Chapter 798: He wants to kill Tang Xiaowei

"Because I wanted revenge. I used to think that there was no longer an enemy of the Song family in this world. But after coming out this time, I realized that there was only one enemy of the Song family left. So, I had to strengthen myself and kill that enemy." Song Yilong would always remember what his parents had told him that everyone in the Shangguan family was an enemy of the Song family.

He had once witnessed his parents sending people to kill everyone in the Shangguan family.

However, when his family was escaping from the police, because they were hiding deep in the mountains, they were drugged and assassinated by the vicious villagers. In the end, out of the six members of his family, only his father carried him and escaped with him. In the end, after his father took him to the entrance of an orphanage, his father also died from poisoning.

After that, he had been growing up in an orphanage. Later, he learned some powerful kung fu and returned to the deep mountains where he had previously been. He found those villagers and discovered that those people had killed the people of the Song family. It was because he found that these people who had suddenly gone to their village to hide had a lot of money on them, so he killed them.

Song Yilong killed all the villagers in the deep mountains on the spot.

Then, he was wanted.

After that, he changed his name and accidentally met Xiu Wei. Then, he started to join the dark city where Xiu Wei was.

In a case of selling drugs, they were caught by the police together. In the end, in order to thank Xiu Wei for taking them in and to win Xiu Wei's trust, Song Yilong let Xiu Wei escape first. And he stayed behind to serve Xiu Wei's sentence.

This time, Song Yilong came out. He sneaked into many places to steal money. Then, just as he was about to go to the coffee shop opened by Huangfu Qiye to steal money, he saw Tang Xiaowei.

He felt that Tang Xiaowei looked familiar, so he stole some money and hired a private detective to investigate Tang Xiaowei's information.

Then, he found a photo of Tang Xiaowei when she was young.

After Song Yilong saw the photo, he remembered. Wasn't this the little daughter of the Shangguan family that his parents had sent people to assassinate?

Shouldn't she have died then?

Why was she not dead but was saved and raised by someone else?

Song Yilong's heart was twisted and dark with anger. It was all the Shangguan family's fault that his own parents and family had to hide in a village deep in the mountains and then be poisoned to death by those unruly people.

Therefore, he hated the Shangguan family.

Even though Tang Xiaowei's surname was no longer Shangguan, he couldn't bear to see the Shangguan family living well while his Song family could only be reduced to the status of a small thug.

He wanted to kill Tang Xiaowei. He would never let anyone from the Shangguan family live in this world again.

Therefore, he came to Xiu Wei to borrow a gun. After he successfully defeated the Stabbing Tiger boss, he would become the boss their gang. At that time, he would have more power and it would be easier to capture Tang Xiaowei. He didn't have to be afraid of Tang Xiaowei's fiance, Huangfu Qiye.

"Okay, I promise to lend you a gun. I don't need it anyway. Come, drink. I'll get someone to bring you one later." Xiu Wei didn't think too much and picked up the wine glass, ready to clink glasses again.

Upon hearing Xiu Wei's words, Song Yilong was completely relieved. Then, he also smiled. He picked up the cup and clinked it with Xiu Wei's. "Then, I'll thank brother Xiu in advance. After I take revenge this time, even if I have to be brother Xiu's slave in the future, as long as brother Xiu gives the order, I, Song Yilong, will definitely be at your beck and call."

"Alright, I knew you were a good brother, Yilong. Come drink." After listening to Song Yilong's words, Xiu Wei was in a good mood. Then, he continued to shout and drink.

After that, the two drank a lot.


Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian woke up the next day.

After Tang Xiaowei asked them in detail, she found that they did not see the person who kidnapped them clearly at all. Then, they fainted.

Therefore, she did not disturb her adoptive parents' rest anymore. She told them not to leave the forest manor for the time being and to stay here to recuperate. It was safer that way.

After arranging for her parents, Tang Xiaowei saw that Huangfu Qiye was very busy and had many things to deal with, so she did not disturb him.

She, Yuan Shan and Yuan Qi, helped An An select the teachers who would teach him in the future. It also took some time.

Very soon, she helped An An find a few very good teachers. Then, she asked Yuan Shan to contact these teachers to specially teach An An.

After that, she went to play with An An. The little guy had not been hanging around her for a long time. The mother and son were at home. Even though Tang Xiaowei only saw her child sitting on the carpet and piling blocks, she still felt very relieved.

Two days later, a call was made to Yuan Shan's phone in the forest manor.

After Yuan Shan answered the call, her expression quickly changed. Then, she hurriedly ran to the study room and knocked on the door.

Soon, when she heard Huangfu Qiye say that she could go in, Yuan Shan hurriedly pushed the door open and walked into the study room. She handed the phone to Huangfu Qiye. "Young master, the kidnapper who kidnapped Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang has called again."

Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly when he heard this, but he didn't panic at all. He took the phone slowly and put it close to his ear.

"Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei's fiance, right?" Song Yilong's voice sounded in the phone with disdain.

"You're the kidnapper?" Huangfu Qiye pushed away the document in front of him and played with the pen in his hand with a light tone.

"Yes, it's me, the man who kidnapped the adoptive parents of your fiancee. I thought that I could scare her, but I didn't expect that she didn't care about her adoptive parents at all. However, they aren't her biological parents. I can understand if she doesn't worry about their lives, he-he. Huangfu Qiye, I have a matter that needs your cooperation with you. Listen, your fiancee is my enemy. As long as you release her from the forest manor and hand her over to me, I will let you and your organization go. If you don't agree, I will bring the Stabbing Tiger gang and dark city to attack your forest manor and destroy your company. I know you are rich, but as a businessman, you should think carefully about whether you can offend our gang." Song Yilong had defeated the boss of the other gang last night. Now that he had taken over the gang and had reached an agreement with Xiu Wei, Xiu Wei had also promised to send people to help him. Therefore, at this moment, Song Yilong completely disregarded Huangfu Qiye, who was only a merchant on the surface, and his tone was incomparably arrogant.

At this moment, in Song Yilong's eyes, no matter how rich the merchants and wealthy clans were, in the eyes of their gangs, they had to eat, drink, and speak well of their gangs. Otherwise, they would be able to directly charge into the homes of these merchants with their men. They would teach these merchants a lesson.