Chapter 786: Welcome Back Young Master Qi ye

"No, Yuan Qi will still stay by your side. You don't have to worry about me. I will arrange everything myself." Huangfu Qiye did not dare to leave Yuan Shan alone to protect Tang Xiaowei. In the past, when Yuan Shan was the only one left, something had already happened. This time, it was better to leave Yuan Qi with her so that he could be at ease.

"I still..." Tang Xiaowei felt that nothing would happen if she did not go out, so she was afraid that if he only brought Aze along, he would be bullied by Xiu Zhongsheng alone, so she was worried about him.

Huangfu Qiye interrupted her, "Be good, be obedient. I'll be fine. Just listen to my arrangements, okay?"

"Okay then." Tang Xiaowei could only bite her lip and lower her head.

At this time, she was not in the mood to watch the movie.

Huangfu Qiye turned off the movie, then carried her up and walked in the direction of the bedroom. "It's too late. I'll carry you back to your room to rest."

"Then pick a few more powerful bodyguards to go with you. That way, I can be more at ease." Tang Xiaowei was still thinking about the topic just now, and she grabbed his arm and asked worriedly.

Huangfu Qiye liked it the most when she was worried about him. He looked at her lovingly and smiled. "Okay, I'll bring a few more bodyguards with me."

"Okay, then I'll feel much more at ease." Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief.


The next morning.

Tang Xiaowei was a little flustered, but she didn't show it. She tried hard to suppress it.

Then, she helped Huangfu Qiye put on his suit and tie. She smiled gently at him and said, "Okay, I'm done. Go downstairs and have breakfast. After breakfast, you can go out."

Huangfu Qiye suddenly pulled her into his arms and said in a low voice, "Xiaowei, don't be afraid. I'll be able to bring An An back in five days at most."

In a place where Huangfu Qiye couldn't see, Tang Xiaowei blinked back her tears of worry and replied, "Yes, of course I believe you."

When Huangfu Qiye heard her say this, although he knew that she was still worried, he didn't say anything more.

He held her in his arms and went downstairs.

The two of them quietly had breakfast together.

Then, he called Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan over. He instructed them, "You have to protect young madam well these few days. You absolutely must not allow anyone from the outside to come in. No matter who they are, even if they are young madam's foster parents, you must wait for me to return before you can let them in."

Huangfu Qiye was afraid that after he left, someone would deliberately disguise themselves as Xiaowei's foster parents and sneak into the manor.

Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan both nodded. "Don't worry, young master. We will definitely protect young madam well."

"Also, the police have yet to find Mu Sitian. You have to be on guard against her. If she appears, immediately take her to the police station." Huangfu Qiye explained one thing after another in detail.

Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan listened carefully and nodded.

Tang Xiaowei heard Huangfu Qiye's instructions to Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan, which made her panic even more.

However, she bit her lip and didn't show it.

After a while, after Huangfu Qiye finished instructing his subordinates, he turned to look at the little woman beside him. When he saw that her face was a little pale, he walked over with some heartache. He pulled her into his embrace. "Xiaowei, I should go. In the next few days, don't think about anything. As long as you stay at home obediently, I will be back very soon. When that time comes, you can still see An An."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and nodded.

Huangfu Qiye looked at the time and saw that it was already late. Although he could not bear to part with her, he would have to leave sooner or later.

Therefore, he quickly let go of her.

Then, he kissed her on the lips and intimately pinched her face. "Wait for me to come back."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei tried her best not to show any fear or sadness on her face. She gave him a gentle smile.

Huangfu Qiye was relieved when he saw her smile. Then, he let go of her and waved at the bodyguards and Aze who were selected by him. Then, the group of people walked out.

Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan could only stay where they were and did not move.

Tang Xiaowei looked at Huangfu Qiye's back and saw that he was getting further and further away from her. She did not dare to chase after him because she was afraid of disturbing his mind.

However, when she saw that he had finally disappeared at the door and the sound of a car starting could be heard from the lawn outside, she finally could not hold it in anymore.

She ran towards the door. When she reached the door, she pressed her hands tightly against the door. Then, she finally saw the two cars on the lawn slowly driving towards the iron gate on the other side of the fence.

She did not dare to go out again. She could only stand there and watch him move further and further away in a panic.

She did not dare to imagine what she would do if he did not return for a long time after he left this time.

The way she ran to the door just now scared Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan.

At this moment, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan also hurried to her side and advised in a low voice, "Young madam, young master will be back very soon. Don't be sad."

"Yes, I know. You don't have to worry about me," Tang Xiaowei said indifferently. Then, she turned around and went upstairs.

Yuan Shan and Yuan Qi looked at each other, then followed her.

Their mission was to protect Tang Xiaowei, so of course, they had to follow closely by her side.

However, after they followed her to the second floor and found that Tang Xiaowei had entered the bedroom, they didn't follow her in anymore.

On the other side, after Tang Xiaowei entered the bedroom, she took a pair of binoculars that Huangfu Qiye had bought some time ago. Then, she walked to the balcony, took the binoculars, and looked around. She was ready to see where Huangfu Qiye's car was at this moment.

Soon, she saw the wide road leading down the mountain. Two black cars were speeding down the mountain.

She looked for about half a minute, but she couldn't see anything anymore.

Their cars had already disappeared into the forest, and they were obscured by the trees.

Tang Xiaowei sat on the rattan chair somewhat dejectedly. Suddenly, she felt that she didn't have the strength to do anything now.

A low mood instantly enveloped her.


Ten hours later.

The plane landed on the island.

Huangfu Qiye was the first to alight from the plane, followed closely by Aze. Behind him were the four bodyguards that Huangfu Qiye had carefully selected to follow him for ten years.

They alighted from the private plane.

When the patrolling bodyguards on the island saw that someone had come onto the island, they surrounded him with guns. However, when they saw that it was Huangfu Qiye, they put away their guns and bowed respectfully. "Welcome back, young master Qiye."