Chapter 822: His and Xiaowei's baby had been swapped

After everything was prepared, the doctor said respectfully, "Young master Huangfu, I'm ready to draw blood."

"Go ahead," Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice. "Hurry up. If anything happens to the child after being delayed for too long, the consequences will be unbearable for all of you in the hospital!"

The doctor did not dare to say anything more when he heard this. Then, he hurriedly began to draw blood.

After a long time, the doctor held two bags of blood that had just been drawn from Huangfu Qiye's body. He looked at the pale Huangfu Qiye and said carefully, "Young master Huangfu, you can rest here for a while. I'll take this blood to the operating theater first."

"Go." Huangfu Qiye's face was pale and his entire body was weak. He sat on the chair and waved his hand.

The doctor took the blood and ran away in a hurry.

Huangfu Qiye, who was sitting on the chair, had two bags of blood taken out of him all of a sudden, so he did not look good. He was not as energetic as before.

He sat on the chair for a long time and forced himself to be more energetic. Then, he stood up, pushed the door open, and walked out.

He could not stay in this room any longer. Otherwise, if he stayed for too long, Xiaowei would definitely be worried.

On the other side, Tang Xiaowei saw that there was only a doctor who came back with two bags of blood. Tang Xiaowei looked at the two bags of blood and felt a pain in her heart. These were all Qiye's, right.

She asked the doctor, "Where is he?"

"Young master Huangfu is in the blood drawing room. He will be here soon," the doctor said hurriedly. Then, he took the blood bags and entered the operating room.

Tang Xiaowei was worried about the child in the operating room, but she was also worried about Huangfu Qiye who had just lost his blood. She hurriedly ran to the room where Huangfu Qiye went to draw the blood.

Just as she reached the door, the door was opened and Huangfu Qiye appeared.

Tang Xiaowei saw his pale face and held him nervously. "How do you feel? Your face is pale. What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said it's fine. I'll be fine after resting for a while." Huangfu Qiye pulled her into his arms and walked in the direction of the operating theater. They returned to their previous seats and sat down. Huangfu Qiye was still holding her in his arms.

At this moment, before they could say a few words, the door of the operating theater was suddenly opened. The doctor who had just taken the blood in walked out with a nervous and shocked expression.

"Young master Huangfu, this blood is not right." The doctor took the blood bag and walked in front of Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei were both a little surprised. Huangfu Qiye asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?''

"Young master Huangfu, your blood and the child's blood type are not the same type. You can not use it." The doctor looked nervously at Huangfu Qiye and then at Tang Xiaowei.

"How can it be different? I am the child's father. Are you guys mistaken?" Huangfu Qiye's expression immediately darkened, and he was extremely shocked.

Tang Xiaowei also felt that it was strange, and she anxiously said, "That's right. Did you guys make a mistake? Otherwise, the child's blood type must be the same as mine. Take mine."

"There's no mistake. The child's blood type is AB, and Mr. Huangfu's is O," the doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and carefully said.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye looked at each other in shock.

Because she was also type O.

If both of them were type O, how could the child be type AB?

What on Earth was going on?

"If you're sure that there's no mistake, you two go look for type AB blood to finish the child's surgery now," Huangfu Qiye ordered with a gloomy expression.

When the doctor heard this, he did not dare to make any wild guesses as to why Huangfu Qiye's child and his blood type were not the same. After all, Huangfu Qiye's identity and temper made people not dare to make wild guesses about his private life. Then, the doctor nodded and left. However, before he left, the two bags of Huangfu Qiye's blood in his hands were taken over by Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi had also heard the commotion just now, so he knew that the blood type of the child in the operating theater was different from that of his young master and young madam. He was proud of it, so he knew that the blood that his young master drew just now did not need to be given to the hospital. He collected the blood and brought it back to the manor to be stored. In the future, when his young master was injured, it would naturally be useful.

On the other side.

At the entrance of the operating theater, Tang Xiaowei slowly came back to her senses. Her face was pale as she recalled something. Then, she grabbed Huangfu Qiye's sleeve tightly. "Qiye, what did the doctor mean just now? When the babies were born, both babies had type O blood? Why is Xinwei...?"

She did not dare to think too deeply about whether the child in the operating theater was their child or not.

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became.

If the child in the operating theater that they had taken care of for more than a month was not their child, then where was the second daughter that she gave birth to at that time?

Huangfu Qiye was also suspecting this matter, but he did not want to scare Tang Xiaowei. He gently stroked her hair. "Calm down first. After the child's surgery is done, we will do a paternity test with the child."

"You also suspect that the baby in the operating theater is not ours? Then, if the child in the operating theater is really not ours, where is our real baby? Could she have been stolen?" Tang Xiaowei could not calm down. She was extremely excited.

When the child was born, it was blood type O. now that the doctor told them that the child was blood type AB, the child could not use the blood that Huangfu Qiye had just taken out.

With such an obvious fact, there was actually no need for a paternity test.

After all, the doctor just now did not dare to lie to them.

Although Huangfu Qiye appeared calm on the surface, he was actually very flustered in his heart.

When the child was born, it was true that both babies were type O, but now, the baby in the operating theater was type AB.

The one at home was still unknown.

However, it was very likely that his and Xiaowei's babies had been swapped.

"Yuan Qi." Huangfu Qiye hugged Tang Xiaowei tightly.

Yuan Qi immediately walked over. "Young master."

"Go investigate immediately. Check all the surveillance cameras after the birth of the two young ladies. We must find out if there were any strange people who came into contact with them when they were in the hospital previously!"

"Yes, young master." Yuan Qi nodded and left quickly.

Huangfu Qiye instructed Yuan Shan again, "Go back and bring the other young lady in the house over. Immediately!"

Yuan Shan also nodded and left when she heard that.

After that, Huangfu Qiye calmly instructed the other bodyguards to immediately contact the doctor. He planned to do a paternity test with the two babies in a while.

Tang Xiaowei was in his arms, listening to his arrangements.

Because he was by her side when she gave birth, and the child she was pregnant with was his, he did not make wild guesses now. Instead, he chose to suspect that someone else had swapped their child. Tang Xiaowei was very happy that he could trust her so much.