Chapter 74, who did he love more

She had thought that she had lost them, but now, they really appeared in front of her eyes again.

Du Anran stood in front of the flowers without moving, unwilling to move her feet. She wanted to wait until the banquet was over before asking mother Xin for them back. After all, these were her precious things.

"Everyone, get ready. The ribbon-cutting ceremony is about to begin! " The emcee shouted outside the shop.

Du Anran came back to her senses and found that she was the only one left in the surroundings. The Xin family had never treated her as a guest before. That was true. Not to mention the Xin family, in City A, who else would treat her as a rich young lady... ...

She stood behind the crowd and watched everything in front of her. As the main character, Chi Xue stood beside mother Xin, cutting the ribbon and congratulating the shop with a few high-class socialites, wealthy businessmen, and officials.

Ribbons, flowers, and balloons filled the sky, and the sound of joy rose and fell. A few young ladies brought the celebration cake, blew out the candles together, and made a wish.

Chi Xue was very happy, and her face was full of smiles. She was like a simple and elegant yellow peony, standing in the middle of the crowd. She was generous and beautiful, stunning the entire crowd. However, there was an additional regret in her heart. In the end, Xin Zimo did not come over.

Just as the etiquette young ladies announced the end of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, a deep and cold voice that did not lose its gentleness rang out from the crowd. "Am I late? "

Everyone's gaze then fell on the front. They saw Xin zimo calmly walk down from a black Mercedes and nod slightly at the crowd.

Chi Xue immediately walked over and held onto Xin zimo's arm. He had finally arrived. "You're late. You'll be fined three glasses later! "

"three glasses isn't enough. Three bottles are more like it! " The girl with a particularly good tolerance immediately shouted.

"brother Zimo hasn't been well recently. Don't force him. " Chi Xue stood beside Xin Zimo and smiled. The white pearls in her ears swayed back and forth with her body.

"Sister Chi, you're already protecting him even before he drinks. Then you'll have to get drunk later! "

"Xiao Tong, don't mess around. Your sister Chi's heart will ache later! "

"What are you talking about! " Chi Xue said angrily. Her face had long turned red.

Xin Zimo's lips curved into a smile. "Don't blame me for bullying the little girl when the time comes. "

"Sure, I don't believe that so many of us can't win against CEO Xin! " Xiao Tong said with a smile.

Du Anran looked at everything in front of her silently, and the corners of her mouth curved into a smile. If they had nothing to do with her, how great would that be? Everything in this world would still be so beautiful.

She stood at the back of the crowd and looked at Xin Zimo and Chi Xue, who were surrounded by the crowd. One wore a light yellow shoulder-length gown with a bright smile, and the other wore a black suit with an elegant gentleman. They were, just as mother Xu had said, so well-matched... ...

She smiled and wished them well. If it was possible, she hoped that they would grow old together forever.

However, for some reason, there was a hint of bitterness in her heart.

She had wanted to leave after lunch, but she appeared so abrupt and strange that she did not fit in with the entire crowd. She did not have any friends here, and no one came to talk to her. Everything had nothing to do with her. She found an excuse and wanted Mama Xu to tell Mama Xin that she had left first.

However, before she could leave the shop, a etiquette lady came up to her and said that Mama Xin had invited her to go to the restaurant.

"Miss Du, it's better for you not to decline. No matter how important the matter is, it's better to put it aside. Madam invited you over because of the blood transfusion you gave Miss Chi last time. She's quite grateful to you, " mother Xu advised.

Mother Xu had actually made it very clear. Mother Xin had invited her not because she thought highly of her, but because she didn't want to owe her a favor.

Du Anran really couldn't refuse, so she could only nod. However, every time she mentioned the blood transfusion, she felt as if there was a huge stone blocking her heart.

In the restaurant, she was arranged to sit at an unimportant table. She did not care about these things. In fact, the more unknown she was, the better. It was best if no one noticed her.

The people sitting at the same table were people she did not know. She did not know if they did not know her either. However, she kept her head down. She was either in a daze or sending text messages to her few good friends. She was just killing time... ...

Chi Xue was still the main character at the banquet. She toasted everyone in turn and chatted merrily. Meanwhile, Xin Zimo had been sitting beside Chi Xue the whole time. There was a faint smile on his face. Sometimes, he would go toasting with Chi Xue side by side.

Du Anran remembered that Xin Zimo did not like such occasions in the past. There were several times when she went to meet a client with her uncle and asked him to accompany her, but he declined. Later on, she thought that it was his nature and did not disturb him anymore. Now, it seemed that it was not... ...

Du anran finished the red wine in front of her and stopped looking at Chi Xue and Xin Zimo. They had nothing to do with her, so she did not need to care about what happened to them.

Her phone vibrated. It was a text message from Liu Wanwan. Du Anran opened it. "Sister Anran, remember to drink less. Do you want me to pick you up? ".

Du Anran pressed two words. "No need. ".

After a few seconds, Liu Wanwan replied, "sister Anran, President Jin is sick. He didn't come to the news agency for the whole day yesterday. Do you want to go and see him? You haven't seen him for almost a month. ".

Du Anran hesitated for a few minutes. He... ... Is he sick ? ?

She wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote. In the end, Du Anran only replied, "I know. ".

Whether she should go and see him or not, she was actually very conflicted in her heart. She put away her phone and looked up. Coincidentally, she saw Chi Xue Holding Xin Zimo's arm as she walked past their table with red wine in her hand. His love and career were both very successful, but she had nothing.

Yet, he still would not let her have it easy... ...

