Chapter 829: Huangfu Qiye, how could you be such a person?

However, in the end, the fire must have been caused by an explosion. Now that it had been extinguished, it was better for her to go and see where Huangfu Qiye was.

She heard the faint sound of objects colliding or shattering in front of her, and then she walked over.


Huangfu Qiye could smell blood.

He immediately rushed upstairs. However, just as he rushed out of the stairway, there was the sound of an explosion, followed by a burst of flames and thick smoke.

He and the bodyguard behind him quickly avoided the impact of the explosion. Then, they found the fire extinguisher on the wall, took it over, and began to extinguish the fire.

The fire was not big, and it was extinguished very quickly.

He also walked into the door of the room where he had just agreed to meet with Mu Sitian. The door of this room had been smashed, and the door had fallen to the ground in pieces.

Huangfu Qiye covered his mouth and nose as he walked into the rented room that was no longer on fire, but was still full of smoke.

He thought to himself that the child was still in the room, and he had to go in immediately to carry the child out.

Although he didn't know why there was a sudden explosion that caused the fire, something must have happened in the room.

However, when he walked into the room, he realized that most of the things in the room had been burned.

Everything was dark.

Huangfu Qiye's face was as black as the burnt furniture.

"Ah!" At this moment, a woman screamed.

Huangfu Qiye heard the sound and immediately walked to another room.

The door of this room wasn't completely broken. He pushed open the dark door and saw that many things in the room weren't burned. However, at this moment, a man and a woman were lying on the ground covered in blood.

The man did not move. It seemed that he was not breathing.

As for the woman, she was covered in blood and was breathing a little. She was the one who made the sound just now.

Huangfu Qiye looked around the room. He did not want to see the person he wanted to see. He walked up angrily and questioned the scream just now, "Where's the child?"

"You... you're here?" Mu Sitian, who was covered in bleeding wounds, tried to open her eyes. When she saw Huangfu Qiye looking at her angrily, she wanted to move over, but she realized that her body was in unusual pain. She could not move at all. She could only continue to lean on the ground and look at Huangfu Qiye. She said with difficulty, "Take me to the hospital first, and I'll tell you where the child is."

"You deliberately caused the explosion just now?" Huangfu Qiye questioned in a deep voice, "You took the opportunity to hide the child?"

"It's not like that. Take me to the hospital first. I'll tell you where the child is after my injuries are healed." Mu Sitian kept gasping for breath. It seemed that she was having difficulty breathing and was about to die.

Huangfu Qiye felt that this matter was very strange.

If the explosion just now was deliberately caused by Mu Sitian, how could she be so seriously injured? Moreover, it didn't seem to make sense for her to do this.

At this moment, there was no trace of the child in the room.

A suspicion surfaced in Huangfu Qiye's mind.

"Did someone take the child away?" Huangfu Qiye didn't have the time or mood to send Mu Sitian to the hospital. He took out his pistol and pointed it at Mu Sitian's head. His voice was cold. "Tell me quickly, who took the child away?"

Mu Sitian was frightened by his actions, and her body couldn't stop trembling.

Her eyes widened. Just as she was about to compromise, she suddenly saw Tang Xiaowei standing behind Huangfu Qiye at the door.

Her expression suddenly changed. Then, she started to cry. "Brother Ye, why don't you believe me I'm seriously injured. You should send me to the hospital first. Even if you hate me for taking your child away, we have already had that kind of relationship. People say that one night of marriage is a hundred days of grace. After all, we've been married for one night. How can you watch me get injured so badly and not care about my life... aargh!"

However, before Mu Sitian could finish her sentence, a gunshot rang out. Mu Sitian's calf was grazed by the bullet, causing her to scream in pain.

"Mu Sitian, don't talk about this. Tell me where the child is!" Huangfu Qiye glared angrily at the dirty and bloody woman on the ground. He was so angry that he wanted to kill her.

Mu Sitian's injuries were already very serious to begin with. She was only left with her last breath. Now that she was injured, she was in so much pain that she could not speak.

She already felt that she was about to die.

She hated it.

She hated that Tang Xiaowei, who was standing in Huangfu Qiye's place, was luckier than her. She also hated that Huangfu Qiye did not love her and hated that her family did not care about her.

So she gave up and said, "Brother Ye, I won't tell you where your child is. You'll never find her. Ha-ha-ha, I'm about to die, so I'll leave with this secret. Your child was indeed taken away by someone, but don't even think about finding out who that person is."

Mu Sitian held on to her last bit of strength and laughed out loud. Then, she turned her head and collapsed onto the ground. She closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

Huangfu Qiye was stunned on the spot.

This woman died just like that?

This woman also admitted that the child was indeed taken away by someone?

Then who was the one who took the child away?

Damn it, Mu Sitian, she actually didn't explain who the person was who took the child away and died just like that!

Yuan Qi had come to ambush her a long time ago, but he didn't realize that the child was taken away?

Then who was the one who took the child away?

He clenched his fists angrily. He could not be bothered to look at the bodies of the man and woman on the ground and was prepared to leave this place.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Xiaowei, whose face was blackened by the smoke, standing behind him at the door. She was looking at him in disbelief. Her eyes were filled with tears, which instantly tore through his heart.

He hurriedly went forward and reached out to hug her. "Xiaowei, why aren't you waiting for me in the car? It's very dangerous here and the air isn't good. Let's go back first."

However, Tang Xiaowei fiercely pushed him away. She took two steps back and kept thinking about what the woman on the ground had said.

That woman said that she and Qiye were husband and wife for a hundred days. It was so obvious that Tang Xiaowei could understand it.

"You slept with that woman, right? When did this happen? Why did you do this? You clearly know that I hate this. Why did you do this?" Tang Xiaowei questioned the man in front of her in pain. She sobbed. "I'm already feeling bad enough about the child. I didn't expect you to hide such a thing from me. No wonder this woman stole our child. It was all you who provoked her. Huangfu Qiye, why are you such a despicable person?"