Chapter 75

Du Anran frowned and picked up a pot. "Auntie, these two autumn Chrysanthemums belong to the DU family. My German name is on the bottom of this Sapphire Chrysanthemum Pot. "

"really? " Mother Xin looked provocative. "So what? "

Du Anran picked up another pot of rouge and touched the snow. She frowned. "They are my favorite flowers. How can you take other people's things? "

"Your things? " Mother Xin laughed. "Even the DU family's villa and Shihe belong to the Xin family. What else do you have? "

"Auntie, I'm not here to quarrel with you. I just want to take back my things, " Du Anran said calmly, carrying the Flower Pot and walking out.

"Alright, the show is over. There's no one else here. I don't need to be polite to you anymore. PUT DOWN THE FLOWERS! " Mother Xin said coldly.

Du Anran ignored mother Xin and walked out with her back facing her.

Mother Xin knew that she would not go along with her wishes. She took a few steps forward and knocked the two pots of flowers onto the ground. With a "clang" , the flower pot shattered and the two flowers fell to the ground along with the soil.

"The more you want something, I would rather destroy it than give it to you! " Mother Xin looked at Du Anran's instantly Pale face and sneered.

Du Anran squatted down and touched the Sapphire Chrysanthemum and rouge that she used to love the most. She raised her head and her eyes were red. "Why did you do this? Why! "

"because I don't want to see you and Bai Ruyun better off... " mother Xin smiled sinisterly. Her face was filled with a terrifying chill. "This is just the beginning. If you have patience, we'll see. "

"What exactly do you want to do to be willing to let us go? " Du Anran looked at her and gritted her teeth.

"I've given you many chances to leave city a, but you don't seem to appreciate it. You even tried to seduce my son. Since you want revenge so badly and want to avenge your past shame, then I'll play with you until the end! " Mother Xin's eyes widened She said fiercely.

Du Anran shook her head. "If you think so, I have nothing to say. I'm a weak woman. If I want to avenge my past shame, I'm afraid I won't have the chance. Shihe and my uncle will never come back. We just want to live a peaceful and peaceful life. You have your high and mighty status, and I have my street life. We will go our separate ways. And... ... ..

Du Anran paused. "and... Xin Zimo, I don't love him anymore. He and I have been passers-by for a long time. The current him is beyond my reach... "

"passer-by? " Mother Xin found it very funny "He would pay off a huge debt for the uncle of a passer-by? He would send people to protect a passer-by in secret? He would not eat or drink for a few days and nights just for a passer-by? He thinks he can hide these things from others, but he can't hide them from me! "

Du Anran did not know what mother Xin said. It turned out that he was the one who paid off all of his uncle's debts. No wonder no one came to ask for his debts anymore. But she would not be grateful to him. If it were not for him, his uncle would not have owed so much, and would not... ... Walk down a dead end ...

"Then how would you believe it? " Du Anran looked up at this unbelievable woman. She even suspected that this woman's psychology was seriously twisted.

"I know what kind of person my son is. " Mother Xin said in a relieved tone, "how about this, you know Han Yuan too. He just happens to not have a girlfriend. He is ZIMO's cousin. His family background and talent are not inferior to Zimo's. It is not a loss for you to marry Han Yuan. "

"Why do you want to arrange a marriage for me? " Du Anran did not expect mother Xin to say such words. She had almost no contact with Han Yuan, let alone a relationship. No matter what, it was not mother Xin's turn to arrange it.

"Don't refuse a toast only to be forced, " mother Xin warned. "other than marrying Han Yuan, which can make me completely at ease, I will never trust you! "

She could not believe that Du Anran would not seduce Xin Zimo anymore, nor would she believe that Xin Zimo would not keep in touch with Du anran anymore. Han Yuan was Zimo's cousin and Zimo's most trusted younger brother. Only du Anran married Han Yuan and became Zimo's younger sister-in-law Only then did she believe that Xin Zimo would not provoke du Anran.

Du Anran instantly understood mother Xin's intentions. She smiled coldly. "You're going to betray Han Yuan for your son? "

"Don't think that I can't tell. That Kid Han Yuan once asked me about you indirectly. I guess he's not completely uninterested in you. It's just that he's not persistent because of his brother's feelings. Now, if he has my support, he definitely won't let go. So, this isn't called betrayal,"mother Xin said lightly.

"You're always so self-righteous. Han Yuan won't be willing. What era is it now? You're still thinking about these tricks. It's really laughable. " Du Anran shook her head. Although she did not have much interaction with Han Yuan, she understood Han Yuan's personality.

"You're not willing? Fine, I've given you enough face, and I've also given you a way out. In the future, don't blame me for being merciless. " Mother Xin's words were fierce, and her shrewd eyes shone fiercely under the indoor light.

Suddenly, the door of the shop was pushed open, and a gust of cold wind accompanied Xin Zimo's cold voice. "What's going on? "

As soon as he entered the shop, he saw wolves everywhere. There was mud, broken porcelain pieces, and two autumn chrysanthemums drooping on the ground. Meanwhile, Du Anran was squatting on the ground. Her eyes were red, and her hands were still stained with mud.

When mother Xin saw that it was Xin Zimo who had come, she did not speak anymore. She just crossed her arms with her head held high and looked at Du anran quietly.

"Get up! " Xin Zimo half squatted down and helped du Anran up. He helped her wipe the mud off her hands and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. He said with a mixture of reproach and heartache, "how did it end up like this? "

Du Anran avoided his hand and avoided his gaze.

