Chapter 797: Don't let her run away and don't touch her

Although she didn't understand why this man would do this.

But Mu Sitian knew that even if she asked, this man would definitely not tell her.

So she took a deep breath and said, "Then there's something I have to tell you. I actually want to wait until I'm pregnant before I go to Huangfu Qiye, so you and I have the same plan. How about we work together and you don't tie me up? I won't run away and I won't do anything small. If I work with you now, I might need to rely on you in the future to get closer to Huangfu Qiye."

"I knew you would have the same idea. However, I don't need to work with anyone. You should just wait." However, the man rejected Mu Sitian.

He suddenly stood up from his chair and gave Mu Sitian a cold look. Then, he turned around and walked out of the room to close the door.

Mu Sitian did not expect that after talking so much with this man, and their thoughts and plans were the same, he actually would not choose to work with her. She was really about to die from anger.

However, Mu Sitian did not dare to scold him.

A few days ago, after she was kidnapped, she was locked up here. Because of her anger, she kept scolding him. After that, the man just now did not give her any food for two days. Therefore, in order not to starve, Mu Sitian could only act in a way that would not especially anger the man.

She could only curse in her heart.

At this moment, after the man who was cursed by Mu Sitian walked out of the small rental house, there was another relatively spacious room outside. There were a few underlings inside. When they saw the man coming out, they immediately stood up. They greeted him respectfully, "Brother Song."

The man who was called brother Song was called Song Yilong. He nodded and then instructed his underlings, "Guard the woman in the room well. Don't let her run away, and don't touch her. I'll go out for a while."

"Okay, okay. Brother Song, don't worry. We'll definitely abide by your words." The few underlings nodded nervously.

Only then did Song Yilong turn around in satisfaction. He walked to the door, opened it, and walked out.

After he left, the few underlings began to talk in low voices.

"Say, our brother Song is so powerful. In two days, the boss of the Stabbing Tiger gang will invite brother Song to a one-on-one duel. Who will win?"

"Although there are many people around the boss of the Stabbing Tiger gang, brother Song just came out from inside. I heard that he used to be very powerful, and we all came out with him. No matter what happens to the others, I feel that we should stick together with brother Song."

"So, in two days, brother Song will definitely be able to defeat the boss of the Stabbing Tiger gang. At that time, brother Song might be able to become the new boss of the Stabbing Tiger gang, and we will all be heroes."

"Yes, yes, yes, I think so too. Brother Song will definitely be able to defeat him and become the new boss."


After walking out of the room, there was a long corridor outside.

Song Yilong slowly walked forward alone.

As he walked, he dialed a number.

Very soon, the call connected. Then, a cold voice sounded from the other side, "Hello, who is it?"

Song Yilong suppressed his coldness and smiled, "Brother Xiu, it's Yilong. I'm coming out."

"Oh, it's Yilong. Where are you now? Do you want brother Xiu to send someone to pick you up?" When the other party heard his voice and name, he immediately became happy.

"There's no need. I'll go to brother Xiu's place right now. I have something to discuss with brother Xiu," Song Yilong said faintly.

The man surnamed Xiu immediately agreed happily. "Okay, come over immediately. It was thanks to you that I wasn't taken away last time. Something happened in the gang these few days. I was so busy that I forgot the day you came out. I'm really sorry. Come over quickly. I'll get someone to prepare your favorite food. We'll have a good chat together later."

"Alright." When Song Yilong heard the other party talking to him so warmly, the coldness in his heart lessened a lot, and he agreed.

Two hours later.

Song Yilong arrived at his former boss, Xiu Wei's villa.

At the entrance of Xiu Wei's villa, there were two men guarding it. When they saw Song Yilong, they wanted to stop him. Then, they heard Xiu Wei's voice from the second floor of the villa, "Don't make a move. This is my good brother. From now on, everyone will call him brother Song." The two men at the door hurriedly called Song Yilong 'brother Song'.

Song Yilong was very pleased and walked into the villa.

When he walked in, he immediately smelled the fragrance of his food.

Xiu Wei immediately brought a beautiful woman downstairs. When he saw Song Yilong, he smiled and said, "Yilong, quick, go into the restaurant. We can talk while eating."

Xiu Wei pushed the beautiful woman in his arms away and walked into the restaurant.

Song Yilong followed him in.

After the two of them sat down, Xiu Wei said a bunch of words of gratitude. He thanked Song Yilong for going to prison for him when they were caught together. Song Yilong had been in prison for eight years. They had not seen each other for eight years. Now that Xiu Wei saw Song Yilong coming out, he was still a little touched.

"Brother Xiu, I met a few brothers inside. I'll introduce them to you in a few days." Song Yilong poured a glass of wine and handed it to Xiu Wei. He poured a glass for himself, then picked up the glass and clinked it with Xiu Wei's.

Xiu Wei clinked his glass with a smile. Then he smiled and said, "Good, good, good. Yilong, you're still the same. You're very loyal. This time around, you can stay here with me. You can rest for a few days. I'll bring you to the gang to take a look and get to know everyone. In the past few years, new brothers have come in."

"Brother Xiu, two days ago, I accidentally provoked the boss of the another gang. I agreed to have a one-on-one duel with him in two days' time. The bet has been placed. If I win, the gang will belong to me. If I lose, I'll help the boss do three things that he requested. Brother Xiu, I came here today because I want to borrow something from you. You lent it to me. If I win, the Stabbing Tiger gang will belong to me in the future." Song Yilong drank a mouthful of wine. He spoke indifferently.

When Xiu Wei heard this, his smile froze. Then, he was stunned for a moment before saying, "Yilong, then what do you want to borrow?"

"A gun." Song Yilong simply spat out a word.

He had been locked up for a few years and only came out now. He did not have much money on him. He had only rented the house recently after robbing some money, so he did not have the money to buy a gun.

"Why are you working so hard this time? You came back to our gang and worked for me every day. I also gave you food to eat. Why did you go and provoke that reckless prick tiger? Don't you know that prick and his gang are very vengeful?" Xiu Wei advised with some difficulty.