Chapter 808: Ye, thank you, I'm very happy today

Soon, she saw the tall and handsome Huangfu Qiye carrying the cute and handsome An An on the lawn. Then, they got into the car. The car started, and she heard the sound. After that, the car slowly drove away on the lawn and left the manor.

She was still somewhat disappointed.

However, when she thought about their trip this time, there shouldn't be any danger, so she didn't worry in her heart. She just couldn't bear to leave.

After the father and son left, Tang Xiaowei spent the whole day in a daze.

In the afternoon, she took an afternoon nap and heard her phone ring.

She woke up in a daze and answered the phone. Then, she heard Yuyan's blissful voice from the other side, "Xiaowei, Happy Valentine's Day. Today is Valentine's Day. Ah Xian and I spent it abroad. What about you?"

"Valentine's Day?" Tang Xiaowei sat up. She didn't know that today was Valentine's Day at all.

"Yes, today is Valentine's Day. You can't have forgotten, right? But you forgot that your husband loves you so much. Could it be that he also forgot? Didn't he prepare a surprise for you?" Tao Yuyan was very happy that she had spent Valentine's Day with her new husband. Therefore, she wanted to share the joy with Xiaowei who also had a lover. However, when she heard Xiaowei's confused tone, Tao Yuyan immediately felt that Xiaowei might not even know that today was Valentine's Day.

"He went out and will only be back in two days. I also forgot about Valentine's Day. If you didn't mention it, I might have gone through all of today. Yuyan, that's all for now. Thank you for telling me about Valentine's Day today. I have to start thinking about what gifts to give him now." After Tang Xiaowei completely woke up, she started to be anxious to find Huangfu Qiye a gift, so she didn't have time to listen to Yuyan's sweet thoughts. She was starting to worry about herself now, so she hurriedly hung up the phone.

However, when she hung up the phone and walked around the room, she suddenly remembered that Huangfu Qiye would be gone for two days. Even if she prepared a present for him, it wouldn't be Valentine's Day when he came back in two days. Would there be any meaning for her to give him a present then?

She couldn't possibly prepare a present now and send it to the Xiu family's island by express delivery, right?

Putting aside the fact that it was too late now, even if she wanted to send it, that island might not be able to accept express delivery.

She sat back on the bed in frustration. The excitement of knowing that today was Valentine's Day and that she wanted to prepare a gift for Huangfu Qiye had been dissipated by the facts.

"Sigh." She helplessly laid back on the bed and sighed softly.

I should forget about this year. If there's a chance next year, I'll prepare a gift for him.

She lay like this until the sky turned dark.

No one at home gave her the motivation to get up. She didn't feel hungry either, so she just lay there.

However, when the sky was completely dark, there was a knock on her door.

She lay lazily on the bed and said weakly, "Don't disturb me; leave me alone."

However, even though she said that, the people outside continued to knock on the door. The knocking outside was not very strong and was a little light, but she could hear someone knocking on the door.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely helpless and could only get up. Then, she lazily walked to the door and stretched out, ready to open the door.

However, before she could open it, a pair of strong hands pulled her into a warm embrace.

A familiar smell assaulted her, causing her to blink her eyes in disbelief. However, even though she blinked, she was still being hugged by someone.

"Qi... Qiye, why are you back?" She asked in disbelief as she wrapped her arms around his waist

Didn't he take An An to the island?

And didn't he only return after two days?

Why would he appear at home at this moment?

"It's Valentine's Day today; how can I leave you alone at home? I've sent little rascal on the plane and asked Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan to accompany little rascal. No one will disturb us tonight," Huangfu Qiye finally spoke. His deep voice was filled with deep affection for her.

Tang Xiaowei's eyes welled up when she heard that.

She had forgotten about Valentine's Day, an important day. She only found out about it after Yuyan told her about it. However, Qiye, he, he actually knew about it all along. He even pretended not to know about it today and left. Now, he came back to give her a surprise.

She thought that she would stay at home alone for two days and miss him all the time. But now, he came back. He came back to accompany her.

Her tears instantly flowed down. "Did you already know that today is Valentine's Day? You deliberately didn't tell me about it?"

"Don't you feel surprised?" Huangfu Qiye heard her choking up. He raised her head and lowered his head to kiss away her tears. Then, he picked her up and walked out. "Didn't I give you the information this morning?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Xiaowei was a little surprised. When did he give her a message? Why didn't she feel it?

"When you went downstairs this morning, didn't you smell the fragrance of the roses? I asked someone to prepare it in advance. I didn't expect you to not notice." Huangfu Qiye lowered his head and pressed his nose against hers intimately.

"I smelled the fragrance, but I didn't expect this level." At that time, Tang Xiaowei only felt that the fragrance in the house was different from usual. However, she didn't expect that he deliberately asked someone to put the roses there.

What she didn't expect was that he actually came back secretly to give her a surprise today.

She leaned into his arms meekly. "Ye, thank you. I'm very happy today."

She just found out that today was Valentine's Day. Because she thought that he would come back the day after tomorrow, her mood was somewhat depressed.

But now, her heart was full of sweetness.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her affectionately. "Let's go. I gave the others a holiday. Today, there are only the two of us downstairs. You haven't eaten dinner yet. Don't starve yourself and the baby."

After he finished speaking, he carried her princess and walked downstairs.

Tang Xiaowei didn't have any appetite at first because he and An An weren't home. But now that he was back, with him accompanying her, she began to feel hungry. "Yes, I want to eat something sour and spicy."

"Okay, you can eat whatever you want." Huangfu Qiye's tone was as gentle and doting as if he was taking care of a child.

Tang Xiaowei really felt extremely happy.

He suddenly came back tonight, so she could only watch him closely and didn't want to pay attention to anything else.

When they arrived downstairs, it was just as he had said. The lights upstairs were bright and there were no extra people. The maids had gone to rest. The bodyguards were also on night duty outside. There was no one in the hall downstairs.

Huangfu Qiye carried her into the dining hall.

Once they entered the dining hall, they could see the long dining table inside.