During that meal, Du Anran did not know how much wine she had drunk. Her tolerance for alcohol was already very low. Once the meal was over, everything was forgotten, and she was still dragged back to the hotel room.

"She can't drink, so she doesn't know how to drink less! " A wife frowned and said.

"I don't know if she used alcohol to drown her sorrows. "

"What's there to worry about? Didn't Shihe pay off a huge debt? " Someone said disdainfully "I heard from others that this Du Anran is probably the mistress of a rich man, or a lover. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to pay off so many debts. "

"Now that you mention it, I remember. Shihe also paid off the money he owed our family last month! "

"That's right. If you do the math, the money he owed your family alone should be five million! "

"then have you guys heard that he was kept by some rich businessman? Is he the son of the Mayor's family? " The group of women started to gossip again.

Everyone shook their heads. "I don't know, but from the looks of it, his family background shouldn't be shallow. "

"What are the sisters talking about? " After the banquet ended, Chi Xue still couldn't leave Xin Zimo. She held his arm and walked back and forth. There was a smile on her face, and it didn't change from the beginning to the end.

When everyone saw that Chi Xue and Xin Zimo had arrived, they did not talk about Du Anran anymore. Instead, they started to gossip about Chi Xue and Xin Zimo with smiles.

It was not until the sky was getting dark that everyone slowly dispersed. One car after another started to leave the restaurant. Chi Xue was all smiles as she sent everyone off. She was so tired that her back ached. After sending off the last batch of people, she hid in Xin Zimo's arms and acted coquettishly without any strength.

"brother Zimo, I'm so tired today. Are you tired? "

"I'm tired. " This kind of exchange of favors was tiring from the body to the heart. How could he not be tired.

"I've only drunk during the day and haven't eaten my fill. I'm so hungry now... " Chi Xue was also a little tipsy. Her face flushed red.

"Go back and ask mother Xu to make some snacks for you. " Xin Zimo supported her, wanting to send her back.

"Don't leave me... " Chi Xue hugged him tightly, unwilling to let go. She was afraid that once she let go, he would leave her. "Can you accompany me home... "

"Let the chauffeur send you back. I still have things to deal with. "

"No, you send me back... " tipsy, Chi Xue found it increasingly difficult to extricate herself. She hid in Xin Zimo's chest, raised her head, and looked at his slightly furrowed brows.

The night was like water. The light shone on Xin Zimo's handsome face. Chi Xue stared into his eyes and could not help but stand on Tiptoe, wanting to kiss him.

Xin Zimo almost instinctively rejected her. He pushed her away slightly. "It's late. Hurry up and go back. Sun Ping is still waiting for me to go over. "

Chi Xue trembled. The wind blew and she sobered up. Realizing that she had lost her composure, she lowered her head and did not speak again. She thought that just like what mother Xin had said, Zimo had been moved by her. But now, he was not even willing to give her a kiss.

"I'm tired. " Xin Zimo walked to his car and opened the door to get in. Chi Xue did not follow him, so he smiled at her. Chi Xue waved her hand.

She thought that many things were too simple for her to understand. And what was the real intention of this man in front of her... ...

Xin Zimo drove away, but he did not go far. In a remote corner of the city, he called the hotel manager.

"Is du Anran still there? "

"Yes, Miss Du is still there. "

"take good care of her, I'll go over later. "

"Yes, got it. "

Xin zimo parked the car in the dark and looked at the tall restaurant. His gaze stopped at a certain floor. In the bustling city, he quietly lit a cigarette.

When du Anran woke up, it was already an hour later. She had a splitting headache and a faint pain in her stomach. She regretted drinking so much. She did not know how she dared to drink so much in such a strange place.

Today, she felt as if there was a stone blocking her heart. She was so depressed that she could not breathe.

She ran into the bathroom to wash her face. She looked at herself in the mirror, whose face was pale and without any color. She was like a wax figure, not angry at all.

Looking at the time, it was already past 11 o'clock at night. There were several calls from her mother on her phone, as well as a text message from Liu Wanwan.

She did not know whether her mother was asleep or not. She tried to call her mother back. Fortunately, her mother answered.

"Mom, the company has been working overtime. I have been busy until now. I will go home immediately. " She lied. Now, she would not even blink when she lied. She did not know when she had become like this.

More than a month had passed, but she did not tell her mother that she was working at the Xin Corporation. She did not dare to say. Only Jin Shaonan knew, but Jin Shaonan never interfered with her again. He was probably desperate for her.

She had become like this. She was neither human nor ghost. She had been treated coldly. She hated herself the most... ...

Bai Ruyun did not suspect anything. Du Anran tidied up a little and left the room. Before she left, she remembered that the restaurant was not far from Chi Xue's shop. She did not forget that her Sapphire Chrysanthemum and rouge dianxue were still in Chi Xue's shop.

However, she did not expect that when she went over, mother Xin had not left yet.

Mother Xin was obviously quite surprised. However, she followed Du Anran's Gaze and looked at the two flowers. She understood everything. She had done all the pretense during the day. At this moment, mother Xin's face did not have much of a good look.

"It's so late. What's the matter? " Mother Xin walked up. She had originally stayed in the shop to help Chi Xue send off the customers and tidy up the shop. She did not expect Du Anran to come over.

"Auntie... " Du Anran's voice was not loud. She was already out of strength. "I want to ask, are these two autumn chrysanthemums from the DU family's villa? "

"You mean these two? " Mother Xin asked despite knowing the answer. She pointed at the Sapphire Chrysanthemum and rouge on the snow. "I asked someone to bring them back from abroad a few days ago. Why, do you want them? "