Chapter 830: "believe me, I really didn't touch her. "

In a split second, Tang Xiaowei remembered that Huangfu Qiye had called out to the woman on the ground, Mu Sitian.

She remembered that something had happened in the coffee shop that she had opened previously. Huangfu Qiye had said that Mu Sitian was behind it and she wanted to know who Mu Sitian was.

At that time, he had said that Mu Sitian was not an important person and did not need to know.

Therefore, she did not ask further at that time.

But now, she realized that the woman who took the child away really had some relationship with Huangfu Qiye.

"Xiaowei, what that woman said just now was nonsense. I did not touch her at all." Huangfu Qiye had always believed that he had never touched Mu Sitian. He was worried about his daughter just now.

That was why he did not immediately deny Mu Sitian's words.

At this moment, seeing that Xiaowei was in so much pain after learning about this matter, he hurriedly explained. Then, ignoring her retreat and struggle, he forcefully pulled her into his arms. He clenched his teeth and swore, "Xiaowei, believe me. I really did not touch that woman. Really."

"Really?" It wasn't that Tang Xiaowei didn't want to trust him, but seeing him swear so seriously, her heart began to relax.

She was also provoked by her anger just now.

"Really. I'll tell you what happened that day. You have to believe me." Huangfu Qiye didn't want to hide it anymore.

At the door of this room, he hurriedly told her everything that happened that night.

He was angry that night, so he went to the bar. Although he woke up the next morning and found the two of them sleeping together, his body was very clean at that time. He didn't have any reaction to that kind of thing.

"Believe me, I really didn't touch her. It was all her fault. I've already sent people to investigate. Even though she's dead now and nothing has been found, Xiaowei, you have to believe me. I don't want anyone else but you. I only love you. If anyone else comes near me, I'll feel disgusted. Do you understand?" Huangfu Qiye explained in frustration. He felt that this time, he had to find evidence that could explain his innocence. Otherwise, Xiaowei would definitely continue to misunderstand him.

After listening to his story, Tang Xiaowei felt uncomfortable.

It turned out that such a thing had happened a long time ago.

She was really angry just now, thinking that it was because he went out to find another woman behind her back that he got into trouble.

But now that she heard him say this, she knew that he had been schemed against. And he could also be sure that he did not touch that woman at that time. He had only been pestered by that woman.

Actually, she was more willing to believe Huangfu Qiye, even though this matter made her feel more or less uncomfortable.

But before she could say anything, Huangfu Qiye picked her up the next second. He walked out. "Let's go back first. The child isn't here. Let them go and check who took the child away. I'll go and find out what happened that night. I can't let you keep misunderstanding me."

Previously, because Tang Xiaowei didn't know about this matter, Huangfu Qiye had asked Mu Yisen to help investigate. But until now, he still hadn't found out. And now, Xiaowei had heard what Mu Sitian had said just now. Therefore, he had to go and find out about this matter now.

"Let's go find the child first." Tang Xiaowei did not know how to face the things that the woman had said just now. Right now, she was more worried about the child.

"Don't worry. Let Yuan Qi and the others look for the child. After finding the clues, I will go and pick the child up. Now, you go home with Yuan Shan first. I will go and find out about Mu Sitian. I must give you an answer." Huangfu Qiye carried her and left the building hurriedly. Then, he stuffed her into the car.

Now that he didn't know where the child was, it was useless for him to be anxious.

He was even more worried and concerned about what kind of person he was in Xiaowei's heart.

He didn't want Xiaowei to misunderstand him.

He needed to investigate this absurd matter that had been shelved for a long time.

After he stuffed Xiaowei into the car, he didn't get into the car. Instead, he instructed Yuan Shan and the driver, "Send young madam back. Don't let anyone hurt her. Protect her well."

Yuan Shan and the driver nodded, indicating that nothing would happen. Only then did Huangfu Qiye leave in satisfaction.

Tang Xiaowei grabbed his arm in fear. "Qiye, you..."

"Xiaowei, although I firmly believe that I didn't touch that woman, I still have to speak the truth. I won't let you down. Go back and wait for me. I'll come back tonight." Huangfu Qiye pulled her hand down and gave the chauffeur a ruthless look. The chauffeur then drove off.

He stood where he was and watched for a while. Only when the car was gone did he take out his phone to inform Yuan Qi.

He asked Yuan Qi to immediately investigate the surrounding surveillance cameras to see who had taken the child away.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he went to his own bar, the bar where Mu Sitian had pestered him when he was drunk.

Although a long time had passed, the incident had started at that hotel, so he had to start from there.


When Huangfu Qiye arrived at the bar, it was already dark.

When he walked into the bar, he saw that it was full of people. The music was so loud that it made him feel unusually irritated.

He angrily gave a few orders to the bodyguard before rushing upstairs.

Soon, everyone in the bar was invited to leave. The music was also turned off and the bar finally quieted down.

Huangfu Qiye, who was upstairs, was looking at the video from a few months ago, which was the video of him getting drunk that night.

The video from that night was pulled out. He had been carefully watching it, scrutinising every corner.

An hour later, he finally found a surveillance camera that caught Mu Sitian hitting Zhou Chen with something that night.

Mu Sitian also went upstairs with a smug look on her face.

He had someone backup all these and put them away. He continued to watch some more and found that Mu Sitian was very suspicious and cunning.

The problematic videos that he had seen just now only captured Mu Sitian's figure in the dark and only captured one angle. If he wasn't angry and wanted to find the truth, he might have overlooked it.

No wonder Mu Yisen had seen these surveillance cameras and found nothing.

Huangfu Qiye looked at a few more surveillance videos and realized that there was no more evidence to prove it. He gave up and prepared to check on Mu Sitian after she left the bar the next day.

After that, Huangfu Qiye spent three hours and found out that Mu Sitian had returned home. However, she quickly went to a hotel and seemed to have booked a room there with a man.

Huangfu Qiye looked at the surveillance footage left behind by the hotel.