Chapter 64, not giving face

"Alright, I got it. " Sun Ping said, "President Xin, think carefully. Du Yuantong has left a big hole. "

"I know everything! " Xin Zimo said in a deep voice, "also, send more people to protect Anran. Don't let those debt collectors bully her. "

"But President Xin, have you forgotten that the person who bullies her the most... is you... " Sun Ping said embarrassedly ...

"Can you die if you say less? " Xin Zimo said coldly.

"Yes... " Sun Ping stuck out his tongue.

Xin Zimo hung up the phone with a thud. This Sun Ping was treating him less and less like a boss.

After waiting for a few minutes, Xin Zimo was afraid that the food would be cold, so he walked into the room to wake du Anran up.

Du Anran was obviously still in a deep sleep. He did not know how long it had been since she had slept so soundly. She was still sleeping so dishonestly. More than half of the blanket had fallen to the ground. Xin Zimo shook his head. As he helped her pick up the blanket, he gently touched her cheek.

"Get up and eat, " Xin zimo whispered into her ear.

Du Anran did not move. She only smacked her lips as if she was having a beautiful dream. She did not know if it was because her voice was too soft or because she was sleeping too deeply.

Xin Zimo's lips curled into a smile. He liked Du Anran very much.

His hand caressed her cheek and hair. The light fragrance on her body still captivated him. He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her lips. That was his mark.

However, the more he kissed her, the more he could not control himself. He was no longer satisfied with the lingering on his lips. He gently pried open her teeth and began to entangle deeply with her.

Du Anran was awakened by his kiss. When she opened her eyes, she saw Xin Zimo's handsome but not cold face. She recalled the nightmare she had in his office that night. She pushed him away with all her strength.

Unexpectedly, this time, Xin Zimo did not entangle with her and let go of her. He placed his hands beside her and looked at her face with an uninterested look. "Don't worry, I'm so hungry that I don't have any strength left. "

Du Anran blinked, as if she did not understand what he said. Xin Zimo saw that she was really stupid and had no choice but to pull her up. "Aren't you hungry at all? It's already 12:35 in the afternoon! "

"I JUST WANT TO SLEEP! " Du Anran angrily broke away from his hand and wanted to lie down again.

Xin Zimo was quick-witted. He pulled her into his arms and carried her out of the room. He said shamelessly along the way, "did you like the way I woke you up just now? "

"Why haven't you left yet? " Du Anran was very surprised by his appearance.

"If I leave, who will cook for you? Do you want to starve to death? "

"I don't want you to care! " Du Anran shouted angrily again. What did he mean by that? Did he treat her like a toy?

The hand that was holding du Anran trembled. Xin Zimo calmed down and restrained himself from quarreling with her. He still smiled apologetically and said, "let's talk after we finish eating! "

Du Anran jumped down and pointed at the sumptuous lunch table. "Who knows if this is another hongmen banquet! " She had to be wary of Xin Zimo.

"Hongmen banquet? I worked hard to cook for the whole morning, and you say this is a Hongmen banquet? " Xin Zimo was furious. He was really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing how to appreciate a good person.

"delivery, right? " Du Anran ridiculed. He knew how to cook Even if he knew how to cook, would he cook for her for no reason? "..."ever since she was fooled by him until she was completely naked, she had always been more calculative toward him.

"Fine, you don't want to eat, right? If you don't want to eat, I'LL EAT! " Xin Zimo was so hungry that he did not have the strength to argue with her. He rolled his eyes at Du Anran, sneered, and ignored her.

Holding back her hunger, Du Anran glanced at him, then at the table of dishes. Without turning her head, she walked back into the room.

"COME BACK! " Xin Zimo looked at her back and put down his chopsticks. He really did not give him any face.

Du Anran pretended not to hear him. With a bang, she closed the door and locked it from the inside, not leaving any room for Xin Zimo. She was determined not to see him. Since he had forced her into a corner, she did not need to look at his face.

