Chapter 820: Sob, SOB, SOB. My sister is bleeding a lot

When Tang Xiaowei saw that the wet nurse had also come over to feed her younger daughter, Xinwei, she felt relieved. Then, she lowered her head and looked gently at her elder daughter in her arms.

The elder daughter was only half an hour older than the younger daughter, so the two little fellows looked about the same age.

After Xinqiang had something to eat, she quickly stopped crying. Then, she obediently sat in Tang Xiaowei's arms. There was a soft little ball in her arms. It was very cute.

Tang Xiaowei's maternal instincts were completely unleashed. The way she looked at her child was full of love.

An An was worried that his sister would cry, but seeing that her mother was feeding his sister, his sister stopped crying. He moved closer to Tang Xiaowei's side, and there was no longer any confusion on his fair little face. His little hand gently held his sister's little hand. He was obedient and did not speak.

Tang Xiaowei was very happy to see An An being so obedient.

She was actually quite worried that An An would not like her two younger sisters. After all, with more children in the family, and they were relatively younger children, most of her thoughts would involuntarily be on her two daughters. She was afraid that An An would be jealous and feel insecure.

However, it seemed that An An was still a well-behaved child.

Bang! Suddenly, the sound of a heavy object landing on the ground sounded from the side. Then, the next second, a burst of baby screams and cries sounded. "Wa wa wa wa..."

Tang Xiaowei was shocked. She didn't care about feeding the child and turned around to look.

This one look almost scared her to the point of fainting.

At this moment, not far from the side, the wet nurse kneeled on the ground in panic. On the ground, Xinwei, who had been in the wet nurse's arms just now, fell to the ground. There was a cut on the baby's head, and a lot of blood flowed out from the wound.The little one cried so hard that it tore her heart and lungs apart.

Tang Xiaowei's heart was throbbing with pain. She stood up in a daze and asked in disbelief, "What on earth is going on?"

Yuan Shan, who had been standing far away, had not noticed the situation over here. At this moment, Yuan Shan had already run over and picked up Xinwei, her face full of anxiety.

The wet nurse who had been feeding Xinwei just now kneeled on the ground and cried with all her might, "I'm sorry, young madam. It's all my fault. I suddenly felt dizzy just now, so I couldn't hold onto little miss properly. I'm sorry."

Tang Xiaowei could no longer be bothered to blame the wet nurse. She was almost out of breath and her face was frighteningly pale. "Yuan Shan, quickly send Xinwei to the hospital. Get the family doctor to temporarily bandage her wound in the car. HURRY UP!"

Yuan Shan nodded, then rushed out with the child in her arms.

An An had just seen his sister's head being smashed and bleeding so much. The little fellow was obviously frightened. He held onto Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly. "Mommy, my sister is injured. What should we do?"

Tang Xiaowei didn't know what to do either.

Xinqiang, who was in her arms, had just eaten her fill. The little fella didn't know what had happened. After eating her fill, she closed her eyes and fell asleep obediently.

Tang Xiaowei tidied up her clothes and looked at the wet nurse who was still kneeling on the ground. Then, she gritted her teeth and said to the few maids and nannies who were trembling, "Look after her."

After that, she carried Xinqiang out and took An An away.

However, only she knew how flustered and scared she was.

Her footsteps were almost erratic.

"An An, wait at home. Mommy needs to go to the hospital to look after your sister. Be good and don't touch anything at home, understand? Otherwise, you'll get hurt. Mommy will be worried." Tang Xiaowei's voice was choked with sobs. She touched An An's small face and instructed him.

An An was shocked by the scene just now. When he heard his mother say this, he nodded. "Okay, I'll be good at home. Mommy, don't worry about An An."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei heave a sigh of relief. Then, she held Xinqiang in her arms and led An An to Xiu Zhongsheng's guest room.

Aze, who was at the door, saw her and asked, "Young madam, are you looking for our master for something?"

Tang Xiaowei handed Xinqiang to Aze and said, "Take the children in and give them to grandfather. Ask him to take care of them for me. And An An, help take care of them too. I have urgent matters to attend to, so I'll have to trouble you to take care of these two children."

Aze took Xinqiang. He still didn't understand what had happened. Then, he saw that after Tang Xiaowei handed the two children to him, Tang Xiaowei turned around and ran away in a hurry.

Aze could only ask Xiao Anan beside him, "Young master, what happened to your mother?''

An An heard this and raised her head to look at Aze. "My sister is injured. Mommy wants to send my sister to the hospital. Sob sob sob, my sister has lost a lot of blood..."

An An had been holding back in front of Tang Xiaowei. Now, he started to cry in fear, tears falling one after another.

Aze was very frightened.

At this moment, the people in the room heard the crying. Then, housekeeper Xiu opened the door and saw An An crying while Aze was holding a child. Housekeeper Xiu hurriedly pulled An An into his arms and asked with heartache, "An An, what happened to you? Why are you crying?"

"My sister is injured, sob sob sob..." An An threw himself into housekeeper Xiu's arms and cried loudly.

Aze hurriedly recounted what Tang Xiaowei had said and what An An had said. Housekeeper Xiu felt that something was wrong. Then, he hurriedly picked up An An and let Aze follow him into the room. He planned to tell this matter to Xiu Zhongsheng.

On the other side.

Tang Xiaowei knew that if she handed the child over to her grandfather to take care of, it would definitely be absolutely safe. That was why she was relieved to hand the child over to them.

After she rushed downstairs, she saw that the car that Yuan Shan had prepared had not left yet. The family doctor at home was currently helping Xinwei with her wound. She hurriedly got into the car and instructed the driver to immediately go to the hospital.

She took the child from Yuan Shan's arms. The doctor was at the side treating the child's wound.

Xinwei was still crying loudly. The little fellow's crying made her very sad. Tang Xiaowei's tears could not help but flow down.

She was very regretful. She regretted that she had not paid more attention to the wet nurse's side just now. Otherwise, Xinwei would not have been injured.

Xinwei must have hit the corner of the table. That was why there was a small cut on the back of her head.

But even though it was a small cut, the little one was only a little over a month old. Tang Xiaowei was really scared.

"Baby, don't cry. You'll be fine when you get to the hospital. It's mommy's fault. It's mommy's fault for not taking good care of you. I'm sorry, Xinwei."

She kept coaxing the baby. Tears kept flowing down her face. Her heart was still in pain.

Soon, Xinwei stopped crying. The doctor also gave the little one a temporary bandage to stop the bleeding.

Seeing that the little girl stopped crying and even closed her eyes, Tang Xiaowei nervously grabbed the doctor's hand. "What's wrong with the child? Will anything happen to her?"

"Young madam, the little miss only fainted. She will be fine if she gets to the hospital within an hour," the family doctor answered nervously.