Chapter 782: confine her to his side

Therefore, everyone was even more curious about how Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan went against their morals and ethics.

Some people even insulted them.

However, when Tao Xian was preparing to announce his marriage with Yuyan to the world, he had already expected this. He then hired people to keep an eye on the internet and delete abusive posts and replies at any time.

That night, as the incident became more and more intense, a very well-known popular reporter suddenly posted a long Weibo post.

This long Weibo post was immediately forwarded, liked, and commented on by more than ten thousand people.

Very soon, the people who scolded Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan for marrying without regard for morality slowly disappeared. On the contrary, these people began to bless them, and those who scolded them also began to apologize.


On the lively dance floor.

After the banquet, everyone gently swayed on the dance floor, or sat on the sofa next to them to chat.

However, Tang Xiaowei was pregnant, and Huangfu Qiye did not agree to let her move around, so he confined her to his side. The two of them had been sitting in a very remote corner, so as not to be disturbed.

Today, Tang Xiaowei had only left Huangfu Qiye three times. One time, she had gone to snatch the bouquet. In the end, the bouquet was snatched away by a teenage girl, and she returned disappointed.

The other time, she had gone to the bathroom.

The other time, she had stayed with Yuyan for a short while to take beautiful photos together.

Now that she was confined in Huangfu Qiye's arms, she could only stay obediently. Who knew that there was no one else around her besides Huangfu Qiye?

Because of the relatives of the Tao family, the adults were all chatting with mother Tao and the others, including her foster parents. They were also chatting and eating with the adults.

As for the other young people, they were all in their teens and were now dancing on the dance floor.

As for the newlyweds Tao Xian and Yuyan, just as Yuyan wanted to go to the bathroom, Tao Xian rushed to accompany Yuyan to the bathroom.

So, Tang Xiaowei sat in front of Huangfu Qiye and soon felt a little sleepy.

She couldn't help but yawn.

Seeing this, Huangfu Qiye reached out to hold her chin and lowered his head to ask her, "Sleepy?"

"A little." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

"Let's go back." Huangfu Qiye had wanted to say this for a long time, so at this moment, he didn't need to think at all and directly said it.

"No, it's not over yet. Let's wait a little longer. Look, everyone hasn't left yet. We have nothing to do when we go back. Why are we going back so early?" Besides, she was Yuyan's good friend. How could she leave before the wedding was completed?

If she wanted to leave, someone had to say that the wedding was over and everyone could go back. Only then would she be willing to leave.

Huangfu Qiye knew that she was stubborn. Today was her good friend's wedding, so he only advised her once and stopped. Anyway, he didn't have to worry. As long as she fell asleep later, he didn't care whether the wedding was over or not. He just carried her back.

On the other side.

At this moment, in the bathroom.

Tao Yuyan was in the girls' bathroom.

Tao Xian was waiting for her outside.

Tao Yuyan couldn't help but secretly turn on her phone and log in to Weibo.

After seeing the reporter appear and Ah Xian say those words to the camera, Tao Yuyan wanted to know if she and Ah Xian's wedding today would be wantonly insulted.

She held her breath and finally saw her Weibo login.

Then, suddenly, her Weibo, which did not have her real name verified, showed that she had many private messages, likes, and comments. And her phone...

She was shocked. Looking at these private messages, likes, and comments that suddenly appeared, she was at a loss.

Why did so many people suddenly find her?

She carefully clicked into her home page and did not immediately look at the private messages.

Then, she saw her latest Weibo post, which only had a photo of a delicacy. At this moment, there were tens of thousands of comments and hundreds of thousands of likes below.

She hurriedly opened the comments to look.

Then, she immediately saw many comments from netizens.

"Sightseeing group, I found out about your Weibo from your former classmates. Also, I saw the article from xd reporter, only then did I know that you and Tao Xian have a very deep relationship. I sincerely wish you all the best."

"I didn't expect there to be such a fairy tale-like love in this world. And today, you two are even married. I wish you all the best."

"Sister Yuyan, you have to be happy. Brother Tao Xian really loves you."

"There's a man who loves you so much. The key is that he's especially handsome and rich. You married him. It's really too blissful and worth it. You have to wish him well."


The comments that Tao Xian saw earlier were all wishing her and Tao Xian the best.

She could not figure out why these netizens would treat her so well and even wish her and Tao Xian the best.

However, she felt really lucky to be able to receive their blessings.

She thought of the reporter that a netizen had just mentioned and then went to find that reporter's Weibo. Hence, she finally saw the long Weibo that made all the netizens change their minds and gave her and Ah Xian their blessings.

In this long Weibo.

From the beginning, it was narrated in the first person.

[ today, I finally married the woman I love the most. Her name is Yuyan. ]

"I've been very withdrawn since I was young and my temper is very bad. There aren't many children who like to play with me. Father loves work and mother the most, so I was very quiet for a long time and didn't even speak."

"Finally, my mother found out that I didn't like to speak, and she started to worry and be afraid. Then, she took me to see many doctors. The doctors all said that it was a psychological problem and wasn't easy to treat

"My father and mother started to have time to accompany me, but I was still withdrawn and still didn't want to speak. My father and mother started to find various ways to make me as lively as other children

"So, one day, a girl who was two months older than me, but shorter than me, and looked very thin and small, came to the house. She really looked very young. I was about seven at that time, and she looked like she wasn't even five years old

"My parents said that this little sister would be my sister from now on. She would live with us in the future. They told me not to bully her and to be good friends with her. I was very curious about her because she was very obedient and very young. I didn't think that she was my sister. I felt that I was more like her brother.

"I started to play with her. I started to like talking and laughing. She also gradually became fatter and was no longer as scary as before. She also started to talk to me, but she was still very obedient. Her voice was always gentle and kind."