Chapter 92, what more could one ask for

This sudden kiss carried Xin Zimo's breath, warm and gentle. He gently kissed the corner of her eyebrows, her cheeks, and her Red Lips, indulging in it and unable to extricate himself.

Du Anran closed her eyes, and the space between her brows was filled with forbearance. She once yearned for a love that would last forever, but now, she could no longer afford this love.

"Oh... " when he kissed her earlobe, she let out a soft Moan. Her right hand pinched his arm, and the depths of her heart was full of struggle.

Xin zimo kissed her passionately. The sunlight shone on his face through the floor-to-ceiling window. It was such a beautiful afternoon. He really wanted time to stop at this moment.

As their lips and teeth intertwined, Du Anran used more strength. Xin Zimo felt the pain on his arm and his frown deepened. However, he still did not let go of Du Anran. He kissed her fiercely as well.

This kiss lasted for a long time. It lasted for a full twenty minutes. He only let go of her when he saw that her lips and neck had his mark on them. If not for the board meeting in the afternoon, he would not have let her off so easily.

He placed his hands beside her and looked down at her. Only then did du Anran slowly let go of the hand that was pinching his arm. When she saw the deep look in his eyes, she realized that she had made a mistake again.

He stared at her quietly for a long time before the corners of his lips rose slightly. "Do you know that pinching hurts? "

She did not dare to look at him directly. She only lowered her eyes embarrassedly. "I'm sorry. "

Caught off guard, he kissed her forehead again. "The next time I kiss you, if you still don't know how to respond, I will teach you again and again until you learn. "

Seeing that it was almost time, Xin zimo spared Du Anran. Before he left, he glanced at her. He was quite satisfied with her performance today. He believed that after a long time, he would be able to train her to be an obedient and good wife.

When he thought of this, his lips curved into a smile. If he could marry her in this life, what more could a husband ask for.

After Xin Zimo left, Du Anran, who was on the bed, looked at the european-style Lotus Crystal Chandelier above her head and was silent for a long time.

In the afternoon, after Du Anran slept, someone indeed sent her snow clam soup and some gastric medicine.

"Miss Du, President Xin prepared these for you, " a little girl said "President Xin was afraid that your stomach would be uncomfortable, so he asked someone to bring the medicine for you. He told me to make sure that you ate the snow clam soup. He was afraid that you would be hungry. In addition, the kitchen has prepared chicken soup and appetizer fruits. You can tell me what you want to eat. "

A strange feeling flashed through Du Anran's heart. She smiled and said, "thank you. I just want to eat some snow clam soup. "

"Okay. " The little girl smiled and took the snow clam soup over. She said, "President Xin is still in a meeting, but Secretary Sun came a few times and asked me if you were awake. "

"Did I sleep for a long time... " du Anran touched her forehead and smiled embarrassedly. She had been tortured by her stomach for a long time last night, so she was indeed a little tired today.

"No. But you look much better now than you did at noon. " The little girl looked at her and smiled.

Du Anran saw her glance at her neck, and Du Anran hurriedly pulled her collar. The large number of hickeys must have caused the little girl to have a misunderstanding. She took the snow clam soup unnaturally and chatted with the little girl while eating.

From the conversation, she learned that the little girl had just arrived in city a not long ago and was very simple. She even thought that Du Anran was Xin Zimo's wife, and she knew nothing about Du Anran and Xin Zimo's past.

Du Anran knew that this little girl must have been personally chosen by Xin Zimo to stay in the Xin Corporation. Xin Zimo had always been cautious in doing things, but even so, du Anran still could not understand how Xiao Qingqing and her mother knew that she was his secretary.

Could it be that Xin Zimo had told Xiao Qingqing himself Impossible, it must be impossible.

Du Anran rejected her own idea and did not want to think further. She simply chatted with the little girl for a long time.

When it was three or four o'clock, Du Anran remembered that the precious fish in Xin Zimo's office had not been fed, so she hurriedly left the top floor.

When she arrived at the office, she found that Xin Zimo had not returned. The board meeting this time was probably very important. As usual, Du Anran took the fish food and walked to the fish tank. The fish immediately swam over happily.

"Little Fish, do you think it's okay if I let you go back to the sea? " Du Anran said while lying next to the fish tank and stealing the food.

The fish naturally did not respond. They just scrambled to snatch the food that DU anran threw down.

"It must be very uncomfortable to be trapped in this fish tank without freedom. No matter how good the fish tank is, so what... " Du Anran muttered to herself.

Seeing that the fish were still snatching the food without a care in the world, Du Anran sighed. "You guys don't understand. Actually, how could I understand it myself? Those who are involved are confused. I've always been unable to understand the situation that I'm in. "

Just as Du Anran was focused on looking at the small fish in the fish tank, suddenly, the phone on Du Anran's table rang.

