Chapter 45, you don't understand me

During those days, Du Anran had been trying her best to hide from Xin Zimo. She did not know when her days of hiding would come to an end.

First, Jin Shaonan noticed that something was wrong. After asking many questions, Du Anran finally told him about the incident at the photography shop that day. Jin Shaonan had helped her a lot for so long. She did not want to bother him with these things anymore.

"Anran, you and Auntie can stay at my place, " Jin Shaonan said after thinking for a long time.

"No, no. " Du anran quickly shook her head. How could she disturb Jin Shaonan? "My mother and I live in a good place now. Xin Zimo won't come and find trouble with us. "

"You know about my dad, right... I bought him a house in City A. It's very big, and my dad has nothing to do if he lives alone. I mean, it's good for you to move in and talk to my dad, " Jin Shaonan said ...

"This... is not appropriate. " Du Anran shook her head ...

"Do you not treat me as a friend? "

"No, I don't. It's just that it's really not appropriate... " Du Anran refused repeatedly. "You've already helped us too much. "

"That's why I've helped you a lot this time, " Jin Shaonan said "I'll help you move your things after work today. Don't say anything else. There are many rooms in that house. You can choose your own after you go there. My Dad is easy to get along with. You don't have to bear any burdens. "

"Shaonan... " Du Anran didn't know what to say. For so long, at her most helpless and uncertain moment, Jin Shaonan had been by her side. What else could she say about how good he was to her.

Jin Shaonan was a man of his word. That day, after work, he went to help du Anran move her things. Bai Ruyun didn't say anything, but her eyes were filled with gratitude. If she could live a peaceful life, who would want to be homeless... ...

Jin Shaonan's father was really a very easy person to get along with. Although he had known about the situation of the DU family, he didn't mention anything. He just treated Du Anran and her daughter warmly, without any airs of a mayor.

"Mother Zhang, help the two guests clean up two rooms. " Jin Haiguo was very enthusiastic.

"When you get old, you will inevitably be lonely. To be honest, I like the villa that Shaonan bought for me, but what's the point of leaving me alone here. "All these years, Shaonan has never been by my side. Young people like freedom, but when I get old, I just want to have someone to keep me company, " Jin Haiguo said to Du Anran and her daughter with a smile.

"Uncle, you are not old at all. I will keep you company in the future. " Du Anran didn't expect Jin Shaonan's father to be so approachable. In the past, she had been in contact with many officials, who either put on airs or pulled a long face There were very few people like Jin Shaonan's father.

"I have always been looking forward to having a daughter. " Jin Haiguo liked this child, du Anran, and smiled.

That day, he chatted with Jin Haiguo for a long time. The next day happened to be a Saturday. Jin Shaonan took them to a restaurant for a meal. Along the way, Jin Haiguo and Du Anran talked non-stop. Even Jin Shaonan said, "am I your biological child or is Anran your biological child? "

Old Mister Jin said repeatedly, "with Anran, I don't want ten Jin Shaonan! "

Du Anran and her daughter laughed so hard that they couldn't even stand up straight.

The Jin family's villa wasn't any worse than the DU family's villa. It was quite far from the city and was close to the mountains and rivers. It was very quiet, especially suitable for resting. Early the next morning, the air was fresh and natural, and there were birds chirping and flowers everywhere. Jin Haiguo went to the activity center to practice Tai Chi very early. Bai Ruyun also accompanied mother Zhang to buy groceries.

Du Anran liked to sleep in on weekends. However, when she woke up, she found that the Jin family's villa was empty. Instead, she felt a little uncomfortable. When she saw the breakfast that mother Zhang had saved for her, Du Anran felt warm in her heart.

After breakfast, Du Anran had to go to the airport. She had come to city a as a child and had not seen her for many years. She really missed her.

Jin Shaonan's car was left for Du Anran to drive. She knew that Shaonan would only return to the Jin family's villa on weekends because it was too far from the news agency. At this moment, she did not see Jin Shaonan. She did not know where he had gone. Perhaps he was even lazier than her and had not woken up yet.

Thinking of this, Du Anran smiled. She went to the garage, took out the car, and drove out of the villa's door.

The moment she stepped out of the door, she saw a boulevard. It was early autumn, and the entire road was filled with red maple leaves. It was the flower of February.

"Chi... " suddenly, a black mercedes-benz appeared at the corner in front of Du Anran's car. Du Anran quickly stepped on the brakes, and cold sweat broke out on her back.

Du Anran was very familiar with this car. When there was no way out, she could only sit quietly in the car seat and stare at the slowly rolled down window.

When the window of the car was rolled down, she saw the side of Xin Zimo's face. There was not a trace of expression in his cold charm.

She had said before that she could not afford to offend him. At least she could hide. She did not take the initiative to speak, she just waited and waited.

"You haven't even married yet, and you're already living in there? " Xin zimo glanced at the Jin family's villa not far away with a mocking smile.

"sooner or later, you'll have to marry him. Wouldn't it be better to get closer to him a day earlier? " After all, they were separated by the glass. When Xin Zimo's words reached her ears, they were no longer as harsh to the ear.

Du Anran's words made the coldness in Xin zimo's eyes grow deeper. His dark eyes grew deeper and deeper until they could not be seen.

"You've found a mayor as your backer. Even your words are different now. " Xin Zimo was still mocking her.

"think whatever you want. However, Mr. Xin, please drive carefully in the future. Human lives are not a joke. " Du Anran's face became more serious, and her beating heart finally calmed down a little.

"Yes, I've already lost my soul... " Xin Zimo's eyes were covered with a layer of sadness.

Du Anran did not understand what Xin Zimo was saying. She only knocked on her own window. "Then I'll have to trouble Mr. Xin to make way. I'm going to pick up a friend. If I'm late, she'll be anxious. " Her tone was very calm It was as if she was talking to an ordinary passerby.

"You still don't understand me, " Xin zimo muttered to himself. He knew that she would not be able to hear him from so far away.

He originally wanted to apologize to her today, but her indifference, her joy, and happiness hurt his heart. The last time at the photography shop, he admitted that it was his fault, but she never asked him how he felt.

She wanted those photos, and he also wanted to keep them. But these days, he found a photography shop to make a new album. He specially made one for her, and now, this album was quietly lying in the passenger seat.

Just as she was hesitating whether to give it to her, Du Anran saw that Xin Zimo did not have any reaction. She thought that he could not hear her, so she opened the car door and walked over to him.

"although there are not many cars on this road, Mr. Xin, how can others drive if you do this? " Du Anran glanced at Xin Zimo.

Xin Zimo raised his head and met Du Anran's expressionless face, as well as her eyes that did not have any warmth.

The Sun Shone on Xin Zimo's face, and there was always a bottomless abyss in his eyes. He looked at her solemnly and said after a long while, "I'll return the DU family's villa to you. You can stay here. "

He really did not want to see her with Jin Shaonan. He cared about her.

His train of thought changed too quickly. Du Anran was stunned for a while, as if she did not understand what he said. Xin Zimo said seriously again, "I'm not joking. "