Chapter 784: Yuyan and Ah Xian's wedding night

He smiled and winked at her.

Tao Yuyan nodded when she heard him say that. She stretched out her finger and pressed on the screen on the door. The screen lit up and showed that the fingerprint was that of the mistress. Then, the door opened.

She felt her face become even hotter.

She already knew what she and Ah Xian would do next.

In her memories, although they had once, she was drugged at that time, so her memory was very hazy. Moreover, because it was the first time, the feeling at that time made her feel very painful.

Now, she held his arm tightly in fear.

After carrying her into the room, Tao Xian closed the door. Feeling her nervousness, he carried her into the bedroom and carefully placed her on the big bed filled with flower petals. Then, he squatted down in front of her and looked into her eyes. He said gently, "Yuyan, we are now together. From today onwards, we are officially husband and wife. With a wedding ceremony, a marriage certificate, and everyone's blessings, no one will be able to separate us from each other in the future."

"Yes, I know. I will give myself to you." Tao Yuyan bit her lip and nodded shyly.

Their marriage certificate had been collected the day he had just been discharged from the hospital.

And because the wedding needed to be prepared, it was held today.

Tao Xian saw that she was still very shy, so he became a little nervous. He stood up and gently stroked her head. "I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to come or wait for me to finish showering before taking a shower?"

"You... you go take a shower first." Tao Yuyan still bit her lip, feeling a little embarrassed to look at him.

Tao Xian knew that she was easily shy and always liked to be shy, so he did not force her. He nodded and went to the bathroom first, then closed the door.

Soon, the sound of water came from the bathroom.

Tao Yuyan sat on the big bed in the bedroom. She felt her whole body burning up.

All her attention was on the other side of the bathroom. The sound of water there stimulated her nerves.

She did not know how long she had been sitting on the bed in a daze. When she came back to her senses, she saw Tao Xian, who was wearing a bathrobe, walking out and waving his hand in front of her.

She quickly came back to her senses and smiled at him. "Are you done bathing? Then it's my turn."

After she finished speaking, she got off the bed and was ready to walk into the bathroom.

Tao Xian suddenly grabbed her hand and looked at her gently. "There's water on the ground inside. Be careful of the slippery ground. If there's anything, you can call me."

"Okay." Tao Yuyan nodded. Then, she saw that he let go of her hand and turned to go to the bathroom.

Later, in the bathroom, when she took off her clothes and took a shower, she felt very shy. In her mind, she remembered that he had also taken a shower in here.

This was something that had never happened before.

In the past, when she had not left the Tao family to move out, although she lived in the same villa as him, everyone's room had a bathroom. No one else had ever gone into her bathroom.

But at this moment, they had all used the bathroom here. Just thinking about it made her blush.

In the end, she still took a shower in here. After she was done, she put on a bathrobe, but she was too embarrassed to go out.

Until more than an hour had passed.

Tao Xian walked to the bathroom door and gently knocked on the door, asking her worriedly, "Yuyan, are you done bathing?"

He was worried that something had happened to her in there.

When Tao Yuyan heard his question, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reminding herself secretly.

They were now officially husband and wife.

They had to live together in the future. Even if they were shy, they should not be timid or avoid it.

Otherwise, he would misunderstand and hurt his heart.

Therefore, her fingers trembled as she opened the bathroom door and appeared in front of her. She said in a low voice, "I... I'm done washing up."

Tao Xian held her hand and led her out. "Come over when you're done washing up. I'll help you dry your hair before you can rest. Otherwise, you'll catch a cold."

"Okay, okay." Tao Yuyan followed obediently.

Then, he let her sit on the big bed while he stood in front of her. He gently began to dry her hair with a towel.

After that, he dried it half-dry and then used a hairdryer to blow it on her.

His movements were very gentle. Occasionally, he would speak to her. His voice was also very gentle. Very soon, she completely relaxed.

Slowly, he also helped her dry her hair. He put away the hairdryer and asked her, "Are you sleepy now?"

She nodded. "A little."

"Okay, let's rest." Tao Xian let her lie down on the bed, then walked over to turn off the lights in the room. He groped his way over and lay down gently beside her. Then, he reached out his hands and pulled her into his arms.

Tao Yuyan was a little uncomfortable, but she did not push him away, trying hard to get used to it.

Tao Xian felt that her body was stiff when he touched it at first, but then it slowly relaxed.

His kiss began to fall on her neck.

"Yuyan, are you sleepy now?"

His voice was full of temptation and sounded in her ears.

"I... I don't seem to be sleepy..." Tao Yuyan was not sleepy at all when he hugged her like this.

However, when she finished saying this, Tao Xian's next words made her feel so ashamed and angry that she wanted to die.

"Yuyan, today is our wedding night. Can I touch you?"

He asked her carefully.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Then, she closed her eyes, bit her lips, and made a soft sound. It was almost inaudible.

But Tao Xian still heard it.

Tao Xian was so touched that he hugged her, and then he said a lot of words gently in her ear to make her relax, and then he started to kiss her.

The night was getting deeper and deeper.

In the new room, the newlyweds were happy and sweet.


On the other side.

It was getting late.

Tang Xiaowei was getting more and more sleepy.

She lay in Huangfu Qiye's arms and mumbled in a half-asleep state, "why did Yuyan and Tao Xian disappear? Has the wedding been completed? Then why are they still dancing? Furthermore, Mother Tao and my parents are actually starting to play Mahjong."

Huangfu Qiye saw that she was so sleepy and did not dare to sleep. He was afraid that he would delay his friend's wedding, so he gave Yuan Qi a look.

Hence, Yuan Qi immediately went over to inquire.

Soon, Yuan Qi returned and reported, "Young master, young madam, Mr. Tao and Mrs. Tao have returned to their bridal chamber. Today's wedding is also completed. Now, everyone is free to move about."

"Xiaowei, then come home with me." Upon hearing Yuan Qi's report, Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei and prepared to leave.

"Then I'll go over and greet father, mother, uncle, and Aunt Hu."