Chapter 825: only lying after taking the money

On the other side.

Yuan Qi brought two bodyguards and was currently checking the surveillance cameras at the hospital where Tang Xiaowei had given birth.

Yuan Qi and the other two bodyguards were carefully checking the surveillance cameras of the month after Tang Xiaowei was hospitalized after giving birth.

Yuan Qi thought that it would take a long time to find any suspicious points, but he did not expect that after he carefully checked, he would discover that after the two young ladies were sent into the nursery on the first day, another nurse carried a newborn baby into the nursery.

At that time, Yuan Shan was standing guard at the entrance of the nursery.

Yuan Shan also carefully stared at the nurse and the man who was standing at the entrance of the nursery.

Yuan Qi immediately asked the trembling doctor beside him, "Who is this man?"

The doctor hurriedly took a look and thought about it carefully before answering, "This gentleman is accompanying his wife to give birth. His family also gave birth to a daughter in the hospital that day."

When Yuan Qi heard this, his gaze was fixed on that man.

However, that man had been standing at the entrance of the baby's room the entire time. He did not say anything special, nor did he walk into the baby's room. He stood outside the door for a while before the nurse in the baby's room walked out. That man left with the nurse who walked out of the baby's room.

Both of them had their heads lowered. It was obvious that they were suspicious.

Yuan Shan, who was standing not far from the entrance of the baby's room, also retracted her gaze.

However, Yuan Qi still felt that it was very strange.

He rewound the video and watched it again.

Then, he finally discovered something strange.

In the nursery, the nurse who carried the child in seemed to have her back facing the entrance and the surveillance camera. She also seemed to have stopped in front of Xin Qiong and Xin Wei's small bed for a while. She stopped for about 10 seconds. She paused for a moment and moved her arm. Then, she left Xin Qiong and Xin Wei's small bed, walked to another empty bed, and placed the child in her arms down. Then, she left quickly.

This was very strange.

She carried the child into the room. She did not go directly to the empty bed. Instead, she stayed in front of Xin Qiang and Xin Wei's small bed for a while. At that time, her back was facing the camera and her arms moved.

After that, she placed the child in her arms on a small bed in the corner and left. The man who seemed to be the child's father at the door did not have any reaction when he saw his child being treated like this. He actually left with the nurse very calmly.

Yuan Qi was very suspicious of this nurse and that man. Then, he grabbed the doctor beside him and questioned, "Where's this nurse from the surveillance footage? Bring her here!"

When the doctor heard that, he looked at the nurse in the surveillance camera. Very quickly, he shook his head helplessly. "This Xiao Ye, she broke something in the hospital last week and then resigned automatically."

"What? Resigned?" Yuan Qi frowned when he heard that.

It seemed that there was indeed something wrong with the nurse in the surveillance camera. Otherwise, she would not be in such a hurry to resign.

The nurse and the man at the door in the surveillance camera were both very strange. The sudden resignation of the nurse was also very strange. There was definitely something wrong with these two people!

"She resigned. There must be some information left behind by her in the past. Go and get the information about her and that man. His wife is in the hospital having a baby. He must have left behind some information about his wife. Bring all of this here." Yuan Qi stared coldly at the doctor.

When the doctor heard that, he nodded his head in fear. "O-okay."

The doctor quickly brought over some information and handed it to Yuan Qi. "This is it."

Yuan Qi immediately went to look for the nurse and the couple. However, he quickly realized that there was no one at the place he went to, let alone the two people he saw on the surveillance camera.

He returned to the hospital once again and caught the doctor from before. After threatening him fiercely, the doctor open his mouth in fear. "I'm sorry. I took someone else's money, so I deliberately lied. That nurse is actually not from our hospital, and that man is not the person who accompanied his wife to the hospital. I don't know them."

Yuan Qi almost wanted to kill the doctor. He punched the doctor angrily and asked, "Then who are they? Do you know where they are? What about the couple who carried the child out? You should have their addresses, right?"

This time, the doctor did not dare to lie.

"I really don't know who the two people who suddenly gave me money to lie were. They only wanted me to say that the man was accompanying his wife to give birth, and the woman was a nurse. I felt that there was no problem, so I said it. As for the other couple who carried the child out, I do have their address. I'll give it to you immediately." The doctor hurriedly found the address of the couple who carried the child out. Then, he handed it over to Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi threw the doctor aside. Then, he took this address and hurriedly found the house of the other couple who had also left the hospital on the day Tang Xiaowei was discharged.

However, when Yuan Qi arrived at this house, he thought that he would be able to see the young mistress from here. Instead, he saw that the front door of this house was open, and there was a loud cry coming from inside.

Yuan Qi went in to find out more. Only then did he understand that on the day the couple was discharged from the hospital, their child had been snatched away.

Now that their child had been snatched away for a month, they could not find it here. Now, the couple had been crying bitterly at home all day.

At their home, the couple had been crying the entire time. There were even reporters from the magazine interviewing them. It seemed that their child had really been snatched away.

In other words, the child that they had taken away, that was their young mistress, had been snatched away.

Yuan Qi hurriedly walked out of the house and called his young master.


Inside the forest manor.

Huangfu Qiye had just coaxed the emotionally unstable Tang Xiaowei to sleep when his phone started to vibrate.

Fortunately, it was vibrating and did not wake Xiaowei up.

He got up and left, went to the balcony and answered the call.

After the call was connected, Yuan Qi's voice sounded, "Young master, we've already found some clues. On the day young madam gave birth, a woman in the hospital gave birth to a daughter. Two very suspicious people swapped the couple's child with the young miss. The child was snatched away the day the couple carried the child out of the hospital. Now, we may be sure that the person who deliberately swapped the child in the hospital deliberately wanted to snatch the young miss away."

"Go and ask again. Ask the couple if they saw clearly who snatched the child! We must find out who took the young miss!" When Huangfu Qiye heard Yuan Qi's report, he was furious and frowned.