"Bang, Bang, Bang" Xin zimo knocked on the door a few times. Du Anran pretended not to hear him and covered herself with the blanket to cover her ears.

"Good, Du Anran, you've become ambitious, haven't you? You Dare to look at me? Then just you wait! " Xin Zimo was full of anger. He hated it the most when others looked at him.

Du Anran covered her ears with all her strength, but Xin Zimo's words still reached her ears. She hid under the blanket and did not move. She curled up into a ball. She waited. Between them, there should have been an end a long time ago... ...

Xin Zimo ate his meal alone on the table in anger. He really did not like the taste of food, so he stopped eating after a few bites. He had been busy for the whole morning. It was one thing to be called a delivery person, but that person did not appreciate it at all!

He was not in a bad mood today, but she insisted on forcing him to be angry. Since she refused to come out, he would wait outside. If she had the ability, she would never come out!

Du Anran, who was hiding under the blanket, originally wanted to come out after there was no movement outside, but after thinking about it, Xin Zimo would not let it go so easily. With that thought, there was no hope left, so she simply covered her face and fell asleep.

Xin zimo waited for a few minutes and felt that Du Anran would definitely not come out. If he continued to wait like this, it would be too late, and her mother, Bai Ruyun, would be back soon. Thinking of this, he could only quietly call Sun Ping.

After hearing what Xin Zimo meant, Sun Ping was dumbfounded. "CEO Xin, are you trying to scam me again? "

"Scam your sister! " Xin Zimo's face was full of black lines.

"Miss Du is not my sister, " Sun Ping mumbled softly.

"Don't be long-winded, HURRY UP! "

In the room, Du Anran had just fallen asleep when she was woken up by a phone call. She did not want to pick it up, but seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she remembered something about work and braced herself to pick it up.

"Hello, this is Du Anran. "

"Miss Du, my company has an interview at two in the afternoon. Are you free to come? "

"Yes, I'm free, " Du Anran said quickly, "but... May I ask which company you are from... "

"XXX company, take subway line 1. "

"I don't think I've submitted my resume to your company... " Du Anran was a little suspicious. In fact, she didn't remember it clearly. After submitting countless resumes for so many days, she was already confused.

"We're a foreign-funded enterprise. Recently, we happened to be looking for talents. We saw your resume on the Internet and thought that you're quite suitable. We want you to come over and try it. If you're really not free, that's fine too. "

"Two o'clock, right? I'LL BE THERE ON TIME! " A foreign-funded enterprise. No matter how bold Xin Zimo was, no matter how much money he had, he wouldn't be able to reach that foreign enterprise.

Du Anran sat up in a hurry. It was almost time. It would be late by the time she got there by bus. She had to hurry. However, after she put on her clothes, she realized that she had overlooked an important issue. Xin Zimo was still at her house!

"haunting... " Du Anran cursed in a low voice.

After pacing back and forth in the room for a long time, she did not know if Xin Zimo was still there. With his personality, she would definitely not have a good ending if she really went out, let alone an interview.

While hesitating, Du Anran thought of a good idea. She could climb out of the window.

The room was on the first floor. There would not be any problems if she jumped down. She did as she was told. Du Anran first threw her shoes down, then she took a stool and jumped down from the window. However, the moment she jumped down, the stool was accidentally knocked down and made a loud noise.

Du Anran quickly lowered her head and hid in the bushes. She felt so guilty that she looked like a thief. Seeing that there was no movement, she bent over and walked out of the bushes. After walking out, she could go around a small river and walk back to the main street. Du Anran was happy, but she did not know who it was.

Along the way, du Anran's heart was pounding. This was her own home Why was she afraid that Xin zimo would be so scared... ...

Du anran picked up her shoes and tiptoed forward. Soon, she would reach the small river. After going around it, she would be able to leave smoothly.

"Are you going for an interview? " Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from behind her. It was deep and cold.

"Ah! " Du Anran was so scared that she quickly turned her head. It was Xin Zimo She was so scared that she kept stepping back. "How... how... are... you... here... "