Chapter 821: come quickly, I can't do it alone

Tang Xiaowei anxiously ordered the driver: "Drive faster, within half an hour to the nearest best hospital, faster."

The driver also knew that the matter was urgent, hurriedly answered and accelerated the speed.

Yuan Shan gave own young master to call but after a long time there was still no answer.

Finally, someone answered so she hurriedly handed the mobile phone to Tang Xiaowei: "Young madam, young master's phone is connected."

Tang Xiaowei had been so preoccupied with her child and her suffering that she had forgotten to tell Huangfu Qiye about this. When she heard Yuan Shan say this, she took the phone and sobbed non-stop. "Qiye..."

Huangfu Qiye, who was currently in a meeting, saw Yuan Shan's call and knew that it must be related to Xiaowei. Therefore, he asked everyone to stop the meeting and ask everyone to be quiet before he answered the call.

However, when Tang Xiaowei's sobbing voice came out, his entire heart tensed up. "Xiaowei, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yes... something happened at home. Xinwei fell to the ground and her head was broken. She bled a lot. What should I do? I'm taking Xinwei to the hospital now. I'm so scared. Qiye, come here quickly. I can't do it alone..." Tang Xiaowei heard his voice. She couldn't control her tears.

"What?" Hearing that their daughter was in trouble, Huangfu Qiye immediately stood up. The other subordinates in front of him were all scared by his suddenly gloomy face and didn't dare to breathe loudly.

On the other side, Tang Xiaowei was crying so hard that she couldn't speak at all.

Huangfu Qiye's heart ached violently and he quickly relaxed his tone. "Xiaowei, don't be afraid. I'll come over immediately. Don't hang up the phone. If you're afraid, just talk to me."

As he spoke, he hurriedly walked out of the office, leaving the other subordinates behind. Yuan Qi also hurriedly followed.


Just half an hour later, the driver parked the car at the entrance of the hospital.

The moment the car stopped, Huangfu Qiye, who had already been waiting at the entrance of the hospital, immediately went forward to welcome her. The car door opened and he saw Tang Xiaowei carrying the child out of the car. The child's blanket and clothes were covered in blood. Meanwhile, Xiaowei was crying uncontrollably. His heart was in indescribable pain.

He went forward and carried the child into his arms with her. Then, he rushed into the hospital without saying a word.

Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan looked at each other before they hurriedly followed.

Yuan Qi anxiously asked Yuan Shan how such a thing could have happened. Yuan Shan could be considered to have seen everything, so she hurriedly told Yuan Qi about it. After Yuan Qi heard it, his expression turned cold. "Will there be a problem with that wet nurse?"

Yuan Shan shook her head. "I'm not sure. We'll investigate it slowly when we get back."

Yuan Qi nodded, and the two of them hurriedly followed.

Because Huangfu Qiye was in the city and was closer to the hospital, he had already arranged for a doctor when he first arrived. He carried Tang Xiaowei while Tang Xiaowei carried the child in her arms. He put Tang Xiaowei down at the door of the operating theater. Then, he handed the child in Tang Xiaowei's arms to the doctor next to him and warned in a deep voice, "Cure this child. Don't make any mistakes, or I'll take your little lives!"

The other party knew that he was Huangfu Qiye, so how would he dare to disobey his orders? A few doctors and nurses nodded and then carried the child into the operating theater.

When Huangfu Qiye saw that the operating theater door was closed, he finally had the time to look down at Tang Xiaowei in his arms.

"Xiaowei." He hugged her shoulders and panted slightly as he called her name in a low voice.

Tang Xiaowei's entire body trembled. She grabbed his arm tightly and tears continued to flow down her face. "Qiye, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of Xinwei. I've let the child down. I've let you down."

"Silly, no matter what happened, I definitely won't blame you. Don't talk about yourself like that. Don't cry. The doctor will treat the child. Don't worry." Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly and comforted her gently.

"But I was beside her at the time. If I had been more careful, Xinwei wouldn't have been hurt. " Tang Xiaowei still felt that this was all her fault.

It was her fault for not paying attention to all three children.

She only paid attention to Xinqiang and An An at the time and thought that the wet nurse would take good care of Xinwei.

Huangfu Qiye held her and walked to the chair beside him. He sat on the chair and carried her to his lap. He moved his lips closer and suddenly kissed her.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect him to kiss her.

His kiss this time was very light and gentle. It was as if the water was flowing and the wind was light. However, it also made her feel more relaxed.

Not far away from her, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan were standing at the entrance to stop others from disturbing her.

After a long time, Huangfu Qiye let go of Tang Xiaowei's lips. His slender fingers gently rubbed against her lips. His voice was deep and sexy. "Xiaowei, don't think so badly of things. The child will be fine. Calm down and tell me everything, okay?"

Tang Xiaowei had been kissed by him for a while, and he had gently eased her emotions, so she was indeed much calmer now.

Then, she told him everything that had happened at home in detail.

In the end, she still blamed herself.

Huangfu Qiye touched her head He sighed helplessly. "Xiaowei, it's not your fault. It's because I didn't get a better wet nurse. Don't cry and don't blame yourself. Let's just forget about today's incident. Don't keep angry at yourself in your heart. Trust me, the baby will be fine."

"will the baby really be fine? " Tang Xiaowei no longer felt so uncomfortable after being comforted by him, but she was still worried about the baby.

"Yes, it will be fine." Huangfu Qiye nodded in a deep voice.

Huangfu Qiye comforted her and patted her back gently with his big hand.

Tang Xiaowei finally calmed down completely. She stopped crying and did not speak anymore. She just stayed in his arms and stared at the door of the operating theater.

Half an hour later, the door of the operating theater was opened and a doctor walked out in a hurry. "Young master Huangfu, your daughter's wound is quite big. She has lost too much blood and needs a blood transfusion."

"Blood transfusion? Okay, I'm the father of the child. Take my blood." Huangfu Qiye immediately put down Xiaowei and touched her head. "You stay here and watch. The doctor and I will go and take some blood."

The doctor saw that Huangfu Qiye readily agreed to take the blood, so he hurriedly nodded and led the way, taking Huangfu Qiye away.

Tang Xiaowei stood where she was. Because Huangfu Qiye was no longer around, she began to tremble again.

On the other side.

Under the doctor's lead, Huangfu Qiye came to the blood drawing room.