Chapter 815: He cried out in pain

She immediately said happily, "Uncle Tian, Its' Xiaowei. I have good news to tell you."

The other party was silent for a few seconds. Then, a familiar male voice with a hint of joy said, "Xiaowei, father is resting. It's me. If you have any good news, you can tell me first. I'll tell father later."

It was him.

It was Ling Yijue.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. She did not dare to look at Huangfu Qiye, afraid that he would be angry if he knew it was Ling Yijue.

She felt that it was fortunate that the phone was not amplified. Otherwise, Huangfu Qiye would have heard Ling Yijue's voice. If that was the case, Qiye would be angry again.

However, she had already treated Ling Yijue like an older brother, so she did not have any worries. Her tone was still as normal as before. She said, "I gave birth last night. Both of my daughters are very healthy."

Hearing her words, Ling Yijue, who was opposite her, was silent for a few seconds. In the end, his tone no longer sounded as happy as before. His voice sounded very bleak. "Is that so? Then congratulations, Xiaowei. I'll tell father the good news. You've just given birth and need to rest well. I won't disturb you any longer. Go and rest."

He hurriedly finished and ended the call.

In a country that Tang Xiaowei could not see, Ling Yijue had just ended the call when he clenched his fist and punched the wall. His fist immediately let out a cracking sound of bones breaking and fresh blood immediately flowed out.

However, he did not feel any pain at all.


He cried out in pain.


Why did he break up with Xiaowei in the first place?

If they had not broken up, if he had brought Xiaowei to see his father earlier, his father would definitely have agreed to let him be with Xiaowei.

If that was the case, Xiaowei would not be with another man now, and she would not have given birth to a child for another man.

If he had not broken up with her in the first place, they would still be together now, and the child she gave birth to would be his.

The more Ling Yijue thought about it, the angrier and more painful he felt.

He hated himself. He hated himself for breaking up with her arbitrarily back then. He thought it was for her own good, but after that, everything was just his own self-abuse.

Hearing him shouting in the room, his bodyguards, Willam and Jack, rushed in, thinking that he had been attacked and injured.

"Young master, are you okay?" Willam asked carefully and worriedly after he came in.

Jack also looked at him worriedly. "Young master, your hand seems to be injured. I'll go get the doctor to bandage it for you." After Jack finished speaking, he went out to call the doctor.

Ling Yijue did not stop them, nor did he answer them.

He gritted his teeth, unable to calm down the resentment in his heart, and remained silent from beginning to end.

After a long time, Jack called the doctor over. When the doctor bandaged him, he did not move or hide. He still stood stiffly on the spot. After the doctor bandaged him and left, Ling Yijue suddenly turned around. He asked Willam and Jack beside him, "Tell me, am I really bad?"

"How can that be? Young master is a dragon among men, the young master of the Moqi family, the CEO of the Ling Group. You're very outstanding, not bad at all." Willam shook his head.

Jack also shook his head. "Yes, yes, young master, you are very outstanding. Who exactly said that you are bad?"

"It's fine. You guys can go down and leave me alone." Ling Yijue just felt aggrieved in his heart. He felt that he was also worthy of Xiaowei. He did not understand why Huangfu Qiye and Xiaowei ended up together. Therefore, after asking such a question just now, he suddenly felt that such a question was a little ridiculous, so he let Willam and Jack go down.

Willam and Jack quickly went down and even closed the door for him. Only Ling Yijue was left in the room.

He walked to the cabinet. There was a photo frame on the cabinet, and inside it was a photo that had been released.

In the photo, a young and energetic boy and girl were standing together. Behind them, on the field, they were wearing blue and white uniforms and smiling at the camera as they made scissor gestures.

This was a photo that he and Xiaowei had taken together one day during class when they were in high school.

He had always kept it.

Perhaps, he would only be able to keep this kind of photo for the rest of his life.

He would never have the chance to have Xiaowei again.


Tang Xiaowei looked at the phone that had been hung up and felt a little touched.

She could clearly feel that Ling Yijue had hung up the phone in a hurry.

She did not want to think deeply about whether the words she had just said would hurt him. Because she did not think that her charm was so great, and she did not want to believe that he still had feelings for her.

She hoped that he could forget everything in the past and find someone else that he liked and could settle down with.

Instead, he would reminisce about the past with her and him alone.

She lowered her head and her thoughts started to get messy.

"What's wrong? Unhappy? What did your Uncle Tian say to you?" Huangfu Qiye's hearing was very good. The ward was very quiet just now, so he had already vaguely heard that the person who was talking to Xiaowei wasn't Ling Shitian, but Ling Yijue.

However, seeing that Xiaowei did not say anything to make him jealous, and Ling Yijue quickly ended the call, Huangfu Qiye was not angry about it.

He only saw that Xiaowei's mood had dropped after ending the call, so he started to worry about her.

Tang Xiaowei did not know that Huangfu Qiye already knew that it was Ling Yijue on the phone just now. She did not want to lie to him, but she also did not want to make him angry by mentioning Ling Yijue. So, she said ambiguously, "He said he knows. Qiye, I'm a little hungry. Did the doctor say that I can or can't eat?"

She was really a little hungry, so she changed the topic and gave him her phone.

Huangfu Qiye should not pursue this matter. Anyway, he knew that he was the only one in Xiaowei's heart.

He put the phone aside and gently stroked her head. "You can eat. Wait a moment. I'll get someone to prepare it."

"Oh, okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Huangfu Qiye then stood up and went out.

After Huangfu Qiye went out, Tang Xiaowei slowly calmed down.

Not long after, Huangfu Qiye came back with a food box.

There was a dining table in the VIP ward. He put the food box on the table and opened it. From afar, Tang Xiaowei could see the steam coming out of the food box.

The rich and delicious smell of fish soup immediately filled the ward.

"How come there's food so soon?" Tang Xiaowei thought that it would take time for him to find someone to make or buy food.