Chapter 819: Soft as Cotton Candy

Then, she scooped up a bowl of soup and sat beside Huangfu Qiye. After the soup cooled down, she drank the soup and ate with Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye ate very elegantly, but he ate very quickly today.

Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but remind him, "Eat slowly. Eating too fast is not good for your health."

"I still have work tomorrow, so I need to rest early today. I won't be so busy in two days," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly.

Tang Xiaowei was worried about his health when she heard that, but she couldn't help him at all, so she didn't say anything. She lowered her head and quietly drank the soup.

The warm hand gently lifted her chin, and the man's gaze was gentle and domineering. "What's wrong? Did someone bully you today?"

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly shook her head. "No, no one bullied me. I'm just worried about you."

"Silly, what's there to worry about? No one can hurt me. Besides, I've been busy recently because I've accumulated too much work. I'll be free to spend a lot of time with you after I take care of everything in two days." Huangfu Qiye saw that she was still worried about him. His heart ached as he rubbed her chin.

Tang Xiaowei didn't want to see him worry about her after he went home after working so hard, so she suppressed the worry in her heart Then, she smiled sweetly at him. "Yes, I know. Hurry up and eat. Since you have to go out to work early tomorrow, you should rest early later."

Huangfu Qiye smiled and patted her head before continuing to eat.

An hour later.

Tang Xiaowei was already lying on the bed. The sound of running water could be heard from the bathroom. Huangfu Qiye was still taking a shower inside.

She waited for a while and was already a little sleepy. Unknowingly, she fell asleep.

When Huangfu Qiye came out, he saw that she was already asleep.

He smiled helplessly. Ever since she was discharged from the hospital, her body had almost fully recovered. The doctor said that she was recovering very well and that he could totally touch her. He had been holding it in for a long time and really wanted to touch her.

However, he had been very busy recently. She was also very tired from taking care of the child, so he had not touched her once.

At this moment, even if he had the intention, he did not have the intention to wake her up when he saw that she was asleep.

He dried his hair and turned off the light, leaving only a wall lamp. Then, he lay down beside her and hugged her into his arms before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


The next morning, Tang Xiaowei woke up, but Huangfu Qiye was still not in the room.

She hurriedly got up, washed, and went out. When she saw Yuan Shan, she asked, "Has your young master gone out already?"

Yuan Shan nodded. "Yes, young madam. Young master has already gone out for more than an hour."

Tang Xiaowei rubbed the space between her eyebrows and sighed. It had been like this recently. Although she could wait for him to come back every night, she still fell asleep before he came out of the shower. When he woke up, he had gone out again.

She walked into the room of her two daughters. When she reached the door, she heard clear laughter coming from inside.

When she pushed the door open, she saw An An sitting on a chair in the nursery. She was playing with Xinqiang and Xinwei in the crib.

The two babies were very happy to be played with by An An. The three little ones were all very happy.

She felt somewhat comforted, and her heart was filled with sweetness. Then, she walked in.

The maid and nanny in the nursery saw her enter and greeted her, "Good morning, young madam."

Tang Xiaowei nodded at them. "Good morning, everyone."

An An heard her mother's voice and immediately turned his head. When he saw that it was really her mother, she excitedly ran over and hugged Tang Xiaowei's leg. He raised his head and looked at her with a smile. "Mom, you're up?" An An was just about to wake you up, but Auntie Yuan Shan said that no one was allowed to disturb you, so when I heard that my sisters were awake, I came over to play with them. They're so obedient. Their small hands are so cute."

Tang Xiaowei gently stroked An An's small head. The little girl was only four years old, and his own hands were also small. However, compared to Xinqiang's and Xinwei's hands, An An's hands were indeed a little bigger.

"An An likes his sisters so much?" Tang Xiaowei hugged An An and sat down on the chair beside her.

An An nodded happily. "That's right, that's right. Both of my younger sisters are so cute. They're so soft, just like cotton candy."

"Naughty. How can you describe your younger sister like that?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but pinch her son's little face.

An An pouted and smiled.

Just as Tang Xiaowei was about to hug her daughter, Yuan Shan took her phone from outside and rushed in. "Young madam, your phone is ringing. It's Miss Tao calling."

Tang Xiaowei heard this and could only take the phone. Then, she told An An, "An An, you stay here and play. Take care of your younger sister. Mommy will come over in a while."

"Okay, okay. Don't worry, mommy." An An nodded obediently.

Tang Xiaowei walked to the window and picked up the phone. "Yuyan."

"Xiaowei, I have good news. Last night, Ah Xian and I had a baby. It was a boy just like the one we found." Tao Yuyan's voice was a little weak, but Xiaowei could still tell that she was very happy and excited.

Tang Xiaowei was pleasantly surprised. "Really? Yuyan, congratulations. I will come and see you in two days."

"Okay, that's all for now. Ah Xian doesn't allow me to talk for too long. Let's meet again in two days." Tao Yuyan smiled gently and then hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei held her phone and felt very happy for her good friend.

Yuyan finally gave birth, and Yuyan finally had a child. How wonderful.

However, she remembered that Yuyan and Tao Xian had only given birth after they got married.

As for herself, she had already given birth to three babies for Qiye, and they were still engaged as husband and wife. She was a little anxious.

It seemed that after Qiye had some free time, they should go get their marriage certificate as soon as possible and hold a wedding. Even if the wedding was very simple, she still hoped that they could have a wedding.

She also hoped that she could put on a beautiful wedding dress.

At this moment, a burst of crying sounded.

After waking up, Tang Xiaowei immediately looked over. Xinqiang and Xinwei were both crying. An An was a little scared at the side and looked in her direction, not knowing what to do. "Mommy, what's wrong with the sisters?"

Tang Xiaowei passed the phone to Yuan Shan and hurriedly walked over to pick Xinqiang up. She also instructed the nanny beside her, "Help to look after Xinwei and see what's wrong with her."

The nanny nodded and picked Xinwei up, then gently coaxed her.

Tang Xiaowei also coaxed Xinqiang in her arms.

Very quickly, she realized that the two little fellows were hungry and that was why they were crying.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei heave a sigh of relief. Then, she began to feed the eldest daughter in her arms.

When she was feeding the child, she turned her back.