Chapter 826: your daughter is in my hands

"Yes, young master," Yuan Qi answered repeatedly.

Huangfu Qiye was so angry that he almost threw his phone away, and his chest kept heaving up and down.

Who was it?

He actually did something inside the hospital and snatched the child away outside the hospital.

Just as Huangfu Qiye ended the call, he heard a light knock on the door.

Huangfu Qiye woke Xiaowei up from her sleep and hurriedly walked to the door to open it. He asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

Outside the door was the maid downstairs. The maid held the phone and said anxiously, "Young master... Young master..."

The maid carefully handed the phone in the manor to Huangfu Qiye. "Young master, a woman called. She said that she has young miss. She wants to talk to you..."

Huangfu Qiye heard this and snatched the phone. He walked out of the room and gently closed the door. He stood in the corridor and said gloomily, "Who are you? Is my daughter really in your hands?"

"Yes, Mr. Huangfu, your daughter is really in my hands. Do you still remember me? I'm Mu Sitian. The woman you didn't want to admit to sleeping with that night and then abandoned by you." On the other end of the phone, Mu Sitian's cold smile came from the other end.

"What evidence do you have to prove that the child is in your hands?" Huangfu Qiye asked in a deep voice, his face unusually ugly.

"The child is so small, her cries are almost the same. She's still sleeping, so I can't be bothered to wake her up. I'll send you a photo of the child in a while. Now, let's talk about something else. Mr. Huangfu, I want to make a deal with you. If you break off the engagement with Tang Xiaowei and sign an agreement with me that you won't hurt me in the future and marry me, then I'll let your daughter go. What do you think?" Mu Sitian's voice carried a hint of joy and expectation.

Huangfu Qiye's face darkened, and he frowned but didn't say anything.

Mu Sitian was stunned for a moment when she didn't hear Huangfu Qiye's answer. Then, she continued, "Mr. Huangfu, do you understand what I just said?"

"Send me the child's photo and video first. Maybe then you will have the right to talk to me about these issues." Huangfu Qiye directly hung up the phone.

His and Xiaowei's daughter had indeed been swapped.

At present, they could not find the child's whereabouts.

The only suspicious ones were the man who accompanied his wife to give birth in the hospital, as well as the nurse.


Mu Sitian had disappeared for so long, but the police had not found her.

At this moment, she was able to find the forest manor's phone number and call to say that the child was in her hands. Mu Sitian actually knew so much. Perhaps, she really had something to do with the child.

However, he still needed to see the child's photo and video before he could confirm whether the child was really in Mu Sitian's hands.

At this moment, in a rented room.

Mu Sitian looked at the phone that had been hung up. She was faintly excited.

She felt that Huangfu Qiye's tone just now indicated that she had a very good chance of being together with Huangfu Qiye.

Therefore, she immediately instructed the man beside her, "Li Yicheng, where's the child? Bring the child over and let me take a few photos and a video."

Hearing her instructions, Li Yicheng obediently went to the room next door and carried out a sleeping baby.

The baby slept very soundly, with the small blanket wrapped around her.

After Li Yicheng carried the child over, he said worriedly, "Sitian, let's not provoke Huangfu Qiye. Return his child to him and we'll leave together."

"What do you know? Do you think I really like Huangfu Qiye? I want his money. He's so rich and I can't go back to the Mu family now. I'm also wanted by the police. Since you want to be with me, you should support me. When I really marry Huangfu Qiye, his money will be mine. He can also clear my name. At that time, I'll divorce him and take his money. Then, I'll elope with you. Isn't that good?" Mu Sitian glared at Li Yicheng angrily.

However, she would not tell Li Yicheng that she was lying to him. She really liked Huangfu Qiye and his money.

However, she needed to make use of Li Yicheng now. She also needed Li Yicheng to run errands for her. Moreover, Li Yicheng had slept with her, so she had the right to order him around.

Speaking of her and Li Yicheng getting together, she had been imprisoned by Song Yilong's men for a while. However, when Song Yilong did not appear for a long time, Song Yilong's men had no money to spend. Without her boss by her side, they started to have designs on her.

Mu Sitian wanted to leave, so she used her body to bribe the men and tricked them into letting her go.

After that, Mu Sitian took the opportunity to get them drunk and tied those men up. Then, she contacted Li Yicheng, who had broken her virginity. When Li Yicheng came, they tied those men up even more tightly. Mu Sitian made up her mind and killed those men. Then, she buried them somewhere in the suburbs.

After that, she didn't allow Li Yicheng to leave her side. She let him stay by her side and be her slave.

Now, she finally didn't have to be controlled by others. She wasn't stupid. She already had a plan, so she bought a lot of props. Every time she went out, she would dress up in disguise, so no one found her whereabouts.

Li Yicheng had always been obedient to Mu Sitian because he liked her and because he had Mu Sitian's body. This time, he even saw Mu Sitian kill a few men without batting an eye. Li Yicheng felt that he had helped Mu Sitian. He could not leave in innocence, so the two of them did not separate. They used fake ID cards together and rented two houses in a very remote and not very clean village in the city.

After resting in the rented house for a few days, Mu Sitian had been asking for information about Huangfu Qiye.

However, she didn't get any useful information because Huangfu Qiye didn't like to go out, so she didn't dare to go near the forest manor.

In the end, two months ago, she found out that Huangfu Qiye brought Tang Xiaowei to the hospital and seemed to be hospitalized. She also found that Tang Xiaowei's belly was very big. It seemed that she was about to give birth.

Mu Sitian touched her belly.

That night, she indeed didn't sleep with Huangfu Qiye. She only slept with Li Yicheng the next day.

At that time, she was still a little timid, and she was also embarrassed. She was a little regretful. Now, she had interacted with many men, so she really regretted not sleeping with Huangfu Qiye that night when he was drunk. If she had slept with Huangfu Qiye at that time and she was pregnant now then it would be easier to talk to Huangfu Qiye.