Xin zimo's mother scoffed at the side and looked at her son and DU anran silently.

Xin Zimo saw du Anran's attitude and sighed in his heart. No matter in front or behind, she would never give him face.

He could only look at the flowers on the ground. He recognized these two pots of autumn chrysanthemums. They were the two flowers placed on du Anran's balcony. One was a Sapphire Chrysanthemum, and the other was a rouge with snow. They were both rare flower seeds, and these two were the kings of the flowers. Their colors were pure There were no mixed colors.

No wonder when she went back to the DU family's house that day, there was something wrong when she went to the balcony.

Xin Zimo pieced together the whole story and roughly understood what was going on. He quietly bent down, carefully held the two pots of flowers, and then put them in a bag. In the entire shop, there was only the sound of Xin Zimo's small movements. No one said anything.

After everything was done, Xin Zimo walked to Xin zimo's mother and quietly said, "mom, I will change the locks of the Du family's villa tomorrow. "

After saying that, Xin zimo ignored mother Xin's ugly expression and handed the bag of flowers to Du Anran. "I don't know if you can still live. "

"thank you. " Du Anran took the bag and thanked her. Then, she turned around and prepared to leave Chi Xue's shop.

"Wait. " Mother Xin called out to Du Anran. She casually walked to Du Anran and looked at her son. "I have something to tell you. "

Du Anran knew that mother Xin was going to reveal her cards. If this continued, Mother Xin would definitely have a knot in her heart. She would definitely not believe her promise.

Mother Xin first said to Xin Zimo, "didn't you already go back? Why did you still come to the shop? " In fact, she roughly knew the reason, but she still wanted Xin Zimo to tell her the truth personally.

Xin Zimo did not plan to lie to mother Xin anymore. The last time in the garden, his attitude was already very clear. Although he treated Du Anran as if he was estranged, it was indeed to protect her. The time was not ripe yet, and he did not want to push her into the center of the storm.

"I did come back for her. I won't be at ease if she is alone in the hotel. " Xin zimo looked at Du Anran's side profile. Her Haggard appearance made his heart ache.

"Zimo, do you know that some people won't appreciate your kindness? " Mother Xin mocked.

"I don't need her to appreciate my kindness. " Xin Zimo was calm and rational. However, when he looked at Du Anran, his gaze was filled with tenderness and gentleness.

It turned out that there would be a day when he would love her so much.

Du Anran did not know if she should stay here anymore. She could not understand Xin Zimo more and more than ever.

Mother Xin had long understood Xin Zimo's intentions. That was why when he had a fever and refused to see a doctor, she would compromise and let du Anran come over. After that, the "good show" that Xin Zimo and Chi Xue put on was obviously for others to see. In his heart, he probably did not leave any room for anyone.

"Then today, I will help you ask her whether she is willing to marry you. " Xin Zimo's mother looked at them mercilessly. She finally understood that her son was simply wishful thinking.

In fact, Xin Zimo did not need Xin Zimo's mother to ask. He already knew what kind of answer du Anran would give him. He was afraid of the feeling of heartache. During this period of time, this kind of feeling had appeared frequently. It had long made him feel heartache, as if a knife was twisting his head.

"enough. This is between me and her. Mother doesn't need to worry about it! " Xin Zimo did not wait for Du Anran to answer.

"You're afraid of hearing her answer, right? " Xin Zimo's mother Mercilessly Tore Open Xin Zimo's wound. "I can tell you clearly that the two of you won't have a good ending. "

Xin Zimo's heart palpitated, and his tone was cold. "mother, it's getting late. You'd better go back and rest! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled Du Anran, who was in a daze, and pulled her out. Du Anran's hand hurt from his pull. She wanted to shake him off, but she could not break free.

"I'll send you back. " He did not care whether du Anran agreed or not. He stuffed her into the car like a rag doll.

"I don't want you to send me back. I can take a taxi back! " Du Anran wanted to open the car door, but the car door was immediately locked by Xin Zimo.

"You have to reject me for everything... " Xin Zimo's eyes suddenly became gloomy and dejected. There was no light in his eyes, and there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

Du Anran, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was stunned. She did not struggle anymore. She put down her hand on the car window and quietly fastened her seatbelt.

Xin Zimo was relatively speechless. He looked at the road ahead and quietly started the car.

Halfway through the car, Du Anran's stomach suddenly hurt. She had drunk too much during the day and had been holding it in. She had thought that she would be better after she took the medicine when she got back. She did not expect that she would not be able to hold on any longer. She was in great pain halfway through the car.

Du Anran had been holding her stomach, and her brows were furrowed. She did not ask Xin Zimo to stop the car. She wanted to hold on for a while longer.

Xin zimo still noticed Du Anran's abnormality. He turned his head and saw Du Anran, whose face was Pale. The hair on her forehead was wet with sweat.

"Your stomach is uncomfortable again? I made you drink so much during the day... " Xin zimo quickly stopped the car by the roadside.

In fact, his eyes were on her every move during the day. He did not even have the chance to persuade her as he watched her drink from Cup to cup.

The wine that she drank began to surge up and her stomach churned. Du Anran gritted her teeth in pain. Xin Zimo opened the car door, and Du Anran immediately jumped out of the car. She squatted by the roadside and vomited.

The cold autumn wind blew on her body, and it was particularly piercing. Du Anran hugged her arms tightly and shivered. When she finished vomiting, tears uncontrollably flowed down from the corners of her eyes.