Chapter 27, smuggling goods

"There's something I need to deal with at the company. Another Day, " Xin Zimo said plainly.

"What's so busy? Can't you accompany me for half a day? " Xiao Qingqing said unhappily. These days, Xin Zimo had been giving her all sorts of excuses. Could it be that she was no longer useful?

Xiao Qingqing forbade herself from letting her imagination run wild. How could that be? Zimo said that he loved her. They were about to get married.

"There's a problem with the goods at the customs. I have to go over and take a look. "

"Ah? Is the problem serious? Then hurry over. About the wedding dress... "

"Pick a time another day. " Xin Zimo hung up the phone without waiting for Xiao Qingqing's reply.

Previously, in order to get Xiao Qingqing to help him integrate the world and the most confidential information, he had agreed to marry her after the event. He had once thought that everything in life could be used to achieve the greatest benefits, including marriage. In his eyes, marriage was just a bargaining chip. When necessary, it could be used to exchange.

But now, he felt more and more uneasy. He didn't love Xiao Qingqing. Did he really have to choose to spend his life with her?

When they arrived at the Xin Corporation building Sun Ping called. "President Xin, I went to see chief Wu. Heroin and other smuggled goods were found in the goods. All the goods were seized. I asked to investigate the source of the goods, but I didn't find any traces. "

"What? " Xin zimo realized the seriousness of the problem. "Why would smuggled goods appear in those building materials? "

"That's also what I'm wondering. But don't worry, President Xin, I'll keep investigating. "

"What did that Wu say? "

"Chief Wu said it's not easy to handle. "

"What do you want to do if it's not easy? "

"This... " Sun Ping stuttered. "Chief Wu has always been difficult to talk to, you know that... "

"really? I don't believe that he's really a good official. " Xin Zimo said coldly, his tone unfriendly. "On one hand, check the origin of the goods for me, and on the other hand, keep an eye on him. Don't let him tell anyone about this. "

"I'll definitely do it well. However, in case we can't find out... Moreover, I've expressed to chief Wu that I'll settle it with money, but he hasn't relented at all. It seems that he even wants you to make a trip there. " Sun Ping was also troubled ...

"Oh? He wants me to make a trip there personally? "

"almost, " Sun Ping said. "CEO Xin, the delivery time for this batch of goods is ten days. If the goods can't be released after ten days, how should we explain it to our customers? "

"What, you can't find out the reason even after ten days? " Xin Zimo said calmly. He had seen many things, and he didn't think that there really was a good official with two sleeves in this world.

"I'll try my best, try my best. ''Inn fact,SunnPingg had already sent people to investigate the source of the goods, but there was still no news yet.

That day, Xin Zimo had checked the documents in the company for a long time. It was obvious that this kind of smuggled goods were planted. Then, who was behind it?

In these years, the Xin Corporation had gone from an unknown small enterprise to the most powerful enterprise in City A. Many people were envious, but most people were trying to curry favor with them. Then, who was it One had to know that once the smuggling of illegal goods was exposed to the public, the consequences would be unimaginable... ...

Coincidentally, Wu Jiandong was not willing to let go at all.

The Xin family would buy high-end building materials from the foreign market every month. This had never happened before. This time, when something suddenly happened, a thought flashed through his mind. Was it the DU family... ...

Shihe was once the largest construction company in City A, and also the largest family business in city A. IT could be said that it could summon wind and rain in city a, and was omnipotent. This time, he completely destroyed Shihe and the DU family. He did not give Shihe any chance to counterattack or even make a comeback.

He even forced the DU family into a dead end. He still remembered that day when du Anran's uncle, Du Yuantong, begged him for mercy in front of him. Du Yuantong begged him to let go of the world and live. From now on, Shihe would move out of city a and never compete with the Xin family for the market again.

Du Yuantong, who was already over forty years old, was in his office with tears on his face. He almost knelt down and begged him. However, he still ruthlessly chased Du Yuantong away. For no other reason, he would not leave them any way out.

However, on that day, he definitely would not have thought that there would be a day when he would fall in love with a chess piece in his hands... ...

This time, could it be that Du Yuantong was behind the smuggling of goods Xin Zimo could not deny it.

Thinking of this, he immediately called Sun Ping.

"Sun Ping, help me investigate Du Yuantong's whereabouts these days. "

"CEO Xin, are you suspecting Du Yuantong? "

"Yes. "

"Okay, I will investigate immediately. However, Du Yuantong's drug addiction and gambling addiction have not been cured. I am afraid that he does not have the financial strength and energy to do such a thing, right? " Sun Ping only questioned.

"If you have any clues, then investigate. If you don't have any clues, then leave. Why are you talking so much? " Xin zimo frowned and hung up the phone.

Sitting in the office on the thirty-sixth floor, Xin zimo stared at the documents in his hands in a daze. It had been a long time since Du Anran came here. Her thin and weak figure actually appeared in front of his eyes... ...

Did He really force the DU family into a dead end? Would she never forgive him again? When did he fall in love with her?

Was Love Very Subtle? Inadvertently, it took root and sprouted in your heart.

In the hospital, Du Anran lay quietly on the hospital bed. Her eyes were wide open, but she couldn't see anything. That day, Jin Shaonan had been waiting by her bed. Bai Ruyun was there too, but Bai Ruyun rarely participated in their conversation. She just listened quietly.

"Shaonan, do you think I can still see in the future? " Du Anran suddenly thought of this question.

"Anran, what are you thinking about? The doctor said that you can recover after removing the Gauze, " Jin Shaonan comforted her.

Du Anran didn't refute Jin Shaonan. She just smiled sadly and said, "actually, it's good that you can't see. "

Jin Shaonan's nose suddenly turned sour, but he still teased, "I won't. Don't you want to see the handsome and talented Jin Shaonan? "

Du Anran really burst into laughter. "whether I see him or not, you're still in my mind. I can't erase you even if I want to. "

"I don't think you dare to forget me, " Jin Shaonan said with a smile.

"Shaonan. " Du Anran thought of something. "Your News Agency... Can I still get in? "

Jin Shaonan was silent for a long time before he said truthfully to Du Anran, "your exam papers were indeed blank due to human reasons... "

Du Anran was stunned, but she soon understood what was going on. "President Yang is probably the only one who dares to bully you in your newspaper office. "

"Yes, although President Yang is not a decent person, he won't bully me. Besides, I don't have anything to do with him. Someone is pressuring him. So, I think you can guess who it is. "

"Now, who else can command the wind and rain in city a? " Du Anran said Lazily and closed her eyes tiredly.

"Actually, I talked to him last night. He... didn't deny it. "

"whether he admits it or not, no one will do anything to him, " Du Anran said. "So, I chased him away today. I really don't want to see him anymore... if I can't afford to offend him, can I hide? "

"Anran, in the future, when I'm in city a, no one will bully you, " Jin Shaonan said seriously.

Du Anran didn't say anything else. In fact, she thought that she would leave city a after she was discharged from the hospital, but would Xin Zimo let it go She and he were still involved in an unfinished lawsuit. If he really wanted to collect the debt from her, how would she repay it... ...