Chapter 93, strange men

However, when Xin Zimo got off the car and stood in front of this group of idlers, he stared at them and swept his cold gaze across them. "whoever dares to stir up trouble in the future, don't even think about going back to stone gate alley. "

Sure enough, when the group of people saw the look in Xin Zimo's eyes, they immediately fell silent. They quickly called out to their friends, "go, go, it's great that you're rich! "

Du Anran tugged at the corner of his shirt. "Don't scare them. They're just casually saying that. They're all very kind people. "

"If you don't learn how to protect yourself, you'll be the one at a disadvantage! " Xin Zimo said unhappily.

"I'm already used to it. " Du Anran mumbled and said to him, "I'm going in. You should go back as soon as possible. "

"Aren't you going to invite me in for dinner? " Xin zimo looked at her leisurely.

Du Anran really didn't have such thoughts. She had lied in the office, but in fact, she didn't even know if her mother was at home. She pretended to be calm. "The house is a mess, and the place is small. I'll invite you in another day when I'm done cleaning up. "

Fortunately, Xin Zimo did not force her. He smiled. "Then I'll wait. "

Just as Du Anran was about to go in, Xin Zimo took advantage of her lack of attention to hug her from behind and kiss her neck.

The wet and hot kiss made the unprepared Du Anran tremble. She said in embarrassment, "there are still people outside. I'll go in first! "

She broke away from his embrace and ran into the house quickly. It was better for them to be less entangled. She really did not want to bear the name of "mistress" and "lover" .

Xin zimo looked at her flustered back and felt a sense of loss. He stood in the cold wind for a moment before driving away from Stone Gate Alley.

Du Anran stood in the corner and saw that Xin Zimo's car had left. Only then did she walk out of the House in fear. Her mother had not returned yet. She was really afraid that her lie would be exposed. After all, he hated it when others lied to him.

However, in the future, if he found out that she still had countless things to hide from him, would he fly into a rage.

She casually hailed a taxi. Du Anran temporarily put everything about Xin Zimo aside because there was an even more important question waiting for her to answer.

Who was the man waiting for her at Sky Garden restaurant.

Sky Garden restaurant was expensive. It was one of the few high-end restaurants in City A, and the most famous one was its conference hall. It was famous throughout the entire province. As for the coffee shop, it was a place that only the rich could afford.

This place had been there a few times since Du Anran took over the world, but most of the time, she came with her uncle.

When everything in front of her was bright, Du Anran knew that they had arrived at the restaurant.

The crisscrossing lights shone on the music fountain, reflecting the entire sky into a myriad of colors. Outside the brightly lit restaurant, water gurgled, and sports cars such as Lamborghinis, Maseratis, and Ferraris could be seen everywhere.

Du Anran went straight to the seventh-floor coffee shop. A lady at the front desk asked if she had an appointment. After she reported her name, someone immediately led her to a quiet corner.

"So you're Mr. Xie's guest. If you need anything, just let me know. " The waitress was very nice.

"Mr. Xie? which Mr. Xie is it? " Du Anran asked.

"Long Time no see. Miss Du, don't you remember me? " Before the waitress could answer, a man about the same age as Xin Zimo stood up.

The Crystal Chandelier at the top emitted a gentle light that shone on his body. He was wearing a black suit, which made his face clearly defined. When the corners of his lips rose, he had a natural charm. Unlike Xin Zimo's cold charm and Jin Shaonan's generosity, he had a gentlemanly elegance, but also a powerful aura, which made people shudder.

The waiter gave him a slight signal and left. Du Anran stood at the side and stared at him for a few seconds. Then she frowned and asked, "you are... Xie Chenjin? "

"fortunately, you still remember me. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed. " Xie chenjin smiled and invited Du Anran to sit opposite him elegantly.

He sized up Du Anran. Today, she was wearing a light purple dress. Her hair was in the back, and her eyes were as bright as stars. However, her eyes were less flamboyant than those of her peers, and more calm. Her smile was very beautiful, especially when she smiled. It made the surrounding lights lose their color.

"We don't seem to have met many times. " The reason why du Anran still remembered him was purely because her uncle had signed a large contract with the Xie Bank. However, on the day of the signing of the contract, Xie Chenjin stopped the entire contract.

Everyone was puzzled, but as the eldest son of the Xie family, Xie Chenjin had enough power to speak. He even paid a large sum of compensation to Shihe to stop the signing of the contract.

Later on, when Shihe went bankrupt, everyone praised the eldest son of the Xie family for his wisdom. Du Anran also remembered this person.

However, this had already happened a year ago. She still could not guess the reason why Xie Chenjin looked for her today.

"Yes, Miss Du is even more beautiful than a year ago. " What others said was frivolous, but when he said it, it was appropriate.

