Chapter 809: "I can't take it anymore, my stomach hurts. "

The dining table was filled with fragrant roses.

The candles on the exquisite candlestick were burning with small flames.

The lights in the dining room were not turned on.

However, the light from these candles could still illuminate every corner of the dining room. It was not to the extent that she, who was afraid of the dark, would feel afraid.

Under the contrast of the roses and the candles, there were still many exquisite and delicious dishes in the dining room. With just a glance, one could see that almost all of them were Tang Xiaowei's favorite foods, and they were all Chinese food.

Tang Xiaowei's lips could not hide the smile on her face. It was blissful and sweet.

He had actually prepared Chinese food with flowers and candles. Such a candlelit dinner was special and very pleasing to her heart. She liked it very much.

He had really put in a lot of effort for her.

Huangfu Qiye gently placed her on the chair before he sat down next to her.

"After dinner, let's go out for a walk." Tang Xiaowei promised him that she would not go out, but she could still go out for a walk on the lawn outside. Therefore, she didn't want to spend a day like today. They would only have dinner and then go to rest. After that, she made a suggestion.

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye patted her head and agreed.


After the candlelit dinner.

Because the dinner was delicious and only the two of them were alone, and this was their first Valentine's Day together, Tang Xiaowei unknowingly felt a little full.

She was too full, and her stomach felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't dare to tell Huangfu Qiye because she was afraid that he would be worried, so she used the excuse of going out for a walk and said to him, "Let's go out for a walk."

Huangfu Qiye had promised her before the meal, so at this moment, he nodded. "Okay, let's go."

The two of them left the restaurant and went to the lawn outside. Huangfu Qiye held her hand tightly, and the two of them walked slowly step by step.

The evening wind blew gently, making this somewhat stuffy summer night no longer feel stuffy.

Because the forest manor was built next to the forest, the surroundings had been sprinkled with medicinal powder that wouldn't harm the human body, but it could prevent mosquitoes, so when they walked on the lawn, there were almost no mosquitoes.

In the past, Huangfu Qiye always said that there would be mosquitoes, but he only wanted them to return to the house.

They walked in the front, with two bodyguards following behind them from afar to protect them.

"After a while, your stomach will be big, and you can't come out casually. Last time, your stomach wasn't very big. This time, it's two babies. I wonder how big your stomach will be?" Tang Xiaowei reached out and gently held her stomach, which was already slightly bigger. She said softly.

"After your stomach is big, I'll watch over you every day until our babies are born. Don't worry and be afraid." Huangfu Qiye's big hand also reached out and gently covered her hand. He also caressed and touched her stomach.

Tang Xiaowei softly nodded.

Huangfu Qiye didn't want her to walk too much. Seeing that there was a chair in front of her, he held her hand and walked towards the chair. "Go over there and sit."

However, Tang Xiaowei had eaten too much and didn't want to sit down at all. She only wanted to walk a little more. She shook her head. "I want to walk a little more."

"Alright." Huangfu Qiye helplessly held her waist and continued walking.

The lawn was very spacious. Because they were out for a walk, all the lights on the lawn were turned on. The surroundings were bright as if it was daytime.

Tang Xiaowei thought that she had eaten too much, so she walked more. When the food was almost digested, her stomach would feel better.

However, she didn't expect that after walking for a while, her stomach would start to hurt more and more.

She gritted her teeth and pursed her lips. She didn't want to tell him or worry him, but in the end, she couldn't bear it anymore. She suddenly stopped and squatted on the ground. "I can't take it anymore, my stomach hurts..."

"How can this be?" Huangfu Qiye didn't expect that the little woman next to him would suddenly squat on the ground and complain about her stomach pain. He immediately squatted beside her nervously and put his arm around her shoulder. At this moment, he realized that her face was a little pale She had bitten her lips so hard that her teeth marks were left. It was obvious that she had been enduring the pain.

He immediately carried her up and quickly rushed into the villa. "Why didn't you tell me about the stomach-ache earlier? How long did you endure it for?"

They didn't speak for a few minutes. He thought that she didn't want to speak and wanted to be quiet, so he didn't disturb her.

Who knew that she would be in such pain at this moment?

"Don't worry. I must have eaten too much and my stomach is a little uncomfortable..." Tang Xiaowei saw that she had really scared him and blamed herself, so she hurriedly explained and comforted him.

"Don't talk anymore, just bear with it for a while." Huangfu Qiye did not want to see her pale face still trying to explain to him. He hurriedly carried her into the villa and then ordered the bodyguard beside him, "Go and call the family doctor over, right now!"

The bodyguard saw that the situation was not right at this moment, so he hurriedly turned around and ran to call the family doctor.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei and did not return to their bedroom. Instead, he went to the infirmary that he had specially arranged for Tang Xiaowei. The medical equipment inside was very complete. When the doctor came later, he had to get the doctor to examine Xiaowei's entire body.

Tang Xiaowei's stomach was still a little painful. Seeing that he was so nervous, she still could not bear it. She grabbed his arm and said, "Don't be too nervous."

Huangfu Qiye carefully placed her on the bed in the infirmary. With a serious and concerned expression, he said, "If I'm not nervous, who is?"

She was his woman. If she was uncomfortable and he was not nervous, how could he let others be nervous?

Besides, how could he control himself not to be nervous?

He was almost scared to death.

Tang Xiaowei had been very sensitive recently. When he said that, she was immediately moved to tears.

For her to be able to meet a man who was always nervous about her, it was probably because he had done too many good things in her past life.

Even if there had been too many misunderstandings and pain between them, what she needed was a heart that would always love her, spoil her, be nervous about her, and never betray her.

And Huangfu Qiye, he had given her such a heart.

She suddenly felt that the pain on her body was no longer important.

She struggled to get up and immediately threw herself into his arms. She cried silently, and her tears wet his shirt.

Huangfu Qiye thought that she was crying bitterly, so he gently coaxed her and hugged her even tighter. "Don't cry. When the doctor comes later, let him take a look at you. The pain will soon go away."

She cried until his heart was about to tear apart.

At this moment, the family doctor had just arrived. The bodyguard knocked on the door and reported, "young master, the family doctor has already been called over."

"Come in, quickly come over and check on young madam. What's wrong with her?" Huangfu Qiye immediately let go of Tang Xiaowei and let her lie back on the bed. Then, he made room for the female doctor.