Chapter 781: sneaking in to secretly take photos

She glared at him. "Today is Yuyan's wedding. Don't do anything rash."

"Who's rash? Hmm?" Huangfu Qiye reached out to pinch her cheek and said in a relaxed tone.

"Don't move. Someone is looking over." Tang Xiaowei saw that the person in front was about to turn around. She hurriedly pressed Huangfu Qiye's hand to remind him.

Huangfu Qiye originally wanted to tease her, but seeing that she was so serious, he could only look at her and then stop talking.

At this moment, there was a burst of arguing and shouting in the corner of the hall.

Therefore, everyone looked over.

Tao Xian saw that there was a problem in the corner, so he gave his assistant a look. The assistant hurried over and asked about the situation.

Not long after, the assistant came back and whispered a few words into Tao Xian's ear.

Tao Yuyan looked at Tao Xian nervously and asked him, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Tao Xian looked at her gently and held her hand tightly. He said gently, "Don't be afraid. It's nothing serious. I'll take care of it."

Hearing him say this, Tao Yuyan's heart relaxed a lot.

Tao Xian then instructed his assistant, "Go and call that person over."

"Okay." The assistant nodded and walked over.

Tao Baba and Tao Mama, who were beside him, also felt that it was a little strange. Tao Baba could resist asking, but seeing that his relatives were all curious, Tao Baba stood up and asked his son, "Ah Xian, who exactly is that person and what does he want to do?"

"He's just a reporter. He heard that Yuyan and I are getting married today, so he snuck in and planned to secretly take photos." Tao Xian did not hide anything and simply told the truth.

The moment he opened his mouth, everyone was stunned.

At the same time, Tao Yuyan's body also stiffened. Tao Xian stood beside her and held her hand. Naturally, he could feel her stiffness. He glanced at her. "Yuyan, nothing will happen. I won't let anyone else hurt you, even verbally!"

Tao Yuyan bit her lip and nodded.

At this moment, the reporter was brought over by Tao Xian's assistant.

He was indeed holding the Tao item for the shoot. At this moment, he was brought over by Tao Xian's assistant and the security guards of the Peach Blossom House. He was a little nervous and afraid however, he still braced himself and asked, "President Tao, I didn't expect that you and your sister would be getting married today. I happened to pass by and wanted to take a few pictures. Why? Is this against the law?"

"Alright, you can take the photos now. However, don't take the photos. Just take the video. Choose a good angle and make sure my wife looks beautiful." Tao Xian looked coldly at the reporter across from him and said faintly.

The reporter didn't expect that Tao Xian would not get angry or threaten him. Instead, he asked him to take the photos.

Although the reporter didn't understand why Tao Xian would do this, he thought about it. In front of so many people, even if Tao Xian was a person with an extraordinary identity, he couldn't do anything to him. Therefore, the reporter wanted to take the photos for nothing. Then, he started to fiddle with his filming tools and said, "Alright, I'm ready."

When Tao Xian saw that the reporter was indeed ready, he looked at the camera in his hand. He said seriously, "Today is indeed my wedding day. However, it is not the day that I marry my sister. It is the day that I marry the woman that I love the most. My wife is not the child of my parents. I am not related to her by blood. In the future, if anyone uses words to hurt her again, I will sue them in court and hold them accountable."

After Tao Xian finished speaking, he gestured to his assistant. The assistant immediately went forward and asked the reporter to turn off the camera.

Only then did Tao Xian look at the reporter. He said, "Alright, I've already said what I should say. You've also captured the exclusive news. I only acknowledge you now. I'll leave this news to you to manage. If any bad news spreads out tomorrow, believe me, you won't have a good day." Tao Xian looked at the reporter coldly. Then, he gave his assistant a look.

The assistant immediately came forward and brought the stunned reporter away.

Then, the assistant brought the reporter into a private room and gave the reporter a red packet. He warned the reporter about a lot of things and only let the reporter leave after the reporter promised to take good care of the video just now.

Soon, the assistant returned. At this moment, Tao Yuyan had already gone to talk to her parents and friends. Tao Xian had some free time and then took the time to meet the assistant in a corner where no one was around.

"President, I have already given that reporter a red packet, telling him to stop reporting nonsense. However, in a while, all the channels in the company will directly announce that today is your and young madam's wedding day. Why did you give that reporter an exclusive just now?" The assistant looked at Tao Xian in surprise.

"That reporter just now is from XX magazine, right? And that reporter just now is considered to be a relatively popular reporter. He can always get other people's exclusives so I let him get our exclusive. In a while, we will release the news so that the momentum won't be written by people who don't know the truth, and their magazine won't dare to write nonsense." Tao Xian didn't want to force others to accept his and Yuyan's relationship and marriage. However, he needed to deal with this matter properly. He didn't want to see many netizens who didn't know the truth and didn't know him hurl insults at him after he married Yuyan. Therefore, he needed to use the internet to clarify the truth.

"Okay, your subordinate understands." The assistant finally understood his CEO's intention.

"Go and spread the news." Tao Xian looked at the blue sky outside the window and revealed a smile.

The assistant nodded and left.

Tao Xian didn't stand by the window for long. Then, he turned around and walked in the direction of his wife.

... ...

That night, everyone left Peach Blossom House together and went to a leisure villa under the Tao family's name to attend the wedding banquet.

At this moment, because the young CEO of the Tao Corporation suddenly sent a message saying that they were getting married today, this matter also exploded on the internet.

After all, some time ago, Tao Yuyan had been slandered. Tao Xian had appeared in the media apologizing. His handsome and rich appearance had attracted many fans.

Therefore, after knowing that he was going to get married, and seeing that the bride's name was Tao Yuyan, who had been slandered previously, people began to search for information about them on the internet.

Therefore, the vast majority of people were very disgusted with their marriage. They thought that they were obviously siblings. How did they suddenly get married? They really couldn't understand.

Moreover, many people who used to be classmates with Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan stood up and said frankly that they did get along with each other as siblings in school. Moreover, these classmates had not received an invitation to attend the wedding.