Chapter 46, the bend

"You... " Du Anran could not understand why he would do that. After thinking for a long time, she said coldly, "what do you want me to do? "

"I don't want you to do anything. I just want you to be happy every day. " Xin Zimo did not look like he was joking at all. In other words, he was calmer than the other days.

"Ha. " Du Anran smiled indifferently. She did not believe it at all. Ever since she was pulled into a huge scam by him, she had never trusted him again, now and in the future.

"Mr. Xin, the happiest thing I can feel right now is that you give way to the car. " Du Anran glanced at him, turned around, and walked back to her car.

The two of them sat in their own cars and looked at each other through the glass. Neither of them took any further action. The sunlight shone on their faces diagonally, as if they were very far apart, but also as if they were not in the same line at all. They were like two lines that had crossed each other, walking further and further away, no longer having any contact with each other.

After a long stalemate, Xin Zimo slowly rolled up the glass and pulled the car out of the road.

Seeing that Xin Zimo had moved aside, du Anran also restarted the car and continued to drive forward.

Xin zimo watched as Du Anran's car drove far away. He silently lit a cigarette and let out a long sigh in his heart.

When they arrived at the airport, Du Anran just happened to catch the plane that had landed not long ago. She followed the agreement and looked around for her childhood friend. However, there was a vast sea of people. She could not find the girl in a red dress for a while.

"Anran, guess who I am! " Suddenly, Du Anran's eyes were covered from behind, and a sweet voice sounded from behind her.

It had been many years, but when she heard this unique voice, she immediately called out her name, "WANWAN! "

Liu Wanwan immediately let go of her hand and happily jumped in front of du Anran, giving her a warm hug. "congratulations on guessing correctly. A hug as a reward! "

Du Anran smiled and sized her up. After not seeing her for so many years, Liu Wanwan was no longer the girl who liked to mingle among the boys and play pranks with a water gun. She wore a long red dress and had a head of black hair that looked like a waterfall, making her look like a flower and jade.

"Wanwan, you're getting more and more beautiful as you grow! " Du Anran praised.

"Sister Anran, you're the prettiest. " Liu Wanwan held du Anran's hand and said happily, "you've been the prettiest since you were young. You haven't changed at all for so many years. I recognized you from the crowd just now. "

"Sister Anran, I don't plan to leave this time when I come to city A. I want to settle down here. "

"Sister Anran, it's been so many years since you came back. City a has changed a lot. You have to bring me along. "

"Sister Anran, do you have a boyfriend? Do you want me to introduce him to you? I guarantee that you'll have both wealth and looks! "

On the way, it was mostly Liu Wanwan who was talking while Du Anran was listening. Liu Wanwan was outgoing and lively. Although she was a little different from Du Anran, they soon became familiar with each other.

"Oh, right, sister Anran, I've found a job. I'm going to work tomorrow. I'm at City Evening News in City A. Do you know any interesting places there? "

"You also work at City Evening News? " Du Anran was slightly surprised. "What a coincidence. I just went in not long ago. "

"really? " Liu Wanwan was very happy and winked. "Then we can take care of each other. No, sister Anran, you have to take care of me more. "

Du Anran smiled faintly. "What do you do? "

"I'm a reporter. I read the news as a graduate student, " Liu Wanwan said.

While the two were chatting, Du Anran received a call from Jin Shaonan.

"Anran, where are you? Are you coming back for lunch? My Dad is in a good mood today, so he specially cooked a few dishes. "

"really? " Du Anran smiled. "Then I'll definitely go back. But I went to the airport to pick up my friend today. You don't mind if I bring my friend back with me, right? "

"Of course not. Come back soon. We'll wait for you. "

"okay, it'll be soon. " Du Anran hung up the phone and was happy in her heart. Ever since she met Jin Shaonan's father, she had always felt that her days had become more exciting. She was very grateful to Jin Shaonan, who had given her the most warmth when she was at her most helpless.

