Chapter 824: "You need to vent now, but don't overdo it. "

"Mr. Huangfu, Mr. Xiu, the results are all here." After the medical staff put down the list, they retreated to the side.

Xiu Zhongsheng picked up one and read it.

Huangfu Qiye also picked up another one and read it together with Tang Xiaowei, who was sitting in his arms.

When they saw that their eldest daughter Xinqiang's blood type was the same as theirs, type O, and that their relationship column showed that their family relationship was above 99% , Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye heaved a sigh of relief.

However, when they looked at the other Xinwei's report, Tang Xiaowei saw that Xinwei's blood type was still AB, and her relationship with their family was zero.


This meant that the child that she had taken care of for more than a month, the child that had just been injured to the point that she almost died, was really not her and Qiye's child?

Then what about her and Qiye's real child?

What about the real Xinwei?

When had her and Qiye's youngest daughter been replaced?

After the child was born, she had been by their side almost the entire time?

She immediately could not help but cry out loud. "Why did this happen? Xinwei isn't our daughter. Then where did our youngest daughter go?"

"Xiaowei, don't be agitated. I've already sent people to investigate. We'll be able to find out the truth very soon." Huangfu Qiye had been suspicious previously. Now that he saw that the report had indeed shown that the injured child was not his and Xiaowei's. Only the eldest daughter, Xinqiang, who had just been brought over from home, was theirs. He was glad that he still had a biological daughter by his side, but he was also angry that his other daughter had disappeared and been replaced by someone else. However, he was, after all, Xiaowei's pillar of support. He could not reveal his anger to make her even more afraid, so he could only comfort her.

Tang Xiaowei could not calm down at all.

Her youngest daughter had disappeared, and her youngest daughter had disappeared just like that.

The child that he had taken care of for a month was actually not hers.

Now, what should he do?

Huangfu Qiye saw that she could not stop crying, and his heart was also very uncomfortable. He could only carry her out, planning to find a place to let her calm down.

Xiu Zhongsheng, who was left in the room, was holding two reports in his hands. At this moment, he was also very angry and upset.

Xinqiang, who had just been carried over by housekeeper Xiu, was Qiye and Xiaowei's child.

The injured child, on the other hand, had absolutely nothing to do with Qiye and Xiaowei.

This meant that he had misunderstood Tang Xiaowei and that Tang Xiaowei had not betrayed Qiye.

Someone had deliberately replaced Qiye and Xiaowei's other child.

Xiu Zhongsheng's eyes darkened and he was boiling with anger. "Housekeeper Xiu, go and find out who has the guts to replace my great-granddaughter. I want him to die a horrible death!"

It had been a long time since housekeeper Xiu had seen his master so angry.

He hurriedly nodded. "Yes, master. I will send someone to investigate this matter."

Although Huangfu Qiye said that he had already sent someone to investigate this matter, Xiu Zhongsheng still couldn't endure it, so he had to send someone to investigate as well. This way, two groups of people would be able to investigate together and find out the truth as soon as possible.

"Go back!" After Xiu Zhongsheng gave his orders, he called housekeeper Xiu to continue holding Xinqiang while he held Xiao Anan's hand and prepared to return home.

He had originally come to the hospital because he was worried about his little great-granddaughter's injuries.

Since the child in the hospital wasn't from the Huangfu family, there was no need for him to stay. He didn't want to see that child either.

Xiao Anan saw his mother crying in pain as soon as he arrived. His father had been accompanying his mother, and the little boy did not dare to go near his father and mother.

At this moment, his great-grandfather said that he wanted to go back, and he understood what the adults meant. It turned out that the sister who had just been injured was not his biological sister.

His heart was a little confused, but he did not say anything and left with Xiu Zhongsheng.


In the car outside the hospital.

Huangfu Qiye held Tang Xiaowei in his arms from the beginning to the end. There were bodyguards outside the car, and only the two of them were in the car.

Her emotions were still very unstable. Even though he kept coaxing her, she was still crying because she was worried about the safety of their real daughter.

Huangfu Qiye's heart ached, but he was helpless.

"I'm sorry, I really couldn't control myself just now." Tang Xiaowei cried for a long time, and her eyes and throat started to hurt. She slowly stopped crying, and her thoughts started to clear up. She opened her eyes and saw Huangfu Qiye hugging her and comforting her. She started to feel sorry.

"It's okay, you need to vent now, but don't overdo it. I don't want to see you cry and hurt your eyes and throat, so don't cry anymore, okay?" Huangfu Qiye pinched her chin and gently kissed her on the lips.

"Why do I feel like you're not worried at all?" Tang Xiaowei faintly felt that he wasn't particularly excited about the child's disappearance, so she couldn't help but ask.

"What's the use of worrying now?" Huangfu Qiye gritted his teeth and caressed her head. "I've already asked Yuan Qi to investigate. As long as he finds any clues, he'll be able to find the child. Don't worry, I'll definitely be able to find our child. As for the person who changed the child, I won't let him off easily."

He gently pressed her head against his chest. From an angle that she could not see, his gaze instantly turned cold.

To dare to have designs on his child, no matter who the other party was, as long as he investigated clearly, he would definitely make the other party pay the price!

An hour later, Tang Xiaowei's mood was no longer as bad as before.

Huangfu Qiye then gently asked her, "Xiaowei, grandfather has already brought An An and Xinqiang home. Let's go home too. After you go back, rest well. You look very weak now."

"What about the child in the hospital?" Tang Xiaowei knew that one of their real children had gone back with grandpa, and the other's whereabouts was still unknown.

As for the child in the hospital, she had taken care of her for more than a month. Although she wasn't her child, it didn't seem good to abandon the child like this.

At least, she had to find the child's real family.

"Don't worry. That child needs to be hospitalized now. After we find our child, I'll send someone to find the child's parents and send her back. Moreover, it is also possible that the child's parents swapped our child, so this child is still useful. Don't bother about her in the future. Let's go home," Huangfu Qiye explained.

Tang Xiaowei was already in a panic, so she nodded.

After that, the driver and bodyguards got into the car. Their car left the hospital, leaving only a few bodyguards in the hospital to continue guarding the injured child.