Chapter 795: accidentally kissed by her

Now, as long as she saw him, she no longer knew fear.

She lifted her skirt and walked out, walking in the direction of the father and son pair.

Soon, the family of three was already standing face to face on the lawn.

Tang Xiaowei raised her head and looked at Huangfu Qiye, her voice somewhat choked. "I thought you would really not come back for a few days. Fortunately, you brought An An back in just two days."

Moreover, her adoptive parents were suddenly kidnapped today. Because of him, she could easily get Mu Yisen's help and rescue her adoptive parents.

Although she still didn't know who kidnapped her adoptive parents, as long as no one was hurt, she was much more relieved.

"Silly." Huangfu Qiye reached out and pinched her cheek, his tone doting.

Xiao Anan also reached out and wanted to pinch her mother's cheek, but his little hand was too short and was held by Huangfu Qiye. Even if he stretched his little hand to its longest, he couldn't touch Tang Xiaowei at all. He began to struggle. "Daddy, let me down quickly. I want mommy to hold my hand."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei turn her attention to the child. Then, her heart ached again. She and An An had been separated for a long time.

"An An." Tang Xiaowei reached out, wanting to hold the child.

Huangfu Qiye was afraid that she would not be able to hold the child if she was pregnant, so he had no choice but to put the child on the lawn and stand properly. Then, he held the child's little hand and said to Tang Xiaowei in a low voice, "Just hug him. Don't hold heavy objects when you're pregnant."

Tang Xiaowei was almost amused by his analogy that her child was a heavy object. However, she could only listen to him. Then, she held An An's other hand and looked at the child's small face gently and excitedly. After careful observation, she realized that the child seemed to have grown a little. He had also gained a little weight, and he looked quite good.

"Mommy, daddy said that I will live here with you guys in the future. An An is so happy." Xiao Anan saw that her mother was staring at him. He smiled and raised his small head, looking at her mother with a smile.

Tang Xiaowei gently touched the child's head and nodded. "Your daddy is right. An An will live here with daddy and mommy in the future. Mommy will take good care of me."

"That's great, Mommy. An An is so happy." Xiao Anan jumped on the lawn happily.

Huangfu Qiye was afraid that the child would hurt the pregnant Tang Xiaowei, so he bent down again and picked the child up. He said to the mother and son, "Let's go inside. An An might be hungry."

"Yes, An An is really hungry. How would father know?" Hearing his father say this, Xiao Anan felt that his stomach was indeed hungry. It was just that he was too happy to see his mother just now, so he only cared about being happy. Then, he forgot about being hungry.

"Because I'm your father." Huangfu Qiye stared at his son. The little guy was really too talkative.

On the way here, the little guy was so noisy that his ears hurt a little.

He felt strange. Apart from talking to Xiaowei, he rarely talked to other people, including his friends. Xiaowei also didn't seem to talk much. Why did the little guy seem to have endless words?

Actually, he didn't understand what Xiao Anan was thinking.

Xiao Anan had been separated from his parents for a long time. It wasn't easy for him to see his father, so of course he had to talk to him. Moreover, Xiao Anan was still a child, so he said whatever came to his mind. Thus, on the way back today, Xiao Anan thought of the toys, games, and knowledge he knew of. He would speak to Huangfu Qiye whenever he thought of anything, which made Huangfu Qiye feel that the little guy spoke too much.

Now that Xiao Anan saw his mother, he naturally wanted to talk more with his mother.

Xiao Anan was a little stunned when he heard his father's answer. Then, he looked at his mother and asked in confusion, "Mommy, what does daddy mean?"

The little fellow's gaze was very clear as he looked expectantly at Tang Xiaowei.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he also looked at Tang Xiaowei. However, his gaze was filled with a deep meaning.

Tang Xiaowei's previous nervousness had improved a lot because of the appearance of the father and son pair. Therefore, when she saw that they were both looking at her, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Then, she touched An An's tender little face. She said softly, "What your father means is that there's no meaning. An An, tell mommy, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Anan's attention was immediately stolen by her mother's words. He blinked happily and said, "An An wants to eat fish and prawns."

"Okay, then let's go to the restaurant now. In a while, let uncle chef cook fish and prawns for you, okay?" Tang Xiaowei said gently as she walked into the house.

Huangfu Qiye also carried the child into the house.

Xiao Anan's attention was completely focused on the question of food, so she didn't ask any more questions.

However, Huangfu Qiye secretly reached out his hand and pinched Tang Xiaowei's waist. He approached her, bent down, and whispered in her ear, "What do you mean by my words are meaningless?"

Tang Xiaowei turned her head. Just as she was about to raise her head and speak, her lips accidentally touched his lips. Her face instantly turned red and she hurriedly moved her head to the side. She felt very embarrassed that the child was still there and there were other people around. Therefore, she did not answer his question anymore.

Huangfu Qiye did not wait for an answer after asking her. Furthermore, she had accidentally kissed him just now. His heart was completely hooked by her.

His gaze was fiery as he stared at her domineeringly. "Xiaowei, accompany the child to the dining room first. I'll go order the kitchen to prepare your favorite food."

As he said this, he put Xiao Anan down. Then, he patted Xiao Anan's head and turned around to head towards the kitchen.

Xiao Anan immediately walked over obediently and hugged his mother's hand. Then, he raised his head and asked his mother worriedly, "Mommy, your face is so red. Are you sick?"

Tang Xiaowei held the child's small hand and held the child's hand as they walked towards the dining room. Then, she touched her own face.

It was indeed very hot, so if the child said that her face was so red, then her face must be very red at this moment.

She suddenly felt very embarrassed.

"I'm not sick. It's probably because the air outside is too hot," Tang Xiaowei hurriedly explained to the child and then held the child's hand as they walked into the dining room.

Xiao Anan was carried to a chair by Tang Xiaowei and sat down. He was reluctant to let go of his mother's hand, so he held Tang Xiaowei's hand and asked her, "Mommy, can An An sleep with you tonight?"

"No!" Before Tang Xiaowei could answer, Huangfu Qiye's domineering refusal came from the restaurant's door.

Xiao Anan and Tang Xiaowei both looked at the restaurant's door.