Chapter 26, those years

Xin Zimo was still holding du Anran's hand when she pulled it away. He did not dare to use any more strength and stood up awkwardly. "Then I'll just sit by the side. I won't disturb you. " He was worried about her. He did not want to see anything happen to her. He wanted to see her get better slowly.

"I told you to get out! " Du Anran was angry. She did not want to see Xin Zimo for even a moment. If the source of all the tragedies today came from, he, Xin Zimo, would definitely be involved.

"You... " Xin zimo frowned and stopped arguing. He nodded like a frustrated lion. "Then I'll leave. "

The sound of Xin zimo's footsteps slowly disappeared from the ward, leaving only du Anran and Jin Shaonan in the huge ward. The Sun shone on the bed, and the white sheets looked like a blooming sunflower.

"Shaonan... " Du Anran said, "do you still have to work today? "

Jin Shaonan thought that she was going to chase him away. "I've already asked for leave from the newspaper office. "

"Oh, then talk to me. " Du Anran smiled faintly, but her face could not hide the paleness.

Jin Shaonan sat beside her bed and smiled. "Okay, do you want me to tell you a joke? "

"Huh? " Du Anran was a little surprised and teased, "Jin Shaonan can tell jokes too? " She remembered that he was a very serious person.

"If the joke is not funny later, just cooperate and smile. Don't make me feel too awkward. " Jin Shaonan smiled.

"It's rare to hear a talent like Jin tell a joke. You have to cooperate no matter what, right? " Du Anran also teased.

"Ahem, then I'll tell it, " Jin Shaonan said seriously "It's about a girl whose cell phone was stolen and she cried very sadly. A friend asked why you were crying so sadly. It's just a cell phone. Just buy another one. ". The girl said that it was because there was a picture of her in the cell phone. That was the best memory of her youth. Her friends immediately sighed. Then, they quickly sent a message to the thief saying that they didn't want the cell phone anymore and sent the picture. In the end, not long after, the girl received a reply from the thief... ... Ahem, guess, what did the thief say?"

"the thief said, sorry, the photo was too ugly, so he deleted it, " Du Anran smiled and said.

"Ah, you already know, Anran. " Jin Shaonan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"pfft, it's very funny. " Du Anran really burst out laughing, not because of the joke, but because of Jin Shaonan's embarrassment.

"Forget it, I don't look like someone who can joke, " Jin Shaonan laughed as well.

"You're still suitable to write press releases of major domestic and international events, " Du Anran teased. She knew that his press releases were serious and meticulous, and he would never be careless.

"Look at you, you make it sound like I'm not romantic at all. "

"How can that be? The script written by the talented scholar of Jin University in the past made everyone cry. There was also the graduation party for the journalism department, which was even more emotional. Speaking of which, Shaonan, you were the talk of countless girls before they went to bed."Du Anran suddenly remembered the bits and pieces of those in university Her heart was filled with warmth, and a smile appeared on her lips.

In those years, she did not take over the world peace. In those years, Xin Zimo did not appear in her life. Those years were carefree, and the years were pure.

Those years were as quiet as a lake in spring. There were no waves, but they were filled with warmth.

"But anran... " Jin Shaonan wanted to say something, but he hesitated, but he still said seriously, "I only liked you. "

The Sun Shone on Jin Shaonan's blue shirt. His handsome face and indifferent smile made the time seem peaceful.

Perhaps being loved by a person was a happy thing. She did not refute Jin Shaonan anymore. She just smiled and let her enjoy this simple happiness selfishly, not thinking about anything else. Everything from now on would be as it was... ...

Xin Zimo did not leave the ward. He stood at the door and leaned against the wall quietly. It was not that he did not hear the laughter in the ward, it was not that he did not feel du Anran's malice towards him. He pretended not to know. Perhaps this would make both of them feel better.

When Bai Ruyun came back, she saw this scene. Xin zimo leaned against the wall and did not make a sound. The door of the ward was closed tightly. She was holding a lunchbox in her hand. She looked at Xin Zimo and said, "Zimo, why don't you go in? "

"Oh. " Xin Zimo came back to his senses. "I should go to the office. "

He left in a hurry. Bai Ruyun shook her head behind him and entered the ward.

Bai Ruyun had just entered the ward when the young nurse came in with a bottle of IV drip. Bai Ruyun helped her daughter up. In the past month, when she saw her increasingly thin face, her heart ached. After so many years, she had never suffered like this.

"Anran, I saw Zimo at the door just now. " Bai Ruyun opened the lunchbox and served Jin Shaonan and Du Anran a bowl of red date porridge.

"Oh, I told him to leave a long time ago, " Du Anran said casually.

"What's wrong? Did He make you unhappy again? " Bai Ruyun did not ask much about the matter between Du Anran and Xin Zimo.

"Mom, don't mention him anymore. " Du Anran's heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"It was all thanks to him finding you yesterday. When I called him, it was already early in the morning. When he heard that you had disappeared, he still went out immediately, " Bai Ruyun simply stated the facts calmly. She did not know how she should treat Xin Zimo either. She had not forgotten the things that happened many years ago, and it was obvious that the Xin family had not forgotten either.

Perhaps the gap between the two families would never be overcome.

Thinking of this, she looked at Jin Shaonan, who was feeding Du Anran Porridge. She had just met Jin Shaonan not long ago, although she had always heard du Anran mention him. Perhaps Jin Shaonan was more suitable for du Anran than Xin Zimo.

"You can't tell a man's heart from his face, " Du Anran said coldly. Many people's fake feelings could not be easily seen through, especially a Fox like Xin zimo in the business world. During those two years, he could make everything appear so realistic. Some people, after wearing masks for a long time, had long lost their original appearance.

Bai Ruyun did not mention Xin zimo anymore. She only helped to prepare the pills and poured a few cups of boiling water.

However, after Xin Zimo left the high-class Ward, he did not go to the company. Instead, he went to Du Anran's attending physician. He wanted to ask her about her eyes.

"Mr. Xin, I did not find anything unusual yesterday. If it is really as you have described, I will go over immediately to take a look, " the doctor said truthfully.

"Go over immediately. If anything happens to her, don't come to work tomorrow! " Xin Zimo's face darkened.

The doctor was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't find anything unusual last night. How come he couldn't see anything after a night. He was also afraid that it was because of his negligence, so he quickly called a few nurses to go to the ward.

"President Xin. " At this moment, Xin Zimo's cell phone rang. It was Sun Ping. "A batch of imported goods from the company has been seized at the customs. "

"What? " Xin Zimo said, "who dares to seize the goods from the Xin Corporation? "

"President Xin, it's the newly appointed head of the customs, Wu Jiandong. " Sun Ping said, "it's said that smuggled goods have been found in the goods. "

"Wu Jiandong? " This name was not unfamiliar to Xin Zimo. He had just been in the customs office of city a for less than three months. It was said that he had a backer. However, no matter how powerful he was, if he dared to use the Xin Corporation, he, Xin Zimo, would not let him have a good life. "Sun Ping, find someone to talk to first. "

"Yes, I understand. "

Just as he hung up the phone, Xin Zimo received another call from an unknown number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Xin Zimo? We are from the dream bridal photography shop. Miss Xiao has invited you to come over and pick out a wedding dress and gown. "

Xin zimo frowned. Did he say that he would accompany Xiao Qingqing to pick out a wedding dress However, this wedding photography shop reminded him of something... ...

However, he still hung up the phone immediately and walked out of the city hospital.

When the car was driving to the company, Xiao Qingqing called again.

"Zimo, I asked you to help me pick out a wedding dress. Why haven't you come yet? " Xiao Qingqing pouted.