Chapter 63, making a meal

Xin zimo forced the noodles into her mouth. At first, Du Anran was quite repulsed, but she was so hungry that she could only frown and take a bite.

"Is it good? " Xin zimo looked at her.

"Yes... " she admitted that it was quite good. At least in her eyes, he was a young master. It was already out of her expectations that he could make noodles, and she only knew how to make a simple breakfast.

"Don't look at me suspiciously. I did make this, but the standard is just so-so. If you want to eat something good, lie down on the bed obediently later. I'll go buy some food for you to eat. "

She shook her head repeatedly. "No need, I can make it myself. "

"You... " Xin Zimo was unhappy again. Why was she still like this even though she was sick? She had to go against him in everything. "Then I'll go make it for myself, okay? Don't tell me that you're not even willing to lend me the kitchen! "

Du Anran did not speak anymore. If he was willing to cook, then so be it.

Even though he was very angry, he still patiently held the bowl and fed her the noodles one mouthful at a time.

After eating breakfast, her stomach finally felt much better. Her originally cold body suddenly felt warm. Seeing that Xin Zimo did not have any ill intentions today, she slowly relaxed her heart.

But the two of them sat in silence for a while. Du Anran looked at him and said, "when are you leaving? "

When he heard the slight hostility in her tone, his face immediately darkened. "Why are you in such a hurry to expel me? "

"What I mean is, if you don't want to leave, then help yourself. I want to sleep for a while longer. " Du Anran turned over, her back facing Xin Zimo, and only threw him a thin silhouette.

"You! " Xin Zimo was unable to vent his anger, so he could only carry the bowl and walk out awkwardly. Was He asking for trouble? His good intentions didn't pay off, and he even got rejected.

Before he left, he handed Du Anran over to an old grandmother to take care of. The old woman recognized Du Anran, but she didn't recognize Xin Zimo. She looked suspicious and said, "what kind of relative are you to this girl? How can you come in and out so easily? "

"I... I'm her boyfriend. "

"What boyfriend? ! Are you bullying me because I'm too old and have bad eyesight? The young man who came over to help the mother and daughter carry the things is Anran's boyfriend. My Eyes Aren't blurred yet! " The Old Lady was obviously very angry at this kind of cheating.

"Shh, you should be quiet. Anran just fell asleep. Then I'm her cousin, okay? "

"cousin is cousin, what boyfriend? ! WHAT FASHION! " The Old Lady looked at Xin Zimo with disdain. She picked up the embroidery needle and ignored Xin Zimo.

After Xin Zimo came out of Stone Gate Alley, he walked towards the direction of the market. The road was narrow and he could not drive the car in, so he had no choice but to walk there. Fortunately, it was not too far and he arrived after walking for more than 20 minutes.

When he reached the market, Xin Zimo moved his nose closer. He was really not used to the smell here. He endured the pain and looked at the stalls one by one.

Although he had been together with Du Anran for two years, he could not even remember what she liked to eat. He was really a bastard. Both regret and regret surged into his heart. If he could turn back time for two years, if he knew that he would fall in love with her at all costs later on, then he would definitely fall in love with her at first sight before she did... ...

Standing in front of all kinds of stalls for a long time, even the grocery shopping aunties felt that he was a hindrance. He tried hard to recall the details of being together with her, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not think of what she liked to eat.

In the past, when they were together, they would either go to a cafe to drink coffee or go to a restaurant to eat Chinese and western food. It was really rare to have such a simple home-cooked meal.

These two years could be counted with one's fingers. He tried his best to recall, but he could not even think of the details.

With no other choice, he could only ask Sun Ping for help.

"Sun Ping, help me find the old aunt of the DU family. "

Sun Ping, who was busy handling Xin Zimo's project, was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell out. "What did you say? ''

"Can't you understand human language? "

"No, why are you looking for the aunt of the DU family? "

"If I told you to look for her, then look for her. Don't talk so much nonsense! Hurry up, give me her phone number in twenty minutes! "

"But President Xin, you haven't even come to the company today. A few managers from the board of directors seemed to have some complaints about you just now. I helped you lie and said that you weren't feeling well, so they didn't continue asking. Are you really not planning to come to the company now? "

"Why do you talk so much? " Xin Zimo felt that Sun Ping was too long-winded, so he simply hung up the phone first.

But even though he was reprimanded, Sun Ping still made him feel at ease when he did things. Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Sun Ping sent his aunt's number to his phone.

Xin zimo finally smiled in satisfaction. That morning, he went through the stalls one by one and bought almost all of Du Anran's favorite dishes. He only walked back when he couldn't take it anymore.

When he reached home, the old grandma was still there. He thanked her and tiptoed in to look at Du Anran. She was still in a deep sleep. In her sleep, she was not aggressive at all. In fact, she looked so gentle and lovely.

He gently played with her black hair and brushed her cheek with his hand.

"If only you were always so obedient, " Xin zimo mumbled and lowered his head to plant a light kiss on her forehead.

In the dream, Du Anran moved her lips as if she was talking in her sleep, but she did not say anything. Xin zimo looked at her with a smile. No matter how much anger he had in his stomach, he could not let it out.

He stared at her face for a long time before he reluctantly left.

Who asked her to be a patient now? He would let him serve her once and let her slowly return it to him in the future.

Xin Zimo began his busy preparations. He washed the vegetables and chose the vegetables. He was so busy that his forehead was covered in sweat. After that, he found that Du Anran's house was in a mess. He wanted to look for something, but there was nothing. Could this life still be called a life?

He remembered that Du Anran was a person who loved to clean, but the kitchen seemed to have not been cleaned for a long time. He really did not know how she could endure such a life. He also could not imagine the life of a rich young lady who had fallen from the villa and courtyard to a dilapidated alley.

That morning, Xin Zimo was busy helping du Anran pack up her belongings. After cleaning up for more than an hour, he started to cook. Sharpening the knife didn't delay the cutting of firewood. The cooking process was very smooth. In a short while, a few dishes that he was quite good at were completed.

When all the dishes were placed on the table, Xin Zimo saw that Du Anran was still not awake. He didn't have the heart to wake her up, so he gave Sun Ping a call.

"Is there anything going on at the company? Have you settled the matter of canceling the press conference? "

"You're still thinking about the company... " Sun Ping curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Alright, I'll give you a bonus at the end of the month. "

"That's more like it. " Sun Ping looked up at the sky and said, "Director Xin, I've been very busy for a long time. Yet, you're willing to sacrifice yourself to accompany the beauty! "

"Don't come! report. "

"Alright, alright. The matters of the press conference have all been properly settled. However, the company's credibility this time has been greatly discounted in the eyes of the shareholders. There were even some people who said a few unpleasing words during the meeting. "

Xin Zimo was silent for a moment. "What else? "

"There's also that debt of Du Yuantong's butt. There's actually a foreign debt collector who came to the Xin Corporation! " "I say, CEO Xin, you were the one who forced him onto this path back then. Now, it's you who's paying off his debt. I really don't know if you knew this earlier, but why did you do it in the first place? "

"If only I knew now... " Xin Zimo's voice was low, and there was an inexplicable sense of sadness. "Go and keep an eye on him. Don't let him go out to gamble again. "