Chapter 816: a little bloated and painful

She didn't expect that he would come back with the steaming and delicious fish soup less than three minutes after he left.

"I asked the doctor last night. The doctor said that if you wake up and are hungry, you can eat something. It's best to drink some fish soup, so I asked someone to prepare it. When you want to eat something, I can give it to you." Huangfu Qiye didn't put on airs at this moment. He wouldn't let her feel his usual overbearing and willful bearing.

At this moment, because the woman he loved was weak and needed to be taken care of, he was very gentle. He walked to the bedside with a bowl of fish soup.

Huangfu Qiye propped up the bed she was lying on and scooped up a spoonful of fish soup. When the temperature was about right, he fed it to her lips. "Here, take a sip and see if you like it."

Tang Xiaowei moved her lips over and drank all the fish soup he fed her. Then, she narrowed her eyes and smiled happily. "It's very delicious. I still want to drink it."

"Okay." Hearing that she said it was delicious, Huangfu Qiye was in a great mood. Then, he continued to blow at it and feed her. At the same time, he fed her some fish meat that had long been prepared.

In the end, he spent a long time feeding her until she was full.

He put down the cutlery and sat next to her, still wanting to watch over her.

Tang Xiaowei urged him, "You should go and rest. Look, you have dark circles under your eyes."

"Do you dislike me?" Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye moved his face closer and kissed her face.

"No, I'm just feeling sorry for you. Now that the baby is born, there's no more danger. You just need to rest well. So, you should go and rest too. Isn't there a bed next for you? Go and sleep quickly. I really don't want to see you get sick. If you get sick, I'll be afraid." She needed to rely on him. She really couldn't imagine what she would do if he got sick from exhaustion before she had recovered.

"Okay, I'll sleep beside you for a while. If you feel unwell, remember to call me." Huangfu Qiye was indeed very tired. Now that she had persuaded him, he no longer refused.

He gently stroked her head, then walked to the bed beside him, ready to take off his clothes and go to sleep.

At this moment, Tang Xiaowei lowered her head and couldn't help but groan in pain.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he immediately turned to look at her. Then, he quickly walked over and nervously held her hand. "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and said shyly, "I... I... "

"What's wrong?" Huangfu Qiye was extremely nervous. He didn't have time to rest. He just wanted to know what was wrong with her.

However, Tang Xiaowei couldn't say it out loud. Then, she urged him, "I'm fine. Go and rest."

"How can you be fine? You were in so much pain just now that you were groaning." Huangfu Qiye forcefully pinched her chin, forcing her to look at him.

Seeing him like this, Tang Xiaowei could only compromise. She opened her mouth shyly and stuttered, "My... my place... is a little swollen and painful..."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was stunned. He also felt that it was unbelievable. He looked at her in surprise and disbelief. "Where is that? Do you need my help or do you need a doctor to take a look?"

Tang Xiaowei's originally pale face had turned completely red. "It's the milk for the baby. I'm too bloated. Ask them to bring the baby over. I want to feed them."

She was already feeling a little bloated just now. Moreover, she saw that he was very tired, so she wanted him to rest first. Then, she would ask the nurse to bring the baby over to feed it.

However, now that he was staring at her like this, she could only tell him about this. However, when she said this, she still felt her face turn red.

Huangfu Qiye gently touched her face. "So it's about this. Wait for a while. I'll ask them to bring the baby over."

He did not take this opportunity to tease her because he already knew that she was shy and weak enough. He gave her a gentle glance and got up to leave.

The pink on Tang Xiaowei's face slowly subsided because of his mature actions. She also heaved a sigh of relief and felt warm in her heart.

Soon, the nurse brought the two babies over. Although Tang Xiaowei was still a little shy, she still fed the first baby with Huangfu Qiye's company.

However, after the first baby was full, she ran out of milk and there was another baby crying beside her.

"What should we do? There's no milk." Tang Xiaowei looked at Huangfu Qiye anxiously.

"It's okay. I've already found a wet nurse for the baby." Huangfu Qiye had already prepared everything. He was worried that she couldn't feed two babies alone, so he had already found the best wet nurse who was waiting in the ward next door.

Tang Xiaowei was relieved when she heard this.

Then, she saw another crying baby being sent to the next room with Yuan Shan's company. Soon, the baby stopped crying.

The baby that she had fed also fell asleep after it was full. Huangfu Qiye asked the nurse to carry the baby back and then helped her tidy up her clothes. He said gently, "Rest. The baby will be taken care of. You don't have to worry about anything anymore."

Tang Xiaowei was indeed a little tired, so she nodded, lay down, and closed her eyes.

Soon, she fell into a deep sleep. Huangfu Qiye also sat next to her for a while after she rested. Then, he lay down on the hospital bed not far away and planned to rest for a while.


A month later.

Tang Xiaowei and the babies, who had grown fatter, could finally be discharged from the hospital.

On the day of their discharge, Huangfu Qiye was not the only one accompanying her. Housekeeper Xiu and Tang Qingxuan, who had been sent by Xiu Zhongsheng, were also present.

As for Xiu Zhongsheng, he stayed at the forest manor to accompany Xiao Anan because he was old, while Ning Xintian stayed at the forest manor to wait for them to return because she was not in good health.

Huangfu Qiye helped Tang Xiaowei out of the ward.

Yuan Shan and Yuan Qi each carried one of the two babies, while housekeeper Xiu followed them. The group of people walked out of the hospital accompanied by dozens of bodyguards.

There was a long row of cars parked at the entrance of the hospital. All of them were luxury cars. After they walked out of the hospital, they all got into the cars and left the hospital.

In the hospital, an ordinary couple was discharged today. The ordinary husband accompanied his wife out of the ward. This husband was also carrying a child. The little baby was sleeping very soundly. He was white, fat, and very cute.

They carried the child out of the hospital, hailed a taxi, and then got into the car and left the hospital.


After the car stopped on the lawn of the forest manor, Huangfu Qiye personally opened the car door, and then carefully and gently helped Tang Xiaowei out of the car, and then helped her into the villa.

Xiu Zhongsheng knew they were back, already holding An An's small hand standing in front of the villa waiting.