful woman in front of him who was wearing a wedding dress and looked like a fairy. This was his Yuyan, and from this moment on, Yuyan was his wife.

He did not know how to describe his feelings at this moment. He only knew that he was very nervous and very happy.

"Yuyan, I..." He heard that everyone said that he could kiss the bride, but he did not dare to approach her and only dared to ask her.

Tao Yuyan nodded and was embarrassed to speak.

However, her actions still made Tao Xian understand everything. He somewhat domineeringly wrapped his arms around her waist and gently kissed her.

"Ah, finally a kiss."

A few of the relatives of the Tao family who were watching the ceremony at the side were young people. When they saw this scene, they began to shout happily.

Some of the adults at the side were not used to young people showing off their love like this, but they were all full of joy.

Tang Xiaowei saw that her good friend and Tao Xian's wedding was almost completed. At this moment, when she saw Tao Xian kiss Yuyan, she was also very happy and excited. Originally, she held Huangfu Qiye's hand gently, but at this moment, she could not help but exert some force.

Huangfu Qiye could not help but look at her a few times. When he saw that she was really happy, his gaze deepened.

Tang Xiaowei suddenly leaned on his shoulder and muttered, "Yuyan is so happy. I hope she will always be so happy."

"You will also be very happy. Believe me." Huangfu Qiye suddenly held the back of her head and kissed her lips.

Tang Xiaowei was shocked and hurriedly pushed him away. Her face was red and she looked around. Fortunately, everyone was looking at the newlyweds in front of them and did not pay attention to them. Otherwise, she would be embarrassed if so many elders saw Huangfu Qiye kissing her.

Moreover, Yuyan and Tao Xian were currently getting married. Huangfu Qiye did not know how to keep a low profile and actually wanted to steal the limelight.