"thank you. " Although in his previous life, he had a grudge with the Xie family, and even because the Xie family did not borrow the money, Shihe had a serious internal economic crisis, the matter was in the past. Now, Shihe was also gone Everything seemed meaningless.

"What do you want to drink? " Xie Chenjin's actions were perfect. He was well-educated.

"No need. " Du Anran smiled. "Mr. Xie invited me over. He must have something to say to me. "

"Miss Du is a smart person. At least you didn't reject me today. " Xie Chenjin elegantly reached out his slender hand to pick up the coffee and smiled.

"In terms of intelligence, I'm not one-thousandth as smart as Mr. Xie. " Du Anran smiled. Yes, if a person was not smart enough, why would he have the foresight to stop the signing of the entire contract at the critical moment of signing the contract.

"You flatter me. If you really want to calculate the word 'smart' in detail, I'm afraid that no one in city a is as smart as you. " Xie Chenjin smiled "A man who can even use his love and marriage as a bet. I really can't think of anything that he can't do. "

"Mr. Xie didn't invite me over just to talk about an irrelevant person, right? " Du Anran frowned.

"Miss Du is quite straightforward. Okay, then I'll tell you the purpose of inviting Miss Du over tonight, " Xie Chenjin said.

Du Anran listened attentively. She was waiting for Xie Chenjin's next words because she really couldn't guess what kind of relationship she had with Xie Chenjin.

"I told you on the phone today that your father had a huge amount of savings. I don't know if you still remember, " Xie Chenjin said slowly.

"because the construction site had an accident and could not provide a huge amount of compensation, all of my father's savings have been frozen by the court. There is no such thing as savings. " Du Anran sneered.

"You underestimate your father too much, " Xie Chenjin explained "Your father still has a huge amount of money with the Xie family. Because the Xie family is a private bank, the court is unable to find out about this amount of money. We have also done our duty to keep it a secret. "after your father passed away, it was your uncle, Du Yuantong, who managed this sum of money. But later, your uncle was forced into a dead end and was unable to repay the debt. This sum of money... ... was taken away by Xin Zimo."

Seeing du Anran's shocked expression, Xie Chenjin lowered his voice. "You must know that this sum of money is not small. Including the interest, it is a total of 89 million yuan. "

Du Anran had never thought that her father still had such a huge sum of money. She also did not expect that all of the money had already fallen into Xin Zimo's hands.

"Is what you said true? " Du Anran did not comment, her face was full of doubt.

"It's true, but this money has already been transferred to Xin Zimo's name. I couldn't bear to see you being kept in the dark, so I told you the truth. "

Du Anran was not too emotional. She smiled indifferently. "My uncle's gambling debt was paid by him, so I'll treat it as if we're even. There's no point in pursuing this money. "

"Miss Du is calmer and more generous than I thought. " Xie Chenjin did not have much contact with Du Anran, but he was really impressed by her magnanimity just now.

"What about my uncle? " Du Anran asked.

"although your uncle was cornered, he would not have committed suicide. After all, he was someone who had worked hard in the business for decades. Moreover, Xin Zimo helped your uncle pay off all his gambling debts. He had no reason to commit suicide, " Xie Chenjin said slowly.

"So you mean... "

"The last straw to crush your uncle is guilt, " Xie Chenjin said calmly "before your uncle committed suicide, Xin Zimo had a conversation with him. Xin Zimo said that the DU family had brought this upon themselves and he would not let it go. Your uncle was under too much pressure and was afraid of implicating the both of you, so he committed suicide. "

"Why should I believe you? " Du Anran said, "if it's really like you said, why would Xin Zimo still pay off my uncle's debt? "

"You can think that he loves you. " Xie chenjin smiled faintly. "But that's all I can tell you. Whether you believe it or not, it's all up to you. Just like with Xin Zimo, whether you believe it or not, it's all up to you. "

"then why are you telling me all this? "

"because... I want to ask Miss Du for help. "

"Help? " Du Anran was very surprised. The Xie family was not weak in city a, and it had always been others who begged the Xie family.

"Don't think that you have nothing now. " Xie Chenjin took a sip of coffee. There was no hidden scheming on his calm face. "But before I say my request, I would like to ask Miss Du a question. What do you want the most now? "

Du anran glanced at the night sky outside the restaurant. The lights were bright and the neon lights were dazzling. The entire city was within her sight. For some reason, her eyes welled up. What did she want... ... This question had not been asked to her for a long time ...

Xie Chenjin stared at her. When he saw the sudden loneliness on her face, his heart skipped a beat.

"I want to hear your honest thoughts. " Xie Chenjin put down the coffee in his hand and looked at her quietly. This was the first time he had sat so close to Du Anran. A year ago, because of the contract, she probably hated him a lot. However, the business world was like a battlefield. The interests of the Xie family were always his first priority.