"Sister Anran, look at you smiling so mischievously. Are you a boyfriend? " Liu Wanwan was eating potato chips calmly while staring at the side of Du Anran's face.

"Don't talk nonsense. " Du Anran smiled, but her heart was extremely warm. Her mood was much better when she was driving. She had long forgotten that she had met Xin Zimo on the road.

When they returned to the Jin family's villa, it was noon, just in time for lunch. Everyone had not eaten yet. Seeing that Du Anran had returned, Jin Shaonan smiled and said, "it's better to come back earlier than to come back at the right time. "

After du Anran briefly introduced Liu Wanwan to everyone, she helped to bring out the dishes from the kitchen.

"Wanwan, sit on the SOFA first. It'll be fine after a while, " Du Anran said as she busied herself.

"Sister Anran, do you need my help? " Liu Wanwan felt embarrassed when she saw that everyone was so busy.

"No, no, you just sit down. There are fresh fruits on the table. "

Even though Du Anran said so, Liu Wanwan still felt bad, so she ran over to help du Anran bring some dishes up. Nanny Zhang had made a lot of dishes today, and Jin Haiguo was busy in the kitchen.

"Ah! " Just when everyone was busy, Liu Wanwan suddenly screamed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Liu, is it hot? " It turned out that when Jin Shaonan was carrying the dishes, Liu Wanwan bumped into him because she was not familiar with the kitchen, so she spilled more than half of a plate of sweet and sour fish.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm the one who caused trouble. " Liu Wanwan waved her hand.

"Wanwan, go to my room and change your clothes! " Du Anran ran ran over as well.

When Liu Wanwan and Du Anran came out after changing their clothes, all the dishes had been served and the table was full. Liu Wanwan changed into a royal blue dress. From the back, she looked somewhat similar to Du Anran.

"Miss Liu, I'm really sorry about that. " Jin Shaonan was very sorry.

"I wasn't paying attention. It's really nothing. "

"Come, come, come, everyone, try my cooking. This stewed jade shrimp is my specialty. Also, try this big plate of chicken, braised Crucian Carp, and spicy chicken. Praise only, don't criticize. " Jin Haiguo was like an old child He pointed at a big table of dishes and laughed.

"praise only, don't criticize. Dad, you're so dictatorial, " Jin Shaonan said happily.

"Uncle, then we won't stand on ceremony. " Du Anran picked up a shrimp and tasted it carefully.

Just as the Jin family's villa was enjoying itself, Xin Zimo followed a silver-white car along a maple forest. After separating from Du Anran in the morning, he was in a bad mood and did not go home. Instead, he went to the coffee shop to sit for a while. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a silver-white car flash past the glass door of the coffee shop.

He was very familiar with that car. It was Xiao Qingqing's car, and he had bought it for Xiao Qingqing in order to continue their collaboration.

This was not unusual, but Xiao Qingqing in the driver's seat was wearing sunglasses and a mask, which surprised Xin Zimo.

Xiao Qingqing had always been high-profile. Where was she going?

Last time at the wedding dress shop, he told Xiao Qingqing what he was thinking. He might not marry her, but Xiao Qingqing unexpectedly did not struggle or refute. She only smiled and nodded, asking him to accompany her to pick a wedding dress. At that time, he did not feel anything unusual, but now that he thought about it, why did she pick a wedding dress... ...

He silently followed Xiao Qingqing all the way. In order to prevent Xiao Qingqing from discovering him, he did not follow closely, but he was always on guard.

When the car left the city and arrived at the suburbs, it had changed from a bustling place to a dilapidated and desolate place.

It was still a place with few people, and there were only a few households. Xiao Qingqing's silver-white car was particularly eye-catching in the grayish-black tone.

In the distance, Xin Zimo drove the car to a big tree, blocking the sunlight and the car.

As expected, Xiao Qingqing did not notice him. After closing the car door, she walked into a slanted alley. Xin zimo memorized the approximate location in his mind and watched Xiao Qingqing slowly turn into a dot and disappear in front of his eyes.