Chapter 785: Xiaowei, I'll be away for a few days

Tang Xiaowei heard that Yuyan and Tao Xian had already returned to the new house, and no one dared to cause a ruckus in the new house today.

So she also decided to go back with Huangfu Qiye, or else he would definitely get angry again.

She prepared to go over and tell her adoptive parents, Tao Baba, and Tao Mama that they were leaving.

This place was not particularly far from the forest manor. Although it was already dark, if they went back, it would be very, very safe with a car and bodyguards.

Huangfu Qiye had to agree to her request. Otherwise, she would not be willing to leave.

However, he did not let her go alone. He put his arm around her waist and accompanied her.

Tang Xiaowei saw her adoptive parents and said that she was leaving now. She wanted to leave so she sent them back first. If she did not leave, then they would stay here and rest. She would send someone to take them back tomorrow.

Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian wanted to chat with the adults again, so they agreed to go back tomorrow.

Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to let her adoptive parents stay. Then, she told Tao Baba and Tao Mama that she would go back first and was ready to leave.

Huangfu Qiye also waved to the adults, then he took Tang Xiaowei and left.

It was a cool night outside.

This kind of cool air was very pleasant to ordinary people on a summer night.

However, Huangfu Qiye was worried that Tang Xiaowei, who was pregnant at the moment, would catch a cold, so he took off his suit jacket and gently put it on her. "Put it on first, or else you will feel very uncomfortable if you catch a cold."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded happily, feeling sweet in her heart.

And today was her best friend's wedding day, so her mood was naturally better.

She held Huangfu Qiye's hand and said, "In the future, when we get married, don't invite too many people. I feel that such a simple and warm wedding is very good."

"Okay, you can have the wedding as you like." Huangfu Qiye looked at her lovingly, held her hand, and walked to the front of the car. Then, without the help of the bodyguards, he personally opened the car door for her and helped her into the car. Only then did he get into the car. After that, he pulled her into his arms and said gently, "If you're too tired, just sleep in my arms. We'll be home soon."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded. She was by his side, so she didn't have to worry about anything. He had arranged everything for her.

Therefore, she quickly fell asleep in his arms with ease.

When they returned to the forest manor, it was already past 12 o'clock at night.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei back to the room and let the others go down to rest.

Huangfu Qiye gently put Tang Xiaowei on the bed, and she woke up in a daze.

"We're home already?" She lay on the bed and looked around.

Hearing her mention the word 'home' every time she came back, Huangfu Qiye felt very happy. He grunted and said in a deep and pleasant voice, "Yes."

Xiaowei was right. This was their home.

In the past, he was the only one living here. In the future, the two of them would live together with their children. This was their home.

"I don't want to take a bath today. I'm so sleepy." Tang Xiaowei felt that her whole body was soft and weak. She didn't want to get up at all.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye pinched her cheek lovingly. "Okay, then I won't take a bath with you."

"Do you dislike me?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but ask with a smile when she heard him say this.

"What's there to dislike if you don't take a bath for a day, silly." Huangfu Qiye lowered his head and kissed her hard on the lips. Then he reached out to turn off the light and directly threw her down. "Okay, go to sleep. Aren't you sleepy?"

"Are you really not going to take a bath?" Tang Xiaowei thought he was joking just now.

"Don't talk anymore. Go to sleep." Huangfu Qiye held her in his arms and then used a kiss to block the opportunity for her to speak.

In the end, Tang Xiaowei was kissed until she was panting and didn't have the strength to say anything more.

... ...

In the next few days, Tang Xiaowei didn't contact Yuyan because Yuyan had told her on the wedding day that herself and Tao Xian were going on a honeymoon the day after the wedding, so Tang Xiaowei didn't want to disturb her good friend.

Therefore, in the past few days, besides eating and resting, Huangfu Qiye had been working in the study room at home.

Tang Xiaowei could only cook in a panic every day, read books, and occasionally go to the study room to see Huangfu Qiye.

That night, after dinner.

Huangfu Qiye finally stopped going to the study room and chose to watch a movie with Tang Xiaowei in the room.

However, halfway through the movie, Huangfu Qiye suddenly tightened his grip on Tang Xiaowei's hand and said in a deep voice, "Xiaowei, I might have to go away tomorrow. I'll be gone for a few days."

"Why? Are you going on a business trip?" Tang Xiaowei sat in his arms and suddenly heard that he was going out for a few days the next day. She was not in the mood to watch the movie and looked at him nervously.

"Have you forgotten what I promised you a month ago?" Huangfu Qiye stroked her hair. He said, "Currently, the Xiu family's company has slowly merged with the Huangfu family's. I've decided to meet grandpa tomorrow. If the negotiation with him is successful, I can bring An An back to see you."

"If it doesn't succeed, does that mean that you and An An can't come back and I'll never see you again?'' Tang Xiaowei became even more nervous and subconsciously grabbed his arm.

"That won't happen. Based on the current situation, the chances of success are very high, so you don't have to worry. I'll definitely be able to bring him back. Starting tomorrow, I'll bring Aze over. Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan will stay behind to protect you. You can order them to do whatever you want, but remember not to be too far away from them. Don't go out anytime soon," Huangfu Qiye instructed softly.

"I... I'm very scared." Tang Xiaowei suddenly hugged Huangfu Qiye and said with a trembling voice, "Qiye, I'm very scared. I'm afraid that if you don't succeed, you won't be able to come back."

"I won't. As long as I don't die, I'll definitely be able to come back. Xiaowei, don't be afraid. I won't just abandon you and not come back. Trust me, okay?" Huangfu Qiye could clearly feel her fear and hugged her even tighter.

Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes, still feeling afraid.

However, she clearly knew that everything that Qiye was doing now was for the sake of them not being controlled by others in the future.

Therefore, she bit her lip. She suppressed her fear and said, "Alright, I believe you. However, you should bring Yuan Qi along. After all, you need a helper by your side. Aze is your grandfather's man. He will definitely only listen to your grandfather. Don't worry, I will definitely not go out. I will have Yuan Shan with me. With her protecting me, I will not be in danger."