Chapter 832: It seems like the little princess is crying

However, Tang Xiaowei had already forgotten about what had happened to Mu Sitian. After all, she had already explained that Huangfu Qiye was innocent, so she no longer remembered it in her heart.

Right now, her entire heart was filled with their child.

"Qiye, what should we do?" Tang Xiaowei was extremely worried.

"Starting from tomorrow, I'll leave some work to go look for Xinwei. You can stay at home and take care of Xinqiang and An An. How about it?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her gently. Since Yuan Qi could not find a child, he could only go out personally.

After all, only in this way could Xiaowei be at ease, and so could he.

"I'd better go with you." Tang Xiaowei was very worried about Xinwei. Ever since she found out that their little daughter had been transferred outside, she was very worried about her little daughter and wanted to find her back.

"Be good. Wait for our good news at home. Xinqiang hasn't weaned yet. Are you willing to let her cry at home to look for you?" Huangfu Qiye did not want her to go out with him. After all, it would be very tiring to look for someone outside, and it might even be dangerous. So he tried his best to persuade her to stay at home.

Besides, Xinqiong really needed her now.

Hearing his words, Tang Xiaowei thought that her eldest daughter, Xinqiong, was indeed still weaned. It wouldn't be good for her to abandon her eldest daughter like this.

She could only nod and say in a very low voice, "Then I'll stay at home. When you go out to look for the child, you must contact me every day. Otherwise, I'll be worried about you."

"Of course I'll contact you every day, silly." Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly and lowered his head to kiss her gently.


The next day, when Tang Xiaowei woke up, she realized that she was the only one in the room.

Thinking back to last night when he said that he was going to leave most of his work today to look for his little daughter, Tang Xiaowei knew that he must have gone out.

She washed and went out. She asked Yuan Shan and sure enough, Huangfu Qiye had already left.

Tang Xiaowei stayed at home. An An started his classes as usual. The family hired several teachers to teach him and the little guy was very serious about his studies.

Xiu Zhongsheng hadn't left yet. Accompanied by housekeeper Xiu, he often accompanied An An to class or took a walk on the lawn outside.

Tang Xiaowei stayed in her room to take care of her eldest daughter, Xinqiang.

Huangfu Qiye finally returned at night.

After he returned, he held her in his arms and gently told her that the child in the hospital wasn't theirs, so he contacted the child's biological parents to take the child away.

Although the child's injury wasn't intentional, it was still caused by the wet nurse, so the child's medical expenses were all paid by the Huangfu family.

The couple had originally appeared on the news because the child had disappeared. Now that they had finally found the child, they were not angry that the child was injured in the Huangfu family after learning the truth. After all, the Huangfu family did not intentionally injure their child. On the contrary, the child was injured accidentally. Only then did everyone know who the child belonged to.

As for Xinwei, they had searched the entire day, but still had not found any clues.

"Rest first. We'll continue searching tomorrow. It's fine." Tang Xiaowei saw that Huangfu Qiye was very tired, and her heart ached. She reached out and rubbed the space between his brows.

Huangfu Qiye grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I haven't had dinner yet. Eat something with me."

Only then did Tang Xiaowei realize that she didn't know what she was thinking just now. She had actually ignored the fact that he hadn't had dinner yet. She hurriedly nodded and the two of them went to the restaurant together.

At this time, her grandfather, An An, and Xinqiong were all asleep, so it was very quiet downstairs.

However, Tang Xiaowei didn't have the strength to personally cook for him today. She was still worried about their little daughter, so she walked into the restaurant in a daze.

Huangfu Qiye felt bad when he saw her like this. He ordered the chef to cook for him, then walked into the dining room and held her on his lap. He gently stroked her hair. "Xiaowei, don't be like this, okay? I know you're worried about the child, but I'm really worried about you now."

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly shook her head. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I just don't have much energy."

She was actually really sad, but she didn't want to tell him, so she could only endure it. But now that he realized, she could only smile to show that she was really fine.

Huangfu Qiye helplessly hugged her tightly, and in the next second, he kissed her hard on the lips.

She now looked like she had a lot on her mind every day, and he was really worried.


Who was the one who took their child away?

What was the other party's purpose?

When the other party took the child away, he hurt Mu Sitian, which meant that the other party's strength was not small. Since that was the case, the other party was definitely not an ordinary human trafficker, so their child would not be sold.

But, since the other party was not a human trafficker, then why did he take their child away?

If it was for money, he should have called to ask for money by now.

But now, he had not received a single call.

Who was the person who took the child?

What did he want to do?


The sky was gloomy.

Big drops of rain hit the glass.

In the world outside the glass window, the branches were swaying in the strong wind, and the waves on the distant sea level were gradually getting bigger.

In a while, the rain would definitely get heavier.

Today was really not a good day.

Su Xiaoqi, who had been lying on the sofa in front of the glass, was in a daze. She was holding a cell phone in her hand and scrolling through Weibo.

The surroundings were quiet.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly lit up in the outside world, followed by the sound of thunder.

Su Xiaoqi was shocked. She hurriedly put away her cell phone and sat up.

At this moment, a baby's cry was immediately heard from a room not far away. "Waa waa waa... "

When Su Xiaoqi heard the baby's cry, she looked nervously at the maid beside her. Her delicate and pretty face was filled with worry. "Is my brother's daughter crying again? That little girl couldn't have been frightened by the lightning and thunder outside, right? Where is my brother?"

As she spoke, she stood up and prepared to walk to the room where the baby was crying.

The maid followed behind her and answered respectfully, "It seems that the little princess is crying, but I don't know if his highness is there."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqi didn't ask any more questions. Then, she quickened her pace and walked to the little girl's room.

Her brother had brought back a girl from god-knows-where a while ago. She was only a little more than a month old, and she was very cute. Now that the child was raised on her brother's private island, she temporarily stayed at her brother's place, so she knew about this child. She asked her brother, but his brother did not tell her who gave birth to the child. However, his brother asked everyone to take care of the child with the etiquette of taking care of his daughter.

When he said this, it was understood, so everyone knew that this was definitely her brother's child.