Chapter 831: The truth was found out

Soon, Huangfu Qiye found out that the man who shared a room with Mu Sitian was the man who seemed to be dead lying on the floor in the rented room today.

Huangfu Qiye gave the hotel a lot of money and then got a copy of the hotel's private surveillance camera.

This hotel was not a proper hotel. They would secretly take videos of the guests opening and staying in their rooms. Therefore, the videos of Mu Sitian and Li Yicheng opening and staying in their rooms were all secretly taken.

After receiving the videos that he had spent a lot of money to buy, Huangfu Qiye finally heaved a sigh of relief. He finally felt excited and hurriedly returned to the forest manor.

Inside the forest manor.

When Tang Xiaowei returned, she felt very uncomfortable. Her younger daughter was not found and was taken away again.

Moreover, the matter of Qiye and the other woman was unclear.

Although Qiye explained and firmly believed that he did not touch that woman, she also tried to believe it.

However, there was no evidence to prove that and she still had a knot in her heart.

At home, Xiu Zhongsheng saw her return in a daze and asked her where Qiye was. After she answered, she did not speak again. Xiu Zhongsheng could not be bothered with her, so he stared at the nanny at home and went to take care of Xinqiang.

Only An An, the little one, sat next to Tang Xiaowei and lay on her lap. He asked in a childish voice, "Mom, are you not feeling well? An An is so worried about you. Can An An accompany you to see a doctor?"

Tang Xiaowei felt uncomfortable. She did not have the strength to take care of her eldest daughter. She was grateful that her grandfather could help take care of her, but she really did not have the strength to do so now. Fortunately, An An was older and didn't need to be taken care of. However, An An seemed to have noticed that she didn't look well, so she was worried about her.

She patted his little head and said gently, "An An, don't worry. Mommy is fine. Mommy is just worried about your sister."

"Mommy, isn't the one bleeding in the hospital my sister?" An An recalled the little baby that everyone was worried about due to her injury.

"Yes, she's not your sister. Soon, we will find her family and send her back. Don't worry," Tang Xiaowei replied softly.

An An nodded.

At this moment, the sound of a car came from outside. Tang Xiaowei heard the sound and knew that it should be him.

Her body moved, but she couldn't greet him as excitedly as usual.

Her body was still stiff as she sat on the sofa. She lowered her head and subconsciously hugged An An tightly.

After the car stopped, Huangfu Qiye immediately rushed out of the car and ran into the house without caring about his image.

The maid who opened the door for him was shocked by his desperate look.

Huangfu Qiye rushed into the house and immediately saw Xiaowei sitting in the living room.

This woman was still holding their son and had her head lowered.

He could clearly feel her current mood, which was obviously very low.

He strode over and saw the child looking up at him. "Dad, you're back?"

Huangfu Qiye walked over and patted the child's little head. "An An, go upstairs and play with great-grandfather and little sister. Dad has something to say to mom."

An An heard his father's serious tone and didn't dare to stay here any longer. He stood up and slowly walked out of the living room, preparing to go upstairs.

Tang Xiaowei felt very uncomfortable when she heard that he was back. She didn't dare to look him in the eye.

She simply kept her head down.

An An was called away by him. She also knew that he definitely wanted to talk to her alone.

She guessed that he might have found out about what happened back then, but she didn't know what the result would be.

Did he touch that woman?

She really wanted to know, but she was afraid that the answer wasn't what she wanted to see. If the answer wasn't what she wanted to see, how could she forgive him?

At this moment, she sank into sofa.

Then, her waist was suddenly held by him, and she was completely embraced by him.

The man's voice was deep and powerful, and he panted slightly. "Xiaowei, I've found out the truth. Do you want to see it?"

"Just tell me the answer directly. I don't want to see it." Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei subconsciously closed her eyes.

Huangfu Qiye was tired today because of this matter, and his body was tired. Moreover, he did not have time to worry about his little daughter's matter, so at this moment, he did not delay any longer. He took out his tablet.

Then, he lifted the chin of the little woman beside him and kissed her lips. "My dear, even if I was drunk, I did not betray you. Take a look."

His voice became gentle.

His breath lingered around her lips.

Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes and met his gaze. When she saw him, her expression was much more relaxed than when they had parted.

Therefore, he should not have lied to her. He had really investigated it thoroughly.

She also saw that there was a tablet in front of her. At this moment, when she opened her eyes, Huangfu Qiye clicked on the play icon on the screen He explained, "Look, this is the night that that woman mentioned. I only had close contact with her that night. I was drunk and she hit Zhou Chen. When everyone was drunk, she deliberately entered my room. The next day, everyone thought that I touched her. Although I suspected it too, I was certain that I didn't touch her. Today, I checked where she went after leaving the bar the next day. I found that after she went home for a while, she arranged for a man to go to a small hotel. I bought a video in this hotel. In the video, Mu Sitian was clearly with that man for the first time, so all of this can be evidence that she was in the same room with me the night before. We didn't do anything."

Huangfu Qiye was very excited. After all, he had found out about this matter that had always made him very unhappy.

As he spoke, he simply carried Tang Xiaowei to his lap and kissed her cheek as he spoke. "Xiaowei, now you finally believe me. I really didn't touch other women. I only touched you, and I'm only willing to touch you. Don't be angry, okay?"

After hearing what he said and watching the videos in front of her, how could Tang Xiaowei not believe him?

She immediately hugged him tightly and closed her eyes. Finally, she did not feel so uncomfortable anymore.

"In the future, you're not allowed to go out and drink when you're angry." Tang Xiaowei sobbed as she hugged him into her chest.

"Okay, I won't go out anymore." Huangfu Qiye lowered his voice. Because this incident had taught him a lesson, he did not want to provoke Xiaowei's anger and misunderstanding, so he did not dare to go out and drink.


The warmth between the two did not last long because Yuan Qi called back and said that he could not find the person who took the child away. The surveillance cameras around Mu Sitian's rented house had been deliberately destroyed. There was no way to find out who took the child away.

Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were still missing one of their daughters.

They looked at each other and both of them were very anxious, but Huangfu Qiye did not seem to be doing much on the surface.