Chapter 827: "You are quite ambitious. "

Unfortunately, everything was just empty talk now.

She had slept with Li Yicheng back then. After that, she did not take any medicine and was not pregnant, so she did not play the pregnancy card anymore.

Mu Sitian disguised herself around the hospital and secretly checked for a period of time.

Then, she finally found out that Tang Xiaowei had given birth a month later.

At that time, she immediately let Li Yicheng enter the hospital with her. She disguised herself as a nurse and then put on a mask. In the nursery, she secretly swapped Huangfu Qiye's youngest daughter with another child.

After she switched the child, she gave some money to a doctor and bribed the doctor to lie for her. After that, she left the hospital.

After another month, not long after the ordinary couple carried their child out of the hospital and got into a taxi, Li Yicheng, who was pretending to be a taxi driver at that time, brought the ordinary couple to the suburbs. Then, he snatched their child, Huangfu Qiye's little daughter, and threw the ordinary couple in the suburbs.

After that, Li Yicheng threw away the taxi that he had stolen the night before. Then, he evaded many surveillance cameras and carried the child back to the rental house that he and Mu Sitian had rented together.

For the past few days, Li Yicheng had been taking care of the child, while Mu Sitian was thinking about when she would go and confront Huangfu Qiye again.

The opportunity came very quickly. Mu Sitian had been paying attention to Huangfu Qiye's whereabouts and Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts. When she found out that Tang Xiaowei had carried the injured child into the hospital, Mu Sitian felt that this was the right time.

This time, Huangfu Qiye would definitely know that the little daughter he brought home was fake.

His child was here with her. If he wanted the child to return safely, he had to listen to her!

Mu Sitian took a few photos of the child and a video of the child sleeping. Then, she quickly sent it to Huangfu Qiye.

The phone in Huangfu Qiye's hand could accept photos and videos. The moment the phone rang, he picked it up and took a look. His body instantly stiffened.

The child in the photos and video was indeed very similar to the elder daughter, Xinqiang.

Therefore, it was very likely that this was his and Xiaowei's child.

He immediately turned around and went to the study room next door. Then, he quickly called his good friend, Mu Yisen. "Yisen, Mu Sitian called me. She has my youngest daughter now. I'll talk to her in a while. Help me find her current location."

Mu Yisen hurriedly agreed. "Okay, I'll connect with you now."

After Huangfu Qiye and Mu Yisen finished their discussion, they then dialed the number that they had just dialed at home.

Mu Sitian saw the phone ring and immediately picked it up. This time, she did not call him Mr. Huangfu. She smiled. "Brother Ye, how is it Do you believe me? Now, I just need you to settle the matter regarding the dead people in the coffee shop with the police and help me clear my name. Then, you and Tang Xiaowei will cancel the engagement and marry me. Then, you promise not to divorce me in the future and never hurt me. Once you have done that, I will return this child to you."

"You are quite ambitious." Huangfu Qiye snorted coldly.

"No, actually, I don't have any ambition at all. I just want to be with you. But you have always been cold to me. Now that my reputation has been ruined, I can only think of this way. I'm sorry, brother Ye. I actually like you. Just promise me. Otherwise, your little daughter might suffer. She's still so young. You can't bear to see her get hurt, right?" Mu Sitian giggled as she threatened him.

"I will promise you whatever you want, but you can't hurt the child." Huangfu Qiye's voice sounded very anxious, and he looked extremely afraid. However, when Mu Sitian couldn't see him, Huangfu Qiye's expression remained dark and cold.

On the other hand, Mu Sitian thought that Huangfu Qiye was really frightened.

Her heart was filled with excitement, as if she was about to succeed.

It was as if the police would soon stop looking for her, and she would soon become Huangfu Qiye's wife.

The more Mu Sitian thought about it, the more excited she became. "Brother Ye, are you going to agree to my proposal or not? If you agree, we'll immediately write an agreement and then meet to sign the contract. This is good for everyone."

"When did you fall in love with me?" Huangfu Qiye suddenly asked a question. It seemed like he didn't listen to what Mu Sitian had just said.

Mu Sitian originally wanted him to agree to her proposal as soon as possible, but Huangfu Qiye's voice sounded like a deterrent. As soon as he said this, Mu Sitian's attention was immediately diverted. She immediately began to feel that Huangfu Qiye was asking such a question because he wanted to get to know her.

Over at the rented house, her face began to blush, and her voice sounded a little shy. She also became bashful. "Brother Ye, you want to know how long I've loved you, right? Actually, I knew very early on that you were my cousin and a friend. When I saw you, I fell in love with you at first sight. I've liked you for many years."

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye and Mu Sitian were using their home phone, but at this moment, his private phone rang. It was Mu Yisen calling. He simply hung up and sent a message instead: found it.

After sending the message, he continued to drag out the conversation with Mu Sitian on the other end of the phone. "Continue."

Mu Sitian did not hear the coldness in his voice because when she met Huangfu Qiye in the past, no matter who Huangfu Qiye was talking to, his voice was always cold. She also felt that it was very normal, so she continued to talk about the past.

Huangfu Qiye did not listen to what she said. His slender fingers were constantly sending messages to Mu Yisen.

Mu Yisen told him that he had already found out where Mu Sitian was.

Mu Yisen felt ashamed and angry that he had such a cousin. After all, Mu Sitian had caused the death of the homeless man in the coffee shop, and now she had stolen someone else's child to threaten people. It was really too hateful Although Mu Yisen was Mu Sitian's cousin, he would not cover up for someone like Mu Sitian.

Huangfu Qiye revealed a satisfied smile and thanked her. Then, he said to Mu Sitian on the other end of the phone in a deep voice, "I've agreed to everything you said just now. I'll look for you tonight after I've prepared the agreement. During this period, you'd better not let anything happen to the child. Otherwise, the agreement I've prepared will definitely be useless."

Mu Sitian did not expect him to be willing to listen to her talk about her worries. Moreover, he had actually agreed to her suggestion so easily. As expected, he still cared about her child. Mu Sitian felt that her bet this time was especially accurate. She immediately agreed with a smile, "Okay, okay, brother Ye."