Chapter 794: "Mom, I'm back. "

Xiao Anan looked at his great-grandfather unwillingly. When he turned around, he saw his great-grandfather waving at him and looking away sadly.

Xiao Anan also felt a little uncomfortable. He waved his chubby hand and slowly turned around. He raised his little head to look at his father and said softly, "Dad, great-grandfather seems to be crying."

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, his heart ached. He couldn't stop it at all. He patted Xiao Anan's head and said, "It's okay. We'll come back to see him in a few days."

"Okay." Xiao Anan nodded and didn't say anything else.

After a while, Huangfu Qiye carried Xiao Anan onto the helicopter.

Soon, the helicopter left the island without anyone stopping it. This time, Aze didn't follow it.

On the island.

In the living room.

Xiu Zhongsheng's eyes were slightly red. When housekeeper Xiu saw this, she didn't dare to say anything and could only accompany him quietly.


At the forest manor.

Tang Xiaowei had just finished talking to Huangfu Qiye. Not long after, Yuan Shan's phone rang again. It was her father's phone number, and Tang Xiaowei immediately picked it up.

However, the voice that came from the other end didn't belong to either of her parents. Instead, it was a very unfamiliar male voice, "Is this Tang Xiaowei?"

"Yes, it's me. Who are you? What's your motive for kidnapping my parents?" Tang Xiaowei admitted her identity and anxiously asked the other party.

"I didn't kidnap your parents for money. I just wanted to see you. Come out and see me now. As long as you go down the mountain, my car will come and pick you up." The other party coldly said that he didn't want money and only wanted to see her.

Tang Xiaowei remembered Huangfu Qiye's instructions. She tried to persuade the kidnapper, "I'm not feeling well and can't go out now. If you need money, I can give you money. I hope you won't hurt my parents and release them as soon as possible."

"You don't understand what I said, do you? I don't need money. I just want to see you." The man across from her was impatient and shouted.

"Who are you? I don't know you at all. Why do you want to see me?" Tang Xiaowei heard that the other party's voice was clearly very strange. She was sure that no one she knew had such a voice. Therefore, she was even more puzzled.

"As long as you come to see me, I will tell you my identity. Tang Xiaowei, I will only give you an hour to consider. If you still don't want to go out to see me after an hour, I will directly kill your foster parents and throw them onto the highway!" The other party was still unwilling to clearly state his identity and address on the phone. After he fiercely threatened her, he hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei was frightened by the person on the phone just now.

She didn't even know who the other party was, so she wouldn't go out to meet him.

But, what if the other party really killed her foster parents?


An hour later, Huangfu Qiye received a call from Mu Yisen.

Mu Yisen said excitedly on the other end of the phone, "Brother, we've found it. The kidnapper who kidnapped sister-in-law's parents has been found. Although we don't know who the other party is yet, we've already tracked the whereabouts of the kidnappers when they left. We've already found where he's hiding now. I'll immediately bring people over to catch them."

"Good, Yisen. Be careful." Huangfu Qiye was still in the helicopter at that moment, and could only ask Mu Yisen for help.

Mu Yisen answered in a hurry and then hung up the phone.

At that moment, his car had been driven to a no-man's-land in the suburbs.


Two hours later.

Under the direction of Tang Xiaowei, two black cars drove into forest manor through the gates.

Tang Xiaowei immediately went up to meet them. The car door opened and the bodyguard helped Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian to get down.

Tang Xiaowei saw Mu Yisen and hurriedly went forward to ask him, "Yisen, thank you for your help this time. Thank you. Did you see who kidnapped my parents?"

Previously, she had received a call from the kidnapper. The kidnapper had threatened her that he would kill her parents if she did not go out to see him. At that time, Tang Xiaowei was very worried and was in a difficult position. However, she soon received a call from Huangfu Qiye. Huangfu Qiye had told her not to go out, and he had already asked someone to help. Soon, they would be able to find the location of the kidnapper. Therefore, she listened to Huangfu Qiye's instructions and waited at home. Then, she quickly received a call from Mu Yisen. He said that he had found the kidnappers and quickly brought her parents over.

"Sister-in-law, when I went over, the kidnappers seemed to know that we were there, so they ran away a long time ago. When we found your parents, there were only unconscious people in the abandoned house. However, it seems that the two old people were not injured. They were only drugged. Now, let them rest for a few hours and they will wake up." Mu Yisen did not hide the fact that he had gone to save Tang Xiaowei's parents. Then, because he had other things to do, he quickly said, "Sister-in-law, I'll be leaving first. I still have things to do."

"Okay, you go ahead. Thank you. " Tang Xiaowei nodded and thanked him again.

Mu Yisen smiled and said that it was nothing. Then, he got into the car and left.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei accompanied her parents. Together with the bodyguards, she sent her parents to the guest room to rest. At the same time, she asked the family doctor to come over and take a look at her parents' bodies. After finding that there was nothing wrong, she was relieved.

The sky had just turned dark when the sound of a helicopter came from outside.

Yuan Shan also hurriedly ran in and said with a smile, "Young madam, young master and An An are back."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei's face lit up. "They're back?"

She took a look at her parents, who were still unconscious, and then asked the maid to guard them well. Then, she hurriedly walked out of the room and went downstairs.

As soon as she went downstairs, she heard Xiao Anan's clear and childlike voice shouting from the lawn outside, "Mom, mom, I'm back. An An is back."

Tang Xiaowei rushed to the door and saw Huangfu Qiye carrying An An on the lawn in front of them. Not far behind them was a helicopter, and the father and son were walking unhurriedly in the direction of the villa.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know why her heart would be so excited and surging when she saw Huangfu Qiye coming back safely with his child.

She didn't know when she had started to rely on Huangfu Qiye.

While waiting for him to come back this afternoon, she had been waiting by her parents' bed. At that time, although she was silent, she was afraid.