Chapter 44: a Father's debt is repaid by his son

If she had not seen her photo, Du Anran might not have been so confident. She glanced at him. "It's in your handbag. "

"I just took the money from the bank in my handbag. Are you sure you want to see it? " Xin Zimo's lips curled up slightly.

"Xin Zimo, who are you lying to? ! Is it fun to deceive people like this every day? ! " Du Anran was very angry.

Xin Zimo was only joking with her, but her last sentence hurt him completely.

Du Anran simply called the number from yesterday. "Hello, dream bridal photography shop, right? I'm Du Anran. I'm right outside your shop. Send someone out now. "

As soon as she hung up, the shop assistant who had just given Xin Zimo the photo ran out in a hurry. Du Anran saw it just right. There was no need to burden herself with the process.

"Is it Miss Du? " The shop assistant looked at Du Anran's expression and then looked at Xin Zimo's expression. She felt that something was wrong. Other newlyweds always had smiles on their faces when they came to pick up their wedding photos, but this pair... ...

"It's me. Where are my wedding photos? " Du Anran's calm tone could not hide the anger from earlier.

"Your wedding photos... are with your husband... " the shop assistant subconsciously glanced at the handbag in Xin Zimo's hand. There was the hardcover photo box that she had just wrapped up ...

"You go in. It's none of Your Business, " Xin Zimo said to the shop assistant.

The shop assistant looked at Du Anran's long face. After hearing Xin Zimo's words, she felt relieved and quickly walked back into the shop.

"Give me the photo! " Du Anran looked at Xin zimo coldly. Her eyes were ice-cold.

Xin Zimo had always been a pushover. He did not know how the current Du Anran had the courage to talk to him like this. He thought for a moment and then took a step forward. "Du Anran, I think I said that if you anger me, your DU family won't have a good life in City A. " he admitted that he was still narrow-minded. Her words yesterday had completely hurt him.

Didn't she say that she did not love him anymore Well, he didn't need to coax her every day. He was really not used to coaxing women. Since she, Du Anran, would not lower her head, it was even more impossible for him to lower his head. Moreover, his sincerity had only been exchanged for her saying, "lie to me and lie to me. ".

"Xin! " Du Anran could not stand such a straightforward threat. "You can play however you want. I, Du Anran, will not play with you! "

She dared to talk back He had really underestimated her. He sneered coldly. "Du Anran, with Jin Shaonan's support, are you not afraid of anything? "

"Xin Zimo, don't go too far! " Maybe I would have some scruples when you said these things in the past, but now, I won't. You were sad that you didn't kill me last time, weren't you "Let me tell you, I, Du Anran, am not even afraid of death now, why would I be afraid of your threats? " Du Anran said calmly.

"Jin Shaonan's father came to city a to be the mayor, you really aren't afraid anymore. " Xin zimo sneered, and the atmosphere around them suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Shaonan's father came to city a to be the mayor Why had she never heard Jin Shaonan mention it before... ...

"Xin Zimo, I only want to ask you one thing. Are you going to give me the photo or not? " Du Anran suppressed her anger.

"No. " Xin Zimo said these two words heavily and said, "if I remember correctly, I paid 50,000 yuan. What right do you have to ask for it? "

"Fine, fine, you're ruthless. " Du Anran knew that she was most afraid of talking about money now. "Give me the photo first. I'll return the 50,000 yuan to you tomorrow. "

"Miss Du Anran, if I remember correctly, you owe me more than this amount of money, right? "

"What else can you show off other than money! " Du Anran was hit where it hurt. She was now working hard at work, and her mother was also working hard to teach her child to play the piano. Everything was for something, wasn't it all for money!

"Yes, compared to selling houses and cars to pay off their debts, it's many times better. "

"Xin Zimo, YOU BASTARD! " Du Anran used all her strength to push him hard. Her tears were like broken beads, falling one by one. She ran away quickly. Her high heels hit a small stone and sprained her ankle. She forced herself to leave the wedding dress shop.

Was He satisfied? She had clearly said that she would not cry... ...

Xin Zimo, who was standing at the door of the wedding dress shop, did not feel the pleasure of revenge. Shouldn't he be very happy?

Du Anran kept running until she finally ran out of strength. Only then did she crouch down on the ground, exhausted. She did not know where she was. She only knew that she had run all the way, and her tears had also flowed all the way.

She really hated Xin Zimo to the core.

Why did he treat her like that? She was already covered in wounds, why did he still want to add salt to her wounds... ...

"ANRAN! Why are you here! " When Bai Ruyun, who had gone home to buy groceries, saw Du Anran squatting on the ground, she quickly ran over.

"Mom... " she did not expect her mother to come over. She must have looked very embarrassed and embarrassed her mother again.

"Anran, what happened to you? Why are you crying like this? Who bullied you... " Bai Ruyun wiped the tears away for Du Anran, but the more she wiped, the more the tears fell.

"Mom... " Du Anran ran ran into Bai Ruyun's arms and cried on her shoulder.

"Did Jin Shaonan bully you? Tell Mom, I'll help you teach him a lesson. "

"No, it's not him... " Du Anran was already sobbing.

Bai Ruyun instantly understood that she knew her daughter best. She did not cry on the day Shihe officially declared bankruptcy, but she cried the whole night when Xin Zimo gave her a court summons.

"Did Xin Zimo bully you again? " Bai ruyun sighed.

Du Anran did not speak anymore. His name sounded so harsh to her ears.

"It's really an eye for an eye... " Bai Ruyun shook her head. "Why do you have to pay off the debt that the DU family owes... "

"Mom... why did he do that, why... " Du Anran sobbed, her eyes were red ...

"No reason, he just wants to take revenge on the DU family. " Bai Ruyun's face was calmer than before.

Although she had heard some hidden details from mother Xin's scolding, she had never asked her mother. Mother and Mother Xin had obviously known each other since a long time ago.

"Revenge? What does the DU family owe him? " Du Anran raised her head. This time, she wanted to understand everything.

"The DU family owes the Xin family. Two lives. " Bai Ruyun let out a long sigh. Her eyes could not help but become teary. In the past, she had simply thought that Xin Zimo loved Du Anran, and that love could transcend everything. Therefore, she had always turned a blind eye to what happened between them. However, everything that had happened recently had told her that she was wrong, extremely wrong.

"I see... " although it was just a few words, Du Anran finally understood. She had always thought that the DU family only owed money to the Xin family, but now, the Xin family did not lack money at all. It turned out that he approached her and tried every means to toy with her and deceive her, all for the sake of destroying the DU family... ... No wonder he kept saying that if they angered him, the Du family would not have a good life in City A ...

A father's debt was repaid by his son. He wanted her to live a life worse than death.

She suddenly understood that he was really ruthless. He even said that he loved her. She really could not afford his love.

"Anran, go home with mom. Don't go and provoke the Xin family anymore, okay? " Bai Ruyun helped du Anran up and the mother and daughter supported each other as they went home.

"Okay. " Du Anran nodded obediently. "I can't afford to provoke them. I can still hide... "