Chapter 796: "If you're pregnant, I'll let you go. "

Huangfu Qiye strode in and sat down next to Tang Xiaowei. He wrapped his arm around her waist and announced to Xiao Anan, "Your mother can only sleep with me from now on. You're not young anymore. You have to learn to sleep alone in the future."

"But I'm not as old as you two. Why is it that daddy can sleep with mommy and I have to sleep alone? And I just want to sleep with mommy today." Xiao Anan didn't understand this reason. His small mouth pouted, obviously very aggrieved.

"You'll know when you grow up, little brat." Huangfu Qiye lightly knocked on the child's head, too lazy to explain to him.

Xiao Anan continued to pout, then rubbed his head. "Forget it if you don't want to talk. Hmph, I'm not afraid of being alone."

Tang Xiaowei saw An An like this, and her heart ached. She reached out and pulled An An into her arms, then said to Huangfu Qiye beside her, "Qiye, why don't you let An An sleep with us for a few nights?"

"Are you sure?" Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Xiaowei with a meaningful gaze.

Xiao Anan also looked at Tang Xiaowei excitedly. "Mom, are you willing to let An An sleep with you?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Tang Xiaowei nodded to Huangfu Qiye and the child.

"Okay, but I only agree to let him stay in our room for one night. I'll accompany him for one night today. Starting tomorrow, I want him to adapt to his own room." Huangfu Qiye couldn't refuse Tang Xiaowei's request. Especially when she looked at him expectantly.

It was not a bad thing to accompany An An anyway. He thought about it and had no choice but to agree.

"Qiye, you're so kind." Tang Xiaowei was delighted when she saw that he had agreed. She felt that he was getting better and better.

Xiao Anan also hurriedly thanked her father who had been kind to him. "Father, you're so kind."

Huangfu Qiye did not know how to describe his feelings at this moment.

His own woman and child were all smiling and saying that he was good. At this moment, he felt that many things were not the most important to him.

The most important thing was that being able to live together with the person he loved and the child they gave birth to together. This was the most blissful thing.


At night, Xiao Anan quickly fell asleep.

The big bed in Huangfu Qiye's bedroom was very big, so Xiao Anan slept on the side, leaving a lot of space.

After Huangfu Qiye helped the pregnant Tang Xiaowei lie down, he lay down behind her.

Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes. In front of her, Xiao Anan was curled up, sleeping soundly under the blanket.

Behind her, Huangfu Qiye was gently hugging her. The two of them were in an intimate position.

She had just seen the father and son return, and An An was still around, so there were some things that she did not tell him. At this moment, An An was asleep. She could not fall asleep because she had too many things on her mind.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Huangfu Qiye could clearly feel that she was not sleepy. His deep voice rang in her ears.

"Regarding my parents, Yisen said that he did not see who kidnapped my parents. Although they have returned safely, I am very worried." Tang Xiaowei still told him all the worries in her heart.

"I've already asked Yisen about this. You don't have to worry. Leave the rest to me. I'll find those clowns as soon as possible." Huangfu Qiye had a premonition that the other party wasn't some terrifying big shot.

"Mm, with you around, I'll be much more at ease." Hearing him say this, Tang Xiaowei completely relaxed.

Huangfu Qiye couldn't help but hug her tightly. "Sleep."



In the dimly lit room.

Mu Sitian, who was tied up all over, was so angry that her face turned pale.

She glared angrily at the man who was smoking on a chair not far in front of her and shouted at him, "When will you let me go?"

Ever since she was rescued by this man at the hotel, Mu Sitian had thought that he would let her go. However, from the day she was rescued, she had been locked in this room and tied up with ropes.

She had no idea who the man who had tied her up was. In her heart, she was both afraid and hateful of him.

"Didn't I say that when you are useful, I will naturally let you go?" The man who was smoking was somewhat handsome. The mask on his face had been taken off, and the hat on his head had also been taken off. He had a buzz cut. He was wearing a loose short-sleeved shirt and shorts, and a pair of slippers on his feet.

It was a little stuffy in this rented room, but he was very serious when he smoked.

"What do you mean?'' Mu Sitian didn't understand what the man meant.

"You spent the night with Huangfu Qiye, didn't you?" The man with a buzz cut suddenly turned to look at Mu Sitian.

Mu Sitian was stunned when she heard that. How did this man who suddenly appeared before her know about this?

It was clear that very few people knew about what had happened that night.

However, this man was able to bring her out of the hotel. It was indeed not to be underestimated. Therefore, even though he was not living well and was not dressed well, it was possible that he had some means to know about other people's privacy. Therefore, Mu Sitian asked in return, "I spent a night with him. So what?"

"I saved you because you had a relationship with Huangfu Qiye. So don't think that you are special. Don't shout in front of me anymore." The man took a deep puff of his cigarette. Then, he closed his eyes and puffed out smoke. "I'll take care of you for a few more months. In a few months, if you're pregnant, I'll let you go."

"Pregnant?" Mu Sitian heard this and raised her head in shock.

"That's right. If you're pregnant with Huangfu Qiye's child, I'll let you go."

"Your goal is to deal with Huangfu Qiye? Do you have a grudge against him?" When Mu Sitian heard this, she finally vaguely realized what the person who had saved her previously and now kidnapped her was trying to do.

"No, you're wrong. I have a grudge against Tang Xiaowei." After hearing Mu Sitian's words, the man sneered. "Tang Xiaowei loves Huangfu Qiye very much, and she is also concerned about her lover's betrayal. At the moment, Tang Xiaowei doesn't know about you and Huangfu Qiye, so after you get pregnant, I will send you out to give Tang Xiaowei a surprise. I believe that when she sees that you are pregnant with Huangfu Qiye's child, her expression will be very interesting."

Mu Sitian thought that the man who had kidnapped her was doing this for Huangfu Qiye, but when she heard him say these plans in a very calm tone, Mu Sitian felt a chill run down her spine.

It turned out that men also had such sinister and terrifying intentions.

This man actually had such a huge grudge against Tang Xiaowei. He actually wanted to use such a thing to agitate Tang Xiaowei.