Chapter 803: His heart ached

In fact, they didn't spend much time together before they got married. She had no experience at all.

She didn't know how to treat her lover best.

But she had done everything she could.

She had given everything she could.

Why was it just that she didn't want to watch such a movie now? He had promised to go out with her, but in the end, he didn't go out with her. He even said that she was faking it?

Did he think that she was always shy and blushing, and that she was faking it?

They had grown up together. Did he not know her well enough?

She was easily shy. Could she control herself?

She hated it the most when others said that she was pretending, especially when the person she loved the most said that to her. She felt very wronged.

When she thought of this, her heart ached, and tears began to form in her eyes.

She had given everything, but he understood that she was always pretending. What did she have to do to make him understand her true feelings?

Her vision was blurry. Because she ran too fast, she suddenly bumped into a man who was walking into the cinema.

She was knocked to the ground by the other party. Before she could react, she heard the other party cursing at her, "Damn b*tch, can't you see where you're going?"

"Yuyan." Tao Xian's voice rang out at this moment. He immediately rushed to her side and helped her up. He nervously held her, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

He looked around her body and found that she was not hurt, but her eyes were full of sparkling tears. His heart hurt. "Yuyan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. You misunderstood me. Let me explain."

"Hey, kid, is this woman your girl? She just bumped into me. You have to compensate me for the mental injury immediately, or else you won't be able to leave here safely." At this time, an English accent suddenly sounded, and someone even patted Tao Xian's arm.

Tao Xian did not care about comforting Yuyan anymore. He carefully and gently hugged her in his arms. Only then did he look at the person next to him. Only then did he realize that there were three men on the other side. They seemed to be in their twenties. They all looked European. They were dressed like street thugs and were looking at him provocatively and threateningly.

Tao Xian had also seen it from afar. It was one of the three men who had knocked Yuyan down.

He had yet to settle the score with the other party, but the other party had already tried to blackmail him.

He-he, did he think that a person like himself was easy to bully?

Moreover, he had just bullied his wife. Now, he still dared to provoke him. He was simply courting death!

Tao Xian did not speak. He let go of Yuyan and let her stand behind him. Then, he took a step forward and flexed his wrist.

When the three men saw Tao Xian like this, they began to mock him. "Yo, do you even know kung fu?"

"If you have the ability, then come at us. Let's see whose fist is harder."

"If you can't beat us, then give us your woman to play with."

"F*ck!" Tao Xian cursed in a low voice. In the next second, he rushed forward like a madman and grabbed the three foul-mouthed foreigners, beating them with all his might.

"Ah Xian..." Tao Yuyan saw that they started to fight and gasped in shock.

"Stand further away. It'll only take a moment." Tao Xian looked at her worriedly. At this moment, one of the three men clenched his fist and was about to punch Tao Xian. Tao Yuyan was so scared that she had forgotten to be angry. She hurriedly reminded him, "Be careful..."

Tao Xian saw that she was still worried about him, so he felt much more relaxed.

So he smiled at her and immediately dodged the man's punch. Then, he instantly pressed the man to the ground and stared at the other two with a cold and sinister gaze. "Those who are not afraid of death, come here."

The two men saw that he was just a man and there was a woman beside him. They felt that they had no other companions, so they were not afraid of anything. Then, they rushed forward together.

Unfortunately, what they did not know was that Tao Xian was a master of taekwondo. In front of ordinary people, he did not need to spend much time to settle them.

Therefore, when the two men rushed forward, they were quickly beaten down by Tao Xian. The three men lay on the ground and cried out in pain.

When the security guards of the cinema saw them fighting and rushed over to stop them, they could only see the three men on the ground crying out in pain. Tao Xian clapped his hands and was ready to walk towards Tao Yuyan.

Tao Xian was ready to leave with Tao Yuyan. The place had given him a bad impression. He did not want to stay here anymore.

However, when the three men on the ground saw that he was going to leave, they felt that they could not be beaten up for nothing. Therefore, they kept shouting at the security guards of the cinema, "Catch him. This person just attacked us. We have to call the police. We have to call the police for this matter. Let him pay for our medical fees and mental damages."

The security guards of the cinema and the three men on the ground were from the same country. When they heard that, they naturally walked up to Tao Xian and stopped him. They looked at Tao Xian with some displeasure, "Sir, I'm sorry. You just beat someone up. You can't leave. We have to call the police. You can only leave after the police come and understand what happened."

Tao Xian had already walked up to Tao Yuyan. He held his wife in his arms and was about to say something when he was suddenly stopped by the security guards of the cinema. He pulled Tao Yuyan into his arms and then looked at the security guards who were blocking the road. He said calmly, "I'm sorry, but I have to call the police." He sneered, "Of course, you can call the police. "

The other party obviously did not expect Tao Xian to not be afraid. The three men on the ground were still feigning pain, so they did not get up. However, they were also stunned on the ground. The security guard at the cinema was also stunned for a few seconds.

After all, they thought that Tao Xian would beg for mercy when he heard them say that they wanted to call the police.

Unfortunately, it was not the case.

However, the security guard at the cinema still picked up his phone and called the police.

Tao Yuyan saw that they really wanted to call the police, and Ah Xian seemed to have agreed. She became a little nervous and stopped being angry at Ah Xian. She grabbed Ah Xian's arm tightly She asked him in a low voice, "What should we do? If they call the police, will we be locked up?"

"No." Tao Xian saw that she no longer mentioned the matter of her running away in anger, but was worried about the situation of the two of them. His heart began to feel warm. Then, he took out his phone and immediately made a call. Then, he spoke a string of English to the other party.

Translated into Chinese, he roughly said, "I'm currently at the entrance of a movie theater on CJ street. There's a small problem. Send some people over to arrest these guys who make me very unhappy and put them in jail for a few days."

When he said this, because Tao Yuyan's English had improved a lot over the past few years, she understood everything.