Chapter 791: "Yes, I just miss you, can't I? "?

"How about I come over for a chat with you on the weekend?" Huangfu Qiye explained generously. His tone was gentle and not as cold as before.

After hearing this, although Xiu Zhongsheng was still reluctant, he didn't dare to force Huangfu Qiye anymore.

He wasn't sure how scary Huangfu Qiye would be if he went crazy after recovering his memory, so he didn't want to use his old bones to fight this young man.

He sat back in his chair. Then, he said with a bit of disappointment, "Qiye, I also agreed to your suggestion. I want to see the result of us not being on guard against each other in the future. It's not easy for you to come back today, so just stay here for one night. In this way, when An An wakes up, I can still have a few words with him. I'm also prepared to hand over all the remaining rights and shares of the Xiu group to you. You two can leave tomorrow."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye stopped and looked down at his son who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He finally nodded. "Okay, then we'll do as grandfather says. But now that An An is asleep, I'll carry him back to his room first. There's no need to prepare a room for me today. I'll take care of An An tonight and stay in his room."

Huangfu Qiye had stayed in this house before, so after he finished speaking, he carried Xiao Anan and walked towards the little guy's room.

The four bodyguards he had brought with him had been standing at the door of the study, waiting solemnly and nervously. Now that they saw that he had come out safely, they hurriedly followed him.

On the other side.

In the study room.

Xiu Zhongsheng watched Huangfu Qiye carry Xiao Anan out, then he continued to sit on the chair without moving.

His expression was a little defeated.

When housekeeper Xiu saw this, he cautiously asked, "Master, have you really decided to agree to young master Qiye's suggestions?"

"That's right, Xiao Xiu. I'm old and don't want to lose my family anymore. Now that Qiye has regained his memory, he must have prepared a lot of arrangements during the month he was outside. I don't want to fight with him. During this period of time, I've seen An An playing by his side obediently. I've gradually grown tired of the days of scheming in the past. Later, you go down and instruct the kitchen to make more of the things that Qiye and An An liked to eat. It must be very exquisite. Oh right, also, make a dinner for Ah Yuan and send it over." Xiu Zhongsheng sighed. He had finally figured it out. He was not willing to scheme against his family anymore. He felt tired. The current him was only willing to rest more and then hand over all the care to his trusted family.

When housekeeper Xiu heard this, he was also very gratified for Xiu Zhongsheng.

After all, in the past, Xiu Zhongsheng schemed against others every day. He often fought and killed. He liked to control others the most.

Now that he could think things through, it was good for everyone.

Housekeeper Xiu was ready to go out and order the kitchen to prepare dinner.

However, just as he reached the door, he suddenly heard Xiu Zhongsheng ask, "Xiao Xiu, do you think I should really find a woman for Ah Yuan?"

Xiu Zhongsheng felt that after Xiao Anan was taken away by Qiye, he could only see Xiao Anan once a week in the future, and he did not plan to go out to work in the future. Then, wouldn't it be very boring for him to stay on this island every day.

Therefore, he thought that if he found a woman for Ah Yuan, he would just lose his memory and become a little naive. However, Ah Yuan was still a young man, and he had never been married before. He wanted to find a woman of equal status for him. He wanted the other party to marry Ah Yuan. This way, in the future, he would not only have Qiye's children to accompany him, but also Ah Yuan's children to accompany him.

The more Xiu Zhongsheng felt that he was old, the more he felt that he was lonely.

Therefore, he especially liked to get along with children recently. Even if he just sat by the side and watched the children play, he still felt somewhat at ease.

When housekeeper Xiu heard Xiu Zhongsheng's question, he knew that his old master must have thought about it before asking. Perhaps the old master had already made up his mind Therefore, housekeeper Xiu nodded and said, "Old master, I think it's quite good. It's just that young master Yuan might not be able to accept it. He needs this to be properly explained to him."

"I'll leave the matter of helping Ah Yuan choose a wife of equal status to you. As for the matter of convincing Ah Yuan, don't worry. I'll take care of it." There was some joy in Xiu Zhongsheng's eyes. It was obvious that he was trying to convince Xiu Yuan to find a wife. Xiu Zhongsheng was very confident that he could give birth to a few great-grandchildren for him.

When butler Xiu heard this, he nodded before walking out.


On the other side.

In Xiao Anan's room.

Huangfu Qiye placed the child on the bed and let him sleep on his own. Then, he closed the door, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number.

Very soon, the call was connected.

Yuan Qi's respectful voice immediately came from the other side, "Young master."

"The matter has already been settled. There's no need to bring young madam away. For now, all you need to do is take good care of young madam. I'll be back very soon." Huangfu Qiye lowered his voice, afraid that it would disturb Xiao Anan's sleep.

Yuan Qi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. "Alright, your subordinate understands. Young master, please rest assured. We will protect the young madam well."

"Alright, pass the phone to the young madam now." Huangfu Qiye instructed in a deep voice.

Yuan Qi was standing outside Tang Xiaowei's room at this moment. Hearing his young master's instructions, he responded and began to knock on the door.

At this moment, in the forest manor, Tang Xiaowei was lying on her bed, asleep.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door from outside. As she slept rather lightly, she was immediately jolted awake.

Then, she thought that Huangfu Qiye had returned, so she rushed over to open the door and shouted excitedly, "Qiye, you're back?"

However, outside the door, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan were standing.

Her joy immediately disappeared, and then she asked weakly, "What's the matter?"

Yuan Qi hurriedly handed the phone over to her. "Young madam, young master called. He's asking for you."

"A call from Qiye?" When Tang Xiaowei heard that Huangfu Qiye had called, she immediately took the phone excitedly. Then, she returned to her room and gently closed the door. Then, she whispered into the phone, "Qiye, is it really you? How's your situation now? Have you seen An An?"

"I've only been away for less than 24 hours. Do you miss me that much?" Huangfu Qiye's deep and pleasant laughter came from the other side.

Tang Xiaowei's face instantly turned red.

However, she didn't deny it. She nodded very much. "Yes, I just miss you, can't I?"

"I miss you too." Huangfu Qiye stopped laughing and suddenly became very serious.

When Tang Xiaowei heard his voice, it was as if he was beside her. Her face was slightly hot. "When will you come back? Can you bring An An back? Are you being bullied now?"