Chapter 783: His Deep Affection

"I have always treated her as a good friend and the closest relative, but I have never been an elder brother. I do not allow others to bully her. Whenever someone bullies her, I will always be the first to run out and block her behind me. Then, I will chase away those who want to bully her. She will smile gently at me and wipe the sweat off my face with a tissue. I will feel very happy.

"Eventually, she stayed in my house for a few years. We grew up and entered junior high school. She became more beautiful and obedient. She started to understand many things, and then she really treated me as her younger brother. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I suddenly realized that I didn't really want to be her younger brother. I knew clearly that I wasn't related to her by blood. I started to treat her coldly and passionately, but every time she was bullied by others, I would still be the first to rush out to protect her. She would still smile at me. It was as if we were like when we were young again, like we were friends

"After I entered high school, I saw someone sending her a love letter and starting to pursue her. I finally exploded and chased away all the people who wanted to pursue her. I drank wine in anger for the first time, and then I clearly understood that I actually liked her. The first time she came to my house, I was such a lonely person who didn't want to speak. I had always been unwilling to care about anything around me, but when I saw the thin, small, and obedient her, my heart began to soften

"But everyone around me felt that she was my sister. I couldn't say it out loud, and I didn't have the courage to say it out loud. I was afraid of being rejected by her. I knew very well that she would definitely reject me. I wasn't afraid of others talking nonsense. I was only afraid of scaring her away. I endured and stayed by her side. I insisted on staying in the same school and classroom as her, secretly protecting her.

"Finally, we reached university. There was finally a breakthrough between us, but I hurt her. She left with a broken heart. It was too late for me to regret. I could only work hard to strengthen myself and then come back to look for her.

"Now, after so many years, my feelings for her still haven't changed. I still love her, and I love her more and more."

"Today, she finally married me."

[ these are all experiences written by Mr. Tao Xian himself. ]

XX Magazine's XD reporter.

When Tao Yuyan saw this, her tears had already wet her phone screen.

She never expected that Tao Xian would actually remember so clearly the things that happened when she was young.

Moreover, he was actually so good to her at such a young age, and had already fallen in love with her long ago.

Her tears could not be stopped.

At the bottom of this long Weibo post, there was also the video that Tao Xian had asked this reporter to take in the Peach Blossom restaurant.

Tao Xian's words in the video, coupled with the words on it, made Tao Yuyan cry uncontrollably.

She was very regretful. She regretted that she was too slow. That was why she did not realize that Ah Xian cared about and liked her. She also regretted that she did not fall in love with him earlier, which made him wait and feel so lonely for so many years.

Thinking of this, she immediately opened the bathroom door and rushed out.

In the corridor outside the bathroom, Tao Xian was standing alone in the corridor waiting for Tao Yuyan. When he heard the urgent sound of high heels behind him, he immediately turned around to look.

When he looked, he saw Tao Yuyan running out with tears on her face. He was shocked and hurriedly walked over to hug her. He asked nervously, "Yuyan, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Ah Xian... I... I saw Weibo. I'm sorry. It's all my fault for not knowing your feelings earlier." Tao Yuyan threw herself into Tao Xian's arms and hugged him. She cried even more sadly.

She really felt that she had not been good enough to him in the past, and she had not been careful enough. Otherwise, she would not have known that he had been single-handedly in love with her for so long. He must have been suffering these years, just like when she liked him, because she could not say it out loud.. But she could not help but think of him, and it was really difficult.

"You saw it?" Tao Xian was stunned for a moment, then gently patted her back. "Don't cry, those things are all in the past. It's not too late for you to know now. Now you still have the time and opportunity to love me properly."

Tao Xian had originally agreed to let that reporter post the video.

However, after his company released the news of his marriage to Yuyan, many people began to insult him. Therefore, he wrote a rough summary of his relationship with Yuyan at the last minute. He handed it to that reporter and the video to be posted together.

Therefore, because of this Weibo post, no one was scolding them anymore.

He thought that Yuyan would not know, at least not today. However, now that Yuyan knew and even made her cry, he was really heartbroken.

"Yes, I will love you well in the future." Although Tao Yuyan was shy, she could not care so much at the moment. She raised her head. Even though her face was full of tears, it could not hide her beauty. She nodded seriously.

In Tao Xian's eyes, she was so beautiful that she could seduce his soul. She was like a demon, but she was as pure as a crystal.

He held her face and gently wiped away her tears. He said gently, "In the future, you can only love me. Do not change your heart."

"Okay." Tao Yuyan nodded.

Tao Xian felt an itch in his heart when he was stared at by her watery and clear eyes. Then, in the next second, he directly carried her up. "Let's go back to the room now."

As he said that, he carried her out of the room.

"But we are leaving. Where are the others?" Tao Yuyan was worried that there would be something else that they needed to do. Moreover, they were not the only ones here today, so she was very worried.

"Who cares about them? Today is our wedding day. The wedding has long been completed. I will leave someone to arrange it for them. No one will disturb us." Tao Xian strode to the entrance of an elevator.

Tao Yuyan had no choice but to say nothing more and obediently curled up in his arms. "Then I will listen to you."

Hearing her answer, the smile on Tao Xian's lips deepened.

The elevator was not used at the moment, so the door was opened immediately. Tao Xian carried Tao Yuyan and walked in.

The elevator door was soon closed.

It was very quiet inside the elevator, so quiet that one could hear the sound of two people's hearts beating and their breathing.

Tao Yuyan unconsciously stopped feeling uncomfortable and wanted to cry. Instead, she felt a little shy, and her face began to heat up.

Soon, the elevator stopped and the door was opened. Tao Xian carried her out. This was the third floor and there was no one on it. Tao Xian carried her directly to the room they were going to stay in tonight.

He carried her to the door and stopped. He whispered into her ear, "I can't open the door. Press the screen and your fingerprint is already entered."