Chapter 802: I can't believe they let her watch this kind of movie

At least when she went out, she would feel less uncomfortable.

She felt that she was really strange. When she was with the person she loved, she could not calm down. Every time she looked at him, she could feel her face blush and her heart beat uncomfortably. It was better for her to go out and get some fresh air.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Come over and have breakfast. We'll go out after eating." Tao Xian looked at her gently and did not refuse.

After breakfast, the two of them changed into a set of clothes that allowed them to go out and went out together.

Tao Yuyan did not take anything. She only carried an empty bag. There was nothing in the bag, it was just to match the clothes.

The things that she had to take out, such as money, cards, and many small items, were all stuffed into a man's bag. Tao Xian carried the bag and did not feel anything at all. He held her waist and walked out of the hotel together.

The weather outside was fine.

Tao Xian looked gently at his wife beside him. "Yuyan, where do you want to go?"

Wherever she wanted to go, he would accompany her.

"Let's just walk around the streets." Tao Yuyan did not know where to go, so she looked around and saw that there were fewer people on the streets, so she wanted to walk around.

"Okay." Tao Xian suddenly lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek, then held her and walked forward.

Tao Yuyan's face started to turn pink again, and she nervously grabbed his sleeve. "There are people outside."

"What are you afraid of? We are husband and wife, aren't we?" Tao Xian reached out and touched her head. Although she was older than him by two months, she was not as tall as him. She looked gentle and sweet, and because she was newly married these two days, she was in a good mood and looked very good, so she looked very lovely and cute. If Tao Xian stood with her, no one would know that she was older than Tao Xian by two months.

Tao Xian now felt that it was good to be married after getting the certificate. Yuyan would no longer choose to avoid him. Moreover, he could dote on Yuyan however he wanted, and he did not have to care about other people's opinions.

When Tao Yuyan heard what he said, she did not say anything more. Her silence was equivalent to admitting what he said.

In her heart, she was also reminding herself that they were already married. She did not want to always be like a little girl who had just come into contact with a boy, always so shy that she could not raise her head.

She reminded herself in her heart that she was older than him by two months. She should not be thrown away by his casual flirtation.

"Yuyan, let's go watch a movie." After they walked for a while, Tao Xian suddenly stopped and looked at Tao Yuyan with deep affection.

Tao Yuyan was still thinking about her own worries. When she suddenly heard him mention the movie, she immediately looked up at him. "Watch a movie?"

"It seems that we have never gone to watch a movie alone together. Moreover, it is in a foreign country. Let's watch a movie here. No one knows us here. There is a movie theater in front. We can watch whatever we want." Tao Xian looked at her with deep affection. His eyes were filled with anticipation.

Tao Yuyan couldn't bear to reject him, and she felt that what he said was the truth. In all these years, they had indeed never gone to a movie together alone, so she nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

Seeing that she agreed, Tao Xian happily hugged her and kissed her. "Let's go, darling."

Tao Yuyan was then brought into the movie theater by Tao Xian in a daze. Because she was still a little distracted after being kissed by him, she didn't notice what movie tickets he had bought.

Therefore, when they entered the cinema and sat down, the movie began to play for a while. When she saw the scene on the screen, her face began to blush.

The movie he brought her to see was actually such a movie.

This was the kind of movie that was restricted and could not be seen before *****hood. Although she was already an *****, she had never seen it before. Now that she suddenly saw such a scene and heard the voices in the movie, she felt terrible.

"Ah Xian, why is it this kind of movie?" Tao Yuyan was very embarrassed and questioned Tao Xian in a low voice.

She thought it was a normal movie, but she did not expect it to be this kind of movie.

"When I bought it just now, they said that it was the only one at the moment. Yuyan, if you don't like it, let's go out." Tao Xian was only concerned about buying two tickets and then coming in to enjoy the atmosphere of watching the movie with Yuyan. Now that the movie was playing, he also noticed that it was actually this kind of movie.

However, he said that he could accompany Tao Yuyan to leave, but he did not move his body.

He knew that Yuyan was always shy. These few days, they had just gotten married, and every time he touched her, she would be so shy, so he liked her very much.

At this moment, although he said that he wanted to leave, he had some selfish motives. He wanted to see what it would be like to watch such a movie with Yuyan in the movie theater.

Tao Yuyan thought that when he said that he wanted to leave, he would really leave.

However, he did not move at all and remained seated.

She could not help but raise her head to look at him, but was shocked by his affectionate gaze.

"Ah Xian, let's go out." Tao Yuyan hurriedly retracted her gaze and lowered her head in panic. She tried her best not to listen to the sound that was being played in the movie.

"Yuyan, why are you always so shy? We are already husband and wife. You don't have to be afraid of me, and you don't have to pretend in front of me. You can be open-minded and let me completely enter your heart. Do you know what you are thinking?" Tao Xian suddenly hugged Tao Yuyan into his arms. He was a little distressed and a little helpless as he spoke.

When Yuyan was shy, he really liked it. However, when she was shy, she would want to avoid it, which made him a little depressed.

He hoped that Yuyan could face the fact that they were already married. In the future, even if she was shy, she should not avoid it. Although he did not deliberately choose this movie, they were husband and wife. It did not seem like it was impossible for them to watch it together.

"What do you mean? When did I pretend in front of you?" Tao Yuyan listened to his words. She was surprised and confused. She pushed him away and looked at him angrily. "I don't like this kind of movie. What's wrong with me wanting to go out? If you like it, then you can watch it here alone."

Perhaps because she was stimulated by this movie and also by his words, she suddenly became very angry.

After she finished speaking angrily, she stood up and walked past the aisle where there were not many people. Then, she ran outside.

She felt a little uncomfortable. Had she not done well these few days?

She had never been in a relationship, and she had never been married.

They had only established a relationship while he was in the hospital, and they got married immediately after he was discharged.