Du Anran had no choice but to put down the fish food and answer the phone. At first glance, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello. "

"Excuse me, is this Miss Du Anran? Are you free at seven o'clock in the evening? How about meeting at the Sky Garden Hotel? " On the other end of the phone was the voice of an unfamiliar man, deep and charming.

"Who are you? " Du Anran was very puzzled. Not many people knew her number, and there were almost no men. This voice was definitely unfamiliar to her.

"You'll know when we meet. " The man seemed to smile.

"I'm sorry, I may not be free. " Du Anran was already a person who did not feel safe.

"Aren't we going to talk about topics that we are both interested in? For example... Your father once saved a sum of money, and you don't want to withdraw it? For example, how your uncle was forced to commit suicide, and for example... "

"Damn! " A storm surged in Du Anran's heart. who was this person, and why did he know these things.

"okay... " the person smiled and said, "then I'll see you at the cafe on the seventh floor of the hotel. "

The other party hung up the phone, but du Anran could not calm down for a long time. She did not have the mood to feed the fish anymore. She just sat in her seat in a daze. After thinking about it, she did not know who else in city a knew about the DU family's secrets, or even some secrets that even she herself did not know.

That afternoon, Du Anran felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. When it was almost time to get off work, Xin Zimo still did not come back. She casually packed her things. Just as she was about to leave the office, Xin Zimo suddenly pressed the password door and entered.

"Are you ready to get off work? " Xin Zimo had a few documents in his hands. He smiled and glanced at Du Anran, then walked to his seat and locked the documents into the password box.

"Yes, it's time, " Du Anran said.

"Are you going to have dinner with me tonight? " Although he was asking for advice, Xin Zimo's tone was as unyielding as ever.

But this time, whether she could refuse or not, Du Anran would not accompany him to this meal. She smiled. She was afraid that Xin Zimo would see through it, but her face was calm. "I can't today. My mother just called to let me go home early. She got off work early today. "

"Oh. " Unexpectedly, Xin Zimo did not continue to pester her. "Then I'll send you home. "

This time, du Anran could not refuse. She could only nod, thinking that it would not be too late for her to go to the hotel after Xin Zimo sent her home.

Xin Zimo and she went down the private elevator to the garage. Du Anran sat in his Mercedes, still feeling uneasy. Fortunately, it was night, so she could try her best to hide her expression. Xin Zimo also seemed to have something on his mind. His face was more serious than during the day, and he was much quieter.

"How was the board meeting today? " Du Anran asked.

"Not good. " Xin Zimo did not say much, and his tone was very calm. But these two words shocked Du Anran.

She knew that the calmer he was, the more he was hiding a storm. As smart as he was, he never did business without confidence. Now that he could say these two words, the whole incident must be extremely bad.

"there is nothing that you can't do. Perhaps it's just a matter of time. Don't take it to heart, " Du Anran said perfunctorily. In fact, she did not know how to comfort him, or even hear him say "not good" .. She should be even happier in her heart.

When he threw the court summons at her and forced her to beg him, didn't she wish for the Xin family to be destroyed as soon as possible and for him to go to hell as soon as possible?

She even cursed him to die a horrible death... ... Yes, a despicable, selfish, and unpredictable devil like him would definitely not have a good ending ...

As she thought of this, her heart trembled, and she felt an intense pain.

Probably because her words just now were too perfunctory, Xin zimo frowned. "In the future, you can not leave the Xin Corporation without my permission. " Today, someone had secretly used Du Anran to threaten him at the board meeting. He really did not know.. If she left his sight, would he still be able to protect her.

"Can I not listen to what you say? " Du Anran said lightly. The Golden Plate Garden Project had not been completed. She, her mother, and her friends were still in City A. if she did not listen to him, he would immediately send her to hell.

Hearing the mockery in her tone, he did not speak again. Give him some more time. When the Xin Corporation had truly established itself in city a, when he had truly found the mastermind who could threaten the Xin Corporation, when he had persuaded his mother, and when she had truly let go of the hatred in her heart. That peaceful day would be the day he announced his marriage to the world. At that time, he would let everyone know that he loved her and that he wanted to marry her.

When he reached home, Du Anran did not let him in. She only let him park his car outside the door. Even so, it still attracted some people's attention.

At night, the Group of people in Stone Gate Alley liked to sit at the door and chat. When they saw such a luxurious car drive in, they immediately attracted many people's attention.

"I told you that this mother and daughter are both mistresses. "

"Nonsense, I don't think so. Didn't they just find a rich boyfriend? Do you have to be so jealous? "

Although it was winter, it did not reduce the enthusiasm of the group of people chatting. When du Anran heard these gossip, she only smiled. Fortunately, Stone Gate Alley was a relatively remote place in city a, and no one knew who she was, let alone that she used to be one of the famous young ladies in City A.

However, it was only a step away from heaven to hell.