Chapter 792: "Didn't you promise to let me watch you take a bath? "?

"I'll be back soon. As for An An, he's sleeping now. Let me show you." Huangfu Qiye quickly switched the call to a video call and walked to the bedside. He started to film the cute little ball of his son on the bed.

At this moment, Xiao Anan was sleeping obediently on the big bed. His sleeping posture was both obedient and cute. Huangfu Qiye casually filmed it, and Tang Xiaowei felt that it looked very good after she saw it.

"An An is so obedient." When Tang Xiaowei saw that her son was sleeping, her voice unconsciously became much softer. She was afraid that she would disturb the child.

"Yes, he is indeed very obedient." Huangfu Qiye also softly agreed. He did not move his phone away so that she could keep looking at the child.

"What about you? What's your current situation?" Tang Xiaowei looked at the child for a while, but she did not forget Huangfu Qiye. She began to worry about him.

What she was most afraid of was that he would be controlled by his grandfather again.

"Don't worry about me. I've already made an agreement with my grandfather. He has agreed to my proposal. I'll probably be able to bring an an back to see you tomorrow. In the future, I'll only need to bring An An back to see my grandfather every week. There won't be any major problems." Huangfu Qiye explained the current situation to her in a gentle voice.

"Really?" Tang Xiaowei still couldn't believe it. "Your grandfather didn't threaten you or hurt you? Don't hide it from me when you're injured."

"Silly, do you really not believe me? Alright, we'll video chat while I'm showering later. I'll let you see if I'm injured or not." Huangfu Qiye's heart was warmed by her caring tone. However, he still couldn't help but tease her.

"Alright, I'll watch then. Remember to call me when you're showering tonight." Although Tang Xiaowei was a little shy, she was afraid that he wouldn't tell her if he was injured in order to know his true situation, so she couldn't be bothered to be shy at this moment.

"Xiaowei, when did your skin become so thick? Are you sure you want to watch?" Huangfu Qiye was a little surprised that she actually wanted to watch him shower.

In the past, she would be so shy that she just wanted to hide.

"I'm sure." Even though Tang Xiaowei was shy, she only wanted to know if he was hurt, so she didn't care about anything else.

"Okay, I'll tell you when I take a shower later." Huangfu Qiye had no choice but to promise her.


That night, Tang Xiaowei kept waiting, but Huangfu Qiye didn't call her to say that he wanted to show her the video of him taking a shower.

In the end, she was so tired from waiting that she had to call him.

After a while, she heard his voice asking her in a daze, "Baby, why did you call me? Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Tang Xiaowei was a little shy that he actually called her baby. However, she still remembered what the two of them had talked about before and asked him angrily, "Didn't you promise to let me watch you take a shower?"

God knows how hot her face was when she said that.

She was worried about him.

"I thought you were joking. I've already washed. Be good. When I go back, I'll definitely let you have a good look." Huangfu Qiye gently coaxed her. "It's already so late. You should hurry up and rest. Don't stay up late. I'm currently sleeping with An An. If you're afraid, ask Yuan Shan to go to your room to accompany you. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Alright then. Goodnight." Tang Xiaowei heard him say that he had already showered. Moreover, he was currently sleeping with An An. She couldn't bear to disturb the father and son anymore, so she could only hang up the phone.

After that, she did not call Yuan Shan in. Instead, she turned on the lights alone and slept under the blanket.

She did not turn off the lights the entire night because she was afraid of the dark. She did not dare to turn off the lights to sleep when there was no one around.

When she woke up, it was also very early. The sky outside was gray and had just started to light up.

Tang Xiaowei lost her sleepiness. She laid on the bed for a while before getting out of the bed. She washed, put on her clothes, and went downstairs.

At this moment, there were already maids and bodyguards downstairs who were on the night shift.

She met a few maids and bodyguards just now, as well as Yuan Qi, who was on duty. After greeting them, she went to the kitchen.

The chef in the kitchen saw her and hurriedly greeted her, "Good morning, young madam."

"Yes, good morning. What do you want to eat today?" Tang Xiaowei smiled and asked.

The chef replied, "I'll make whatever young madam wants to eat."

"Then prepare a few more Chinese-style, bland breakfast dishes for me. I'll go out for a walk. I'll be back in about half an hour." Tang Xiaowei gave a few instructions before walking out of the kitchen.

She had woken up too early today, so the chef had not prepared breakfast yet. It was better for her to go out for a stroll.

The forest manor was actually very beautiful. It was just that she did not have the time and mood to enjoy it in the past. Recently, she had been staying at home all day and had too much free time, so she slowly fell in love with the scenery here.

The morning air was very cool.

After Tang Xiaowei walked out of the villa, Yuan Qi went to rest because he was on the night shift. Yuan Shan had also just woken up and followed behind Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei also walked far away.

She sat down on a chair in a pavilion in front of the villa.

She felt that it was too boring to stay in the room, so she decided to have breakfast here later.

Therefore, she told Yuan Shan about this. Yuan Shan immediately called the kitchen and asked them to send breakfast over after they made it.

Just as Yuan Shan hung up the phone, her phone rang again. Yuan Shan looked at the caller ID in surprise. Then, she glanced at Tang Xiaowei and answered the phone, "Hello."

Soon, Yuan Shan handed the phone to Tang Xiaowei. "Young madam, it's your father calling. He wants to talk to you."

Tang Xiaowei immediately took the phone and picked it up. "Dad, it's Xiaowei."

Tang Qingxuan's voice came from the other end of the phone. "Xiaowei, your mother and I love you very much. We're very lucky to have you as a daughter."

After Tang Qingxuan hurriedly said this, he hung up the phone with a sorrowful tone.

When Tang Xiaowei heard her adoptive father's sudden words, she felt that something was wrong, as if she was very worried.

"Dad..." she called out in panic, but the call was already over. She had no choice but to call her father again, but this time, she could not get through. The phone showed that Tang Qingxuan's phone was turned off.

"Young madam, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Yuan Shan asked worriedly.

Tang Xiaowei nodded vigorously and then returned the phone to Yuan Shan. "My dad just